12 Months of Balanced Flow | Word of the Year (WOTY) 2022
“Balance. It was all about balance. That had been one of the first things that she had learned: the centre of the seesaw has neither up nor down, but upness and downness flow through it while it remains unmoved. You had to be the centre of the seesaw so the pain flowed through you, not into you. It was very hard. But she could do it!”
— SirTerry Pratchett
Squaring back to the quote by British satirist, humorist and novelist; Sir Terry Pratchett, I’m yet again reminded with a sense of overflowing gratitude how true this holds in terms of my WOTY (Word of the year) 2022.
I am joining hands with the very kind, and wonderful Lisa Burgess to do a short recap for the WOTY. Thanks to my dear friend Corinne for introducing me to Lisa, and also for imparting the deep value of working with a Word of the Year
Looking Back at 12 Months of Balanced Flow
What star rating would you give your One Word 2022 from 1-Lowest to 5-Highest (by whatever measure you want to use)? Did it live up to your expectations? Why or why not?
I would rate my WOTY Balanced Flow as 3.5. Time and again, I realised it’s easier to flow then to be in a state of balanced flow. And more often than not as human beings we also tend to resist the flow and have this deep desire to control a lot of things. Or maybe, I had been that person for way too long. Therefore, as the year ends I am relinquishing the need to control and I choose to be more at ease, peace and flow; with grace in my heart.
I would say my WOTY did not live up to my expectations – of how I had expected it to pan out. But nobody said healing would be easy.
Healing is a messy business. It isn’t a bed of roses, but a whole lot of thorns and road blocks on the way. Working through past baggages, old records in the head and truamas that tend to rear their ugly head; is a slow and steady journey.
Therefore, Balanced flow ensured I look at the pain squarely in the eye and allow it to flow through me and not into me, accepting it, as I would the joys and blessings of life.
How often did you notice your One Word in other places this year?
1-Rarely, 2-Now and again, 3-Often, 4-All the time
I noticed my WOTY Often. And I’m not one bit surprised. The universe knows how to throw these nuggets of reminders along our path, so we stay true to the essence of our commitment. It’s no synchronicity that just as I would start losing the plot of Balanced Flow, the universe would ensure it came walloping my way. Whether it was through books, quotes, signages, conversations, movies, music and so much more.
Eternally grateful for these wonderful signs, strewn across my path.

Was your One Word relevant to your life this year? Why or why not?
Oh! It so totally was. Just when I was learning to align with my soul’s purpose (through my WOTY 2021 – Align) balanced flow landed into my being.
Yes, I did skid sideways, slipped the side walk multiple times, felt challenged by the tides of time and life; yet the word proved to be a constant reminder to keep the equanimity intact. I am not done being in a state of complete flow or balance, but I know like most people I’m WIP (work in progress) and will continue to re-circle back to this word time and again.
I also leaned much later in 2022 that it ain’t feasible to be in a state of balanced flow. The tides will turn, the ocean will come crashing at us and we will be churned and thrown into the abyss, multiple times. What will eventually count; is that we kept our heads screwed to our shoulders and embraced the flow; whether it was seamless or stormy.
Did you learn more about yourself or your relationships this year through your One Word? Would you want to repeat this word in another year?
Yes, my WOTY was a constant reminder to look within and not without.
It helped navigate through the ups and downs of life, or relationships that needed to be watered and worked upon, and most importantly my relationship with myself. I was nudged into remembering that it all flows through me, not outside of me.
Balanced Flow has entrusted me with a new found best friend, which no surprises for guessing; is Yours truly!
It kept reminding me to align with myself, my soul purpose, my silence and my inner being; which was a special revelation as the year draws its curtains on us.
Who knows, I would in all probability repeat this word, sometime again. But it seems the next time on, it will just be FLOW.
“I am rooted, but I flow.”
– Virginia Wolf
It’s a wrap-up, amigos and amigas, to 2022 this evening, 31st December with these personal favourites, by my icon Andrea Bocelli.
Thank you for always rooting for this space and the love that you shower upon me.
A very humbling experience to be surrounded by all of you.
Sending each one of you and yours; loving kindness, much ease, peace, rest with movement and more flow, in 2023.
