Redemption: #FridayFictioneers

Redemption: #FridayFictioneers

Ed and Jane had put all their life savings in erecting their two storey home. When typhoon  Katrina lashed their city,  their warm, cosy hearth was reduced to a dilapidated structure.

The kids refused to live their anymore. They said it reminded them of that fateful day.

But there was more to it than meets the eye. The occasional sightings under their bed. Their door creaking open at 3 A.M. They had endured it silently, knowing their overtly pragmatic parents would never believe them.

The typhoon was a blessing in disguise and the move to Edmonton their redemption.



Writing for our lovely host, Rochelle Wisoff Field’s  Friday Fictioneers.  Photo prompt: Sandra Crook.  Read some fantastic entries to this week’s Friday Fictioneers here.

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