Hugs and Kisses: #Fiction #FFAW
hugs and kisses
It’s a balmy July afternoon. The fever refuses to abate. Ten-year-old Kate has no other choice, but to play Tic-tac-toe, all by herself. After all Mommy is busy finishing her blog post for the day. Lyka and Leah, the furry girls are grabbing their afternoon snooze and Watson, her twin brother is still at school.
Kate seems to enjoy her own company. She is doubling up for Lyka, her Shitzu as she draws the crosses on the white board. Lyka is fast asleep on the couch opposite her. Kate personally prefers the noughts to the crosses. After all hugs are better than kisses.
“Kisses are kind of invasive”, she feels.
Just then she lets out a loud chuckle. She has managed to nail the noughts.
“Lyka, who needs you in person to play tic-tac-toe, when I can hug and kiss myself in the game.”
Mommy smiles wistfully from across the room. “If that isn’t self-love, then what is.”
Total Word Count: 167
Linking this post to Priceless Joy’s, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. The challenge is to write a flash fiction story or poem in around 100 – 175 words, based on the weekly photo prompt. Thank you Priceless Joy, for this lovely prompt. For more information visit here..
To read other stories based on this week’s prompt, visit here.
19 thoughts on “Hugs and Kisses: #Fiction #FFAW”
Beautifully woven story.
Thank you so much Priya. 🙂
A beautifully woven story with some deeper shades enmeshed in it! Good one, Natasha!
Thank you dear Shilpa. :))
Love the telling of this and the deep message, Nats!
Thanks a bunch dear Corinne <3
Cute take on the prompt. For a large point of time growing up, I was alone so learned to play games like cricket and monopoly with myself.
Oh! how fascinating. Must have taught you so much of self-love and self-reliance. Thank you for stopping by Doc.
such a sweet one, you painted a lovely picture
Thank you so much dear Aks. 🙂
Cute story, Natasha! I like crosses, though hugs are my favorite. 🙂
I am greedy for both Vinitha. Ha! Ha! Thank you for reading. 🙂
Cute one. Perspectives.
Thanks Pratikshya. :)))
What a cute story.Loved the warmth shining through.Its like a sun shining through the story
Thanks so much Doc. I’m glad you enjoyed it. 🙂
Such a sweet adorable story! Very heart touching!
Thank you so much PJ. I’m so glad you liked it. :))
This one’s so beautiful and heart-warming. Loved it.