Love is…: #FridayFictioneers #FridayFotoFiction
Love is…
The fall colours are surreal. The morning hour hinges on hope, romance and fresh air.
Their fingers and hearts intertwined. The reckless, youthful hormones rage a storm outside.

The pedestrian looks at them discerningly.
“Utterly brash public display of affection. Tch! Tch!”
“Love is irrational. Love is unkind. Love is selfish. Love truly binds.”
Another one who lost to love, in all probability.
The couple is oblivious of the external commentary.
They traipse across the zebra crossing. Whisper sweet-nothings.
Friends at Central Perk await their arrival.
Festoons, confetti and cake.
A surprise engagement vow they will partake.

Written as part of the Friday Fictioneers challenge hosted by the absolutely incredible, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.
The idea is to write a short story of 100 words based on the photo prompt above.
To read stories of 100 words based on this week’s prompt, visit here.
12 thoughts on “Love is…: #FridayFictioneers #FridayFotoFiction”
Oh I love this one with how it turns so many expectations around. I hope they have a long happy life!
This was lovely, Natasha.
And what a sweet surprise it is. Nicely done.
Oh To be in love and not care about the world. Love your storytelling. beautifully written.
Your story flowed smoothly, Natasha, from line to line while unfolding the finale of a special celebration they will be sharing with others. A blinding love with a happy ending.
Be safe … Be Healthy … Be Happy
Love the word ‘traipse’.
In Scotland it is often pronounced phonetically, as though the ‘e’ is ‘y’.
I like Central Perk, very clever.
Lovely ending! You set up the scene very nicely. The pedestrian was probably a failed romantic 🙂
a feel-good story. i simply love it. 🙂
Dear Natasha,
Who doesn’t love a romantic ending. Lovely.
Ah ‘Friends’ – it’s like a comfort blanket to a simpler time. I like the different viewpoint of those not wrapped up in love. Nice one.
Thanks Iain. I’m so glad this little piece lent you the comfort blanket we all find in “Friends”