Unleashed: #FridayFictioneers
Families enjoy spending time with each other, at the Grand Hotel.
It’s a perfect staycation when the melt down takes a toll.
An excuse to break away from the madness of the city. Or one such thing.
The blast is earth shattering. Maligned bodies lie strewn in the rubble. The grandeur razed to ground in just seconds.
The rain pelts down like atomic bombs.
Nature has unleashed it’s fury.
Don’t go exploiting me anymore.
That evening the sun appears, while it’s still drizzling sorrow.
A double rainbow gleams back.
Hold on to sweet hope, humanity.
On another note: Running very late this #FF, albeit did not want to miss the stunning picture prompt by: David Stewart
Written as part of the Friday Fictioneers challenge hosted by the lovely Rochelle Wisoff-Fields (more details here). The idea is to write a short story of 100 words based on the photo prompt above.
To read stories of 100 words based on this week’s prompt, visit here.
4 thoughts on “Unleashed: #FridayFictioneers”
Nature was forgiving after all
Always. And will continue to be. Just knows when to teach us a lesson or two, when we over exceed our expectations from her.
Thanks Neil. 🙂
Dear Natasha,
Quite a contrast. The peace and then the blast and then a double rainbow. You’ve taken me for a ride in 100 words. Nicely done.
I’m so glad to hear that Rochelle. It was a bit dark, and. a bit unlike the stories I usually spin. But sometimes what one is feeling comes pouring out in written words.
I feel nature is indeed rearing its angry head at us for devastating it all along.
We experienced two cyclones recently which have wrecked major havoc in our country.
It’s unfortunate what the the helpless and innocent have to go through because of the insensitive actions of others. We have explored the resources offered to us by the planet way too long.
Now is our time to heal the world.