Paint My Love: #FridayFictioneers #FridayFotoFiction

Paint My Love: #FridayFictioneers #FridayFotoFiction

Moira has stationed herself seductively on the chaise. The air hinges on love and smokes.

It’s his first time.

He won’t do anyone but her. Love’s true calling, as they say.


“Paint my Love” plays in the background.

She is no Mona Lisa, and he no Da Vinci. But the easel and paints are ready.

“Hun, those lips; curve them into that sensuous smile, please.”


Paint Pallete
Credits: Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


The door swings open. It’s Uncle Fred and his hyperactive Cocker, Asher.

Asher throws himself over the easel and paints. And then jumps into Moira’s lap.

MLTR continues to croon, “Paint my Love”

And Moira gets painted.








Written as part of the Friday Fictioneers challenge hosted by the absolutely incredible, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. 

The idea is to write a short story of 100 words based on the photo prompt above. 

To read stories of 100 words based on this week’s prompt, visit here.



33 thoughts on “Paint My Love: #FridayFictioneers #FridayFotoFiction

  1. I loved this post. Cute story… his hyperactive Cocker, Asher… wonderful! The song is a nice addition, and it’s a beautiful song. Well done, Natasha.

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