The Encounter: #FridayFictioneers

The Encounter: #FridayFictioneers

It’s a rare, sunny morning in Chicago. That special kind of morning when the sun streams right on to your shoulders, and your spirits are simply soaring.

“What a memorable work trip,” thinks Sonia smugly.

“I’ll grab a bite and then binge shop at Bloomingdales.” 

She turns around to eye the building.




A gorgeous hunk stumbles into her, knocking some coffee on her brand new dress. Sonia gapes at his steel, blue eyes; mesmerised, not one bit upset.

“Lo siento, Señorita!!! How can I make up for this?”

“Take me shopping,” she giggles.

He smiles back mysteriously, bemused.





Writing for our lovely host, Rochelle Wisoff-Field’s Friday Fictioneers. Photo prompt: Marie Gail Stratford. Read some fantastic entries to this week’s Friday Fictioneers here.

10 thoughts on “The Encounter: #FridayFictioneers

  1. Dear Natasha,

    Hope she’s not getting herself into deep coffee with a total stranger. 😉 Nicely done.



  2. Close encounters of the coffee kind? Actually once while in college a friend had a crush on a guy and was wondering how to connect with him. I remember suggesting she bump accidentally into him and drop some tea on him. But then we realised that it could be injurious so we thought of a less devious method of meeting him.

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