Grandpa’s Clock: #FridayFictioneers

Grandpa’s Clock: #FridayFictioneers


Every time Ma sang Hickory Dickory Dock, I thought of Grandpa’s grand old clock. In my head a gigantic mouse would stealthily climb Grandpa’s clock. It would then twirl around in a tango with the little man playing the drums.



Many moons have transcended time and tide. I’m back to Grandpa’s crumbling mansion.  Grandpa ain’t around anymore, nor his clock.

“Where is Grandpa’s cherished clock?” I ask the caretaker.

“Oh! The British gifted Grandpa that clock. They claimed it back recently. It now adorns the walls of the Tower of London that also houses India’s precious, **Kohinoor diamond.” 

I’m stumped for words.




**Kohinoor Diamond: The 105-carat Kohinoor diamond, which sits in the Tower of London, has been at the heart of a bitter row between India and Britain ever since it was taken from Punjab and presented to Queen Victoria in 1849, with India consistently pressing for its return.

Disclaimer: The idea of this post in not to bring forth any discontent or prejudices. It simply aims to trace back a facet of history. Please forgive me if it comes across otherwise. 


Written as part of the Friday Fictioneers challenge hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields (more details HERE). The idea is to write a short story of 100 words based on the photo prompt (above). 

To read stories of 100 words based on this week’s prompt, visit here.






19 thoughts on “Grandpa’s Clock: #FridayFictioneers

  1. An interesting premise for your story and one that has much trouble attached to it. Perhaps wise individuals will be employed to propose a solution. Nicely done.

  2. I like this a lot, the Brits have a lot to answer for regards India, Pakistan and Bangladesh prior to and after partition. I’m a Brit and recently watched an amazing 3 part documentary about partition and the Raj previously,. It made me stop in my tracks the trouble we caused.
    Its a really great piece and I can well believe it

  3. Interesting to think of possessions from our past that no longer exist. Torn down buildings, repainted or renovated schools or houses, student who were inseparable in school but who may never exist as a group again.

    Your clock, this wrongly reclaimed gift,seems to belong to this category. But who does it mean more to–the grown child, or the Tower museum? And the diamond’s dispossession,too,seems an empty gesture of lost colonial power.

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