Remember?: #Fiction #FlashFiction

Remember?: #Fiction #FlashFiction

Remember that morning when the smog blotted the golden sun with its pall of gloom.

When the vapours of your steaming hot cuppa faded into the oblivion.

When the dwindling air quality in your urban dwelling blurred the destruction caused by Covid.


Remember that morning when the sweet autumn fragrance was replaced by a chemical stench.

When the dazzling Silk Cotton blooms bowed their heads in utter dismay.

When nature screamed a silent cry, admonishing humans for the aftermath of their deeds.


Remember that morning when your breath ceased to be.

Yet, once again nature tried to reclaim what you had destroyed.




Remember-Silk Cotton- Car
Photo Credits: Achal




Joining wonderful, Vinitha this week for her Fiction Monday Prompt, “Remember”


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