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Category: #FridayFotoFiction

Kitty and Pretty : Fiction

Kitty and Pretty : Fiction

The starving kittens land up in the landlady’s home. We call them Kitty and Pretty. One of Pretty’s eye is gauged out; from being mauled by the local dogs. We help nurse them back to good health with a feast of Mackerels. Our vet visits regularly, to clean and dress Pretty’s wound. They live outdoors and respond to our whistles! Mrs. Ramos doesn’t like cats and orders them out. Pretty is whisked away in a gunny bag to Cuenca. Kitty…

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Uncle Bill’s Blue Truck : Friday Fictioneers | Friday Fiction

Uncle Bill’s Blue Truck : Friday Fictioneers | Friday Fiction

Uncle Bill’s Blue Truck   It’s a picture perfect day. The fragrant, spring breeze stretches out to caress the azure skies. The children are out armed with, Little Hearts and Ginger ale.

The Road Trip: #FridayFictioneers

The Road Trip: #FridayFictioneers

The Harris family is on a much awaited road trip to the mountains. Amidst the Winding roads, giggly twins, the eighteen year-old plays Watermelon Sugar on a loop. Mrs. Harris lovingly passes around the cookies and sandwiches; she has meticulously packed.   Mr. Harris deftly steers his van to the much awaited destination. The breathtaking snow peaks gleam against the golden light. As they savour the view and the crisp mountain air, the radio splutters back to life. A grim…

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A Night to Remember: #FridayFictioneers

A Night to Remember: #FridayFictioneers

    The night was ripe. Smoke freely mingled with teen spirit. “Let’s drive to the terraces, and watch the sunrise,” suggested Tony. “Who the heck wants to watch sunrises, when we can spend the night grabbing a few more beers!” retorted Liz. “Liz don’t be a spoilt sport,” grimaced Marissa. “Come Marissa, we’ll go,” said Tony.   Tony revved up the engine. This was his golden opportunity to impress Marissa. It was mostly falling apart with Liz. The car…

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Remember?: #Fiction #FlashFiction

Remember?: #Fiction #FlashFiction

Remember that morning when the smog blotted the golden sun with its pall of gloom. When the vapours of your steaming hot cuppa faded into the oblivion. When the dwindling air quality in your urban dwelling blurred the destruction caused by Covid.   Remember that morning when the sweet autumn fragrance was replaced by a chemical stench. When the dazzling Silk Cotton blooms bowed their heads in utter dismay. When nature screamed a silent cry, admonishing humans for the aftermath…

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Paint My Love: #FridayFictioneers #FridayFotoFiction

Paint My Love: #FridayFictioneers #FridayFotoFiction

Moira has stationed herself seductively on the chaise. The air hinges on love and smokes. It’s his first time. He won’t do anyone but her. Love’s true calling, as they say.   “Paint my Love” plays in the background. She is no Mona Lisa, and he no Da Vinci. But the easel and paints are ready. “Hun, those lips; curve them into that sensuous smile, please.”     The door swings open. It’s Uncle Fred and his hyperactive Cocker, Asher….

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Love is…: #FridayFictioneers #FridayFotoFiction

Love is…: #FridayFictioneers #FridayFotoFiction

Love is…   The fall colours are surreal. The morning hour hinges on hope, romance and fresh air. Their fingers and hearts intertwined. The reckless, youthful hormones rage a storm outside.       The pedestrian looks at them discerningly. “Utterly brash public display of affection. Tch! Tch!” “Love is irrational. Love is unkind. Love is selfish. Love truly binds.” Another one who lost to love, in all probability.   ****************************   The couple is oblivious of the external commentary. They…

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Unleashed: #FridayFictioneers

Unleashed: #FridayFictioneers

Families enjoy spending time with each other, at the Grand Hotel. It’s a perfect staycation when the melt down takes a toll. An excuse to break away from the madness of the city. Or one such thing.   The blast is earth shattering. Maligned bodies lie strewn in the rubble. The grandeur razed to ground in just seconds. The rain pelts down like atomic bombs. Nature has unleashed it’s fury. Don’t go exploiting me anymore. That evening the sun appears,…

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A Star is Born: #FridayFictioneers #FridayFotoFiction

A Star is Born: #FridayFictioneers #FridayFotoFiction

  The stage is on fire, as Jackson Maine belts one score after another. The audience is cheering non-stop, gyrating to the glorious moments. The atmosphere is phenomenally charged.     Ally is nervous as hell. It’s her first performance ever, to a packed audience of over ten-thousand. Never in her wildest dreams had she thought a chance meeting with Jackson would land her centerstage. Real time.   It’s Ally’s turn to go now. She and Jackson step up the…

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Business as Usual: #FridayFictioneers #FridayFotoFiction

Business as Usual: #FridayFictioneers #FridayFotoFiction

The beaches are bustling. It’s business as usual. They were shut for two long years, as the pandemic continued to wreck havoc. Things have begun to ease out. People have slowly, but surely mustered the courage to travel and visit public places. The masks are still intact, not so much the social distancing! The crowds thronging the flea market look radiant. They have survived the onslaught of the virus. While in quarantine they managed to don multiple hats – baker…

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