Hugs, love, light, laughter and abundant magic. ♥♥

These pine tress were burnt by a forest fire, yet were standing resiliently tall, letting no debacle deter their uncrushable spirit. Flowing with life, they were.
Feature image: Sunset at our home
Linking up with Lisa for a recap into WOTY 2022.
Look out for this space for my WOTY 2023.
23 thoughts on “12 Months of Balanced Flow | Word of the Year (WOTY) 2022”
What a beautiful reflection post! You are right, Natasha, healing is a messy business. I know that very well. But you will get there slowly.
Hugs, dear Natasha.
Wish you a peaceful 2023.
Vinitha recently posted…FICTION MONDAY – 134
I hadn’t thought about a word of the year. It’s very cool how the words played into your life and how you tried to live the words. I think words have a magic power for writers. I hope your journey of healing and being balanced continue.
I so appreciate all these lessons you learned with Balanced Flow! Lots of great insights here. I don’t know the specifics of your journey but I sense a lot of camaraderie with your lessons as I worked with Release this year. Learning to better trust myself is something I’m carrying over from 2022 and into 2023 too. Happy New Year, Natasha!
What a beautiful post. Happy New Year to you and your family.
Patrick Weseman recently posted…U.S Borax Visitor Center
So glad that Lisa’s lovely exercise helped you put together this very inspiring post, Natasha.
I think that our common word ‘flow’ has helped us to realize the importance of taking care of ourselves a lot more. Hugs! ♥
Corinne Rodrigues recently posted…Flowing With Gratitude
A thought-provoking piece, Natasha. I wish you and your family everything you wish for yourselves in 2023!
Keith’s Ramblings recently posted…Next …
While I am enjoying your music (please know that your second video wasn’t available here in the United States) and sunset photos, I would like to wish you a Happy New Year full of good health and good times.
Natasha, you expressed such a profound truth in so few words. My “‘see-saw” tilted badly and it was tough to stay in the middle. Joining my family members and having their support has filled a void and done much to restore balance. Now living in a three-generation household makes me realize how much we have been missing over the years.
Ken Schneider recently posted…Looking back, bittersweetly
As usual your post is wonderful. Being balanced in the flow is not easy, but from my perspective
the cause, the deep cause is our strong wish of succeeding of being in this flow.
We think instead of feel in the heart the balance… Just a thought…
I wish you Happy New Year full of love, light, health, laughter!
Hugs, dear Vinitha! ❤️
Natasha, I apologize for saying another name. I think I’m tired…
My fiction challenge is inside my brain…
Suzana recently posted…Citate favorite (155) – Ganduri la inceput de an
Ha ha that’s alright my dear Suzana. Don’t sweat it at all. ♥️
I wish you the most wonderful New Year, Natasha filled with good healthy, happiness and prosperity. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥
Sandee recently posted…Wordless Wednesday
Happy New Year, Natasha! I pray for God’s blessings to grant you continued happiness, good health, and success in all that you do. I’m looking forward to another year of friendship with you, my dear! Enjoy the day at hand!
Such a beautiful post, dearest Natasha.
I wish you a wonderful 2023!
Hugs and blessings!
Veronica Lee recently posted…I’m back!
What a lovely post dear. We all are on the same boat of healing. It seems, we all have started our healing journey. I am sure, we all will eventually heal. All the best sweetheart. Have a lovely year.
balaka recently posted…WOTY: GROW
What a nice post my best wisjes for 2023 to you Natasha
I love the concept of balanced flow but realize that it is a goal rather than something that can be achieved because so much of all our lives changes constantly. So to me it is more like resilience, staying balanced in the face of unanticipated events.
I wholeheartedly agree, dear Alana.
That’s why I feel balance or flow individually are more apt words to work with.
Wishing you and yours good health and merry tidings in 2023❄️♥️
Glad your WOTY was so successful in 2022. Looking forward to seeing the 2023 WOTY!
And I just posted the smile: https://trentsworld.blog/2023/01/02/the-weekly-smile-for-the-2nd-of-january-2023-weeklysmile/ 🙂
Yes successful as could get with a word as goal oriented as this, Trent.
Look forward to visiting the smiles.
All of us at Brian’s Home wish you a most Happy New Year!
Back at you my treasured friends.