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Tag: #vegetables

Winsome Weekend | Birthday Month | Passion Flowers: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

Winsome Weekend | Birthday Month | Passion Flowers: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

“The rhythm of the weekend, with its birth, its planned gaieties, and its announced end, followed the rhythm of life and was a substitute for it.” —  F. Scott Fitzgerald  

Farm to Table: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

Farm to Table: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

“Let things taste the way they are.” – Alice Waters, chef, author, and owner of Chez Panisse     FARM TO TABLE   We live in an apartment, but fortunately for us we have balconies and a terrace space that has given us the wonderful option to grow our own farm to table produce. Herbs like basil, mint, parsley, oregano and others like lettuce, kale, pak choy, celery, spinach, fenugreek, rocket leaves, tomatoes, lime etc. Especially when they are in…

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