6 Months of Balanced Flow: Word of the Year 2022
“I am rooted, but I flow.” – Virginia Woolf Six Months of “Balanced Flow”
“I am rooted, but I flow.” – Virginia Woolf Six Months of “Balanced Flow”
I Forgive and I Flow Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu Om Shanti Shanti Shanti “May all beings everywhere be happy and free and may the thoughts, words and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.” (translation) This chant embodies a deep rooted will to forgive my impetuous thoughts, those acerbic words of mine; spilled out in moments of despair, those rash actions taken on an impulse; and…
“We are all in this together. And we will get through this, together.” – Antonio Gutteres, Secretary General, United Nations
LOCKDOWN SNIPPETS Here are a few things that we have been upto, all during this 21-day lockdown. And yes, there’s more. We work from home diligently every morning from 10 A.M. to about 6 P.M, some times a little more. We also take a lot of reading breaks. And yes, I haven’t watched so much TV in over a decade, as I am watching now. Including…