Lockdown Snippets : #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

Well, this is a hot version and not the cold one.

By yours truly.

Picture Courtesy: Pranay, a very young, enterprising boy. The above friend’s son.

Here are a few things that we have been upto, all during this 21-day lockdown. And yes, there’s more. We work from home diligently every morning from 10 A.M. to about 6 P.M, some times a little more. We also take a lot of reading breaks. And yes, I haven’t watched so much TV in over a decade, as I am watching now. Including the news. Oh! Blimey! Evenings, mostly weekend evenings, are reserved as the family entertainment time- watching a flick or two, or dumb chardes and scrabble if we please. Watched A Star is Born again with the DH and Aladdin with the girls. Both really lovely!
I’ve already baked two kinds of healthy cakes – banana and carrot; both with copious amounts of walnuts, and no refined flour- just healthy oats flour. The younger poppet rustles up a dish or two ever other day. I’m glad I’ve started donning my chef’s hat again. I’d taken a long sabbatical with work getting busier.
Friends and Furry Children
The Zoom calls with friends and family during this lockdown is doing us wonders. It’s been great to connect with some friends I had lost touch with, owing to the busyness of life. It’s a pleasure speaking to all of them, and to know that they are keeping their heads held high.
Another heartwarming sight is to see friends taking time to savour the sunset. I do so too, every single day. Sunrises have taken a backseat for me. I’ve always been an early riser, but this lockdown has given me the liberty to loll in bed till about 7 A.M.
I’m loving the cuddles with my furry girls, Laila and Mishka. I guess they are thrilled to have all of us at home. I love taking them for their short evening walks (amidst the lockdown), and gathering the juicy mulberries that dot the outdoors. The purple Jacarandas are blooming again and their fragrances rises to mingle with the wispy breeze.
I’m extremely grateful to be bestowed with this privileged life amidst the Corona crisis, while multiple health workers and other people toil day and night to heal us and help overcome this grave pandemic.
Take good care everyone. You are in my prayers and thoughts.
Sending you all healing light and immense love. <3 <3
#WordlessWednesday hosted by Esha and yours truly is a weekly blog hop.
Care to join in ? Here’s how you can:
- Post a picture on your blog. It could be from life’s wondrous or wicked moments, your wanderlust days, or simple random shots that caught your fancy, or not.
- And make your post as wordless or wordy as you wish to. Well, we are guessing now you know why we sometimes call ourselves “not-so-wordless Wednesday” too!
- Add our badge to your post and a backlink to our posts.
- We’d love you to read, comment and share the posts linked here and connect with some fascinating bloggers.
Get ready to be deliciously framed!
Have a gratifying #WW!
Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from blogosphere who host #WordlessWednesday
Keith Cathy Kennedy, Betty, Steve, Sandee
31 thoughts on “Lockdown Snippets : #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom”
It’s great to know that you are staying in and staying in touch!
I’m delighted to read your post at ‘My Corner of the World’ this week! Thanks for linking up!
Thanks dear Betty. Always a pleasure to hear from you and see you here. Love and light xo
Glad to know you’re enjoying life, Natasha! You are truly blessed, my friend!!
Enjoy the good life, keep smiling and count your blessings!
Happy #ww and a lovely week ahead to you and yours.
Stay safe and take care,
Thank you dear Esha. Stay safe and happy. God bless. xoxox
Your post is the breath of freshness! Lovely and positive write-up. Stay connected.
Thank you so much for swinging by linking up with us. Yes, will be in touch. Take care.
Loved the photos and that delicious food 🙂
Have a safetastic week
You too Steve. Stay safe and stay your fun self. 🙂
We’ve been retired for years so this lock-down isn’t really affecting us that much. We’ve always been homebodies so this staying at home works for us. We do miss going to the boat though. Soon we hope.
I hope you had a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Stay well, my friend. ♥
I so hear you. Though we aren’t retired yet, but, Sandee each one of us in my family are complete homebodies. So it’s uncanny but we don’t miss a thing, and it’s been over a month now we’ve stayed inside.
I guess it’s the extroverts who are having a tougher time.
Our lockdown got extended to another two weeks. I guess the only thing I miss is going outdoors to cycle and being one with nature. I manage to do a bit of that when I take my furry girls for a quick walk.
Have a fabulous new week, dear Sandee.
Take good care. Much love. <3
Such a positive post amidst all this chaos. By the way, did your 11-year-old actually made those doughnuts?? Unbelievable! So talented, yaar. And yes, the ‘pheti hui coffee’ rang a bell. 🙂
This is truly a period of metamorphosis for all of us. Life is never going to be the same again after this ends. Hopefully, all of us will emerge wiser and with more value for everything that we always took for granted.
Yes, the did. She keeps making unique stuff, inspired always on her own.
Yes, I hope so too and that we don’t go back to taking Mother Nature for granted again. But knowing how we operate chances are tad slim.
As always, you post makes me so happy and positive.
Nice to see you looking at the bright side this lockdown and making the most of it! I’ve been trying my best to get past this in the sanest way possible.
Lots of love!
That I feel is the only way we can tide through this time. Look at the brighter side of life and keep our sanity intact. Enjoying this time to travel inwards, and work on healing parts of us that we never could due to the busyness we were always gripped with.
I’m loving your lockdown snippets on Insta babes. They are absolutely delectable and heart warming. Stay beautiful always. Big love. <3
You are doing great babes. Keep at it. I keep drooling at your food pictures and marvelling at your art.
Take good care sweetheart. Big love. <3
Ah! Glad to hear that you are enjoying family time and keeping sane in these insane times. Stay in and stay safe.
Yes, D, that’s the only way to be and not allow the dark forces to bring us crumbling down to our knees.
You stay safe too, sweetheart. <3
Glad to know that you have adjusted well to your new normal, Natasha.
Soon this nightmare will be behind us
Stay safe!
Absolutely Veronica. Sooner than later, yes. Take good care. Much love.
Beautiful pictures and great quotes!
Thanks dear Priya. Your skies were stellar too. Take care.
Happy to know that you have adjusted well to the required life and appreciate all that it brings, Natasha.
This time shall pass, too.
Stay safe and take care!
Absolutely. Tough times don’t last, tough people do.
How are you doing? What are you doing to keep going between the enormity of the situation?
Photography happening in the times of lockdown?
Take good care, Arvind.
I forgot to tell you about this:
Interesting dear Suzana. Will look it up soon. <3 Thank you
I like a lot the first quote and I hope mankind will understand it!
For a good future!
Yoga is for me only a dream. Even I want to practice and I have some books about it,
I am not sure how to start in my mind… 🙂
Our new host for WW is:
if you want to join!
Happy WW and stay safe, dear Natasha!
Just start, dear Suzana and you shall get there in no time. So much so that you will love the calm and peace it brings to you.
I joined Zina for #WW. Thank you Sweety for letting me know.
You take goo care to dear one.
Very nice. Love that meme and stole it. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you are safe and healthy.
All yours Patrick. 🙂
All good here. You take good care too.