That Thing About Winters: #MondayMusings

That Thing About Winters: #MondayMusings



So what’s that thing about winters; that special thing that a few of us love to love, and many love to hate? Do you ever wonder what could it be?

GOT(Game of Thrones), the TV series more recently popularised the line, Winter Is Coming” which happens to be the motto of House Stark, one of the Great Houses of Westeros. The meaning behind these words is one of warning and constant vigilance. The Starks, being the lords of the North, strive to always be prepared for the coming of winter, which hits their lands the hardest. No, unfortunately I’m not a GOT fan. Well, I guess I’m queer. Anyways, I just managed to pull out this bit of information from here.

The onset of winters where I live, has been a bit like the way it is predicted in GOT. The New Delhi Capital Region and it’s people have been hit the hardest. The upcoming winters have brought us an air riddled with smog of the highest quality. The AQI (Air Quality Index) has dropped to  hazardous levels,  so much so that senior medical practitioners feel this is a region unfit for living. Here is The Times of India report detailing the same. This is a complete case of national emergency, and there is not much we are able to do. Though the last two days when I walked to the gym at 6 A.M. I was relieved to see the crescent moon smiling back at me. The haze was gone. It was a good sign. But the smog had actually not receded, possibly a bit better than before. I checked the AQI index this morning and was taken aback. It is 293 now and is rated as Very Unhealthy. These days whenever we are outdoors we make sure we wear our Vog masks. They are pretty hip looking-multicoloured, comfortable too and we don’t look like one of those hospital staffs. As a youngster I recollect having watched clips  of the people walking around in masks, in Beijing. I used it find it horrifying. That unfortunately is our reality, here in North India, now.




Sometimes when things don’t go the way we expect them to, we just need to change the script of our lives. That’s my opinion. So while people are on a binge buying spree of Air Purifiers, I went ahead and binge bought air purifying plants for our home. The icing on the cake, they cost me eight times less than air purifiers would, for each room.




Sometimes when things don't go the way we expect them to, we just need to change the script of our lives. Share on X

The smog has been debilitating. I miss my outdoor activities like cycling and running. I was planning to return to my running schedule, after having impulsively invested in an exorbitant pair of running shoes. After all it makes sense to do justice to the money I spent. But looks like till the air quality improves, I will have to be content working out in the gym. I crave to go cycling. Seems like it’s been an eternity and winters are the perfect season for all things outdoor. Oh well, didn’t I just say that the script needed to be changed, so it’s time for indoor workouts now and no cribbing. In the interim I will re-work on my previous years winter script, by doing more stuff indoors which may include some of these:

  1. Read more. My current read is the entire compilation of The Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, a book I have meant to read for an eternity. Thanks to my amazing friends from Books & Beyond they gifted me this master piece on my birthday. So while I’m indoors this winter, I will spend time reading, an activity which unfortunately has slackened a bit in the recent months. Time to get more proactive.
  2. Continue to write diligently: At least three to four posts for my blog. Also to revive my travel writing which has been on the back burner. I have a category called Wanderlust Wednesday dedicated to it and have also written a book, Travel Epiphanies. Time to write more about all my exciting travels. I also intend to participate in some writing contests and work towards publishing my content. I also need to get proactive in promoting my book. I haven’t and a friend once laughed and told me, “Why don’t you just let my author the book. I’ll take the credits for your hard work.”
  3. Whip up More Meals: I’ve rarely been cooking these days. Time to pull up my socks and whip up a storm in the kitchen, more often. Though I got to take it easy, and go with the healthier options, as I’m working on knocking off some extra pounds.
  4. Snuggle up: With my family and furry girls. Perfect season for those fuzzy, heart-warming snuggles, right?
  5. Working out & Eating Healthy, diligently: Yes, that’s a must. Won’t let the winter goodies entice me. Keep the sugar at bay and eat mind fully, that’s my mantra. And however cold it maybe, work out at 6 A.M., five times a week.
  6. Bitten by The Netflix/Hotstar Bug: Unimaginable for a person like me who rarely watched the idiot box. But I’m glued lately. Almost done watching a Season of the American Horror Story. Planning to watch something more realistic now, though horror will always be my favourite genre. But time to switch to some romedy.
  7. When the Smog Clears: Go for some historical walks around Delhi, visit Old Delhi, watch more theater, spend time bonding with nature, carry my flask of tea to the lawn downstairs and read a book or write, or simply be in the moment.




There was a time I used to dislike winters, but over the years I appreciate them, smog or no smog. After all they bring with them a host of newness and variety in our lives. So this winter I will create a script that is memorable and worthwhile.  And like always I will keep in mind Albert Camus’s quote:

“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.”





Linking up with the amazing Corinne Rodrigues




Linking up with the gorgeous Macknezie



9 thoughts on “That Thing About Winters: #MondayMusings

  1. Since I recently started watching GoT, we’ve been throwing The Winter is Coming at each other. In Bangalore, we love our winters which is more pleasant than biting. But the winter produce is so gorgeous. Incidentally my son gifted me Hitchhikers for my birthday recently. Haven’t gotten around to reading it till now. Very sad about the smog bit. Winters are a good time. I have some beautiful memories of my childhood in UP, especially of the food.

  2. I loved that last quote. I met up with an old friend of mine who is now in Alaska and as we got talking she mentioned they had no television. I asked her what did she and her family did for entertainment since it would be too cold for the outdoors. And she said, ‘Oh we find plenty of things to do’. Reading, writing, cooking – almost exactly the things you’ve listed up there. I have some happy memories of winter days back home but here, in this part of the country, we barely have any. Somedays I miss that a bit. The smog is a terrible thing, though. You take care.

  3. I don’t mind winter, there is a lot of lovely snuggling and enjoying hot tea and coffee. I am so sad to hear about how bad the air is, we are so fortunate in Australia and it is hard to imagine what it is like for you. I think getting lots of plants is such a great idea, and not only will it help with the air, but it brings nature into your home which is great for lifting your mood too. You sound so positive and make winter sound so wonderful. If it all gets to much come and holiday at my place, we are headed into the summertime xx Thank you for sharing #mg

  4. Take care .Delhi is going through this problem for a very long time and this year it’s worse.Air purifying plants is an excellent idea.They help me write too.I don’t know how but they do.

  5. I loved that quote at the end!

    Whoa! Delhi seems to have been hit real hard with all the smog! How are you guys taking it, I wonder! WIsh it clears up real soon and you are able to really enjoy the winters.
    I personally love winters. Frankly, it is not winter in the real sense here in Mumbai, but whatever it is, I love it. The pleasantly cool evenings and the lazy mornings, the food I can gorge on like crazy. I always eat like crazy, but more so in winters, I am perpetually hungry!
    I loved your idea of getting indoor plants to purify the air than the air purifiers. They are really not health-friendly!
    And, you enjoy the horror genre!!! You are sure made of steel, you brave girl! I shiver in fright even when I watch a horror flick in day time! 😛

    WIsh you the best for fighting the smoggy winter days. Hope it clears up soon! And, looking forward to reading your book! That’s awesome, Natasha! <3

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