The Look Book: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom
When you look good, you feel good. Share on X

The Look Book
Modesty and simplicity is important, yes! Extremely important at all times times. But it is equally important to look good, feel good and be able to present oneself to the world looking good and “well packaged”.
Sheesh!! You are probably thinking I’m talking about you as a commodity – “well packaged” huh! But isn’t it important for you to look good, to be able to feel good within?
Tell me something, will you? Do you feel good when you look bedraggled, haven’t bathed all day, your hair all tousled and messy, and your arm pits stink? Or rather do you feel better on the days you have showered, are smelling good. and wearing a clean set of clothes?
Well, I’d say there are days when you want to just shower late, lie in bed reading, listening to music, or binge watching your favourite series, or doing absolutely nothing. But those are only one off days aren’t they? Now, if you belong to the exclusive clan of people who have the privilege of doing so every day, I say you are indeed blessed; or have a life of empty nothingness. If I sound judgemental, forgive me Oh! blimey!
Looking Good in the Times of a Pandemic
Well, this one definitely is good for your self esteem. It helps me big time. I start my day and my writing work bathed and wearing a fresh, clean set of clothes, and every day I try out different ones too. After all why would I want to alternate between two sets, when I have a wardrobe full of clothes? And I have no intentions whatsoever to shop for sometime now.
Thankfully the pandemic has also taught has the value of money and to make do with whatever we have. No unecessary expenditures on shopping for clothes, groceries and other inane stuff that we thought were essential.
I believe looking good in the times of a pandemic, even if we are staying home is good for our mental and emotional health too.
Do you agree? Or not? Be honest please.
What does the Look Book have to do with the cover pages of my Books and #WW Logo?
Well, as you all know by now am a very visually inclined person. A lover of words yes, but one who loves images that go with my writing. All my blog posts have tons of images. So much so that I am almost running out of space on my blog, and have had no other choice but to reduce the images I post. And my hosting company has been kind.
Here are some of the designs I have been nurturing for years (my two books) and currently (the new logo for #WordlessWednesday/#WednesdayWisdom)
I love how all these designs came up. My books wouldn’t be what they are hadn’t it been for the miracles of Canva and some very kind friends who helped me overcome my fear of designing with the easy-to-use Canva.
I’m hoping to bring back my two babies – my books back to life. Yes, they are self published. But if you know of a publisher who will publish them do send me a message here, or email me at : natashawrites@gmail.com
Till then, nourish the look, nurture yourself, and yes, most importantly nurture your soul. When your soul is nurtured you look like a million bucks. Albeit, the bedraggled, bad hair day! 😉
So get spiffy and get the look book rolling.
Stay hydrated, eat clean, bring on the yoga and meditation and walk the talk.<3
Wrapping up with Roxette’s, “She’s Got the Look” that we loved in college, while some fancy chicks modelled and sashayed to it. It still sounds as fresh as the morning dew when I hear it after so many years. 🙂
Share your thoughts on the look book of your life. Promise I won’t judge you. 🙂 <3
Love, light and laughter! <3
#WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom
Here’s how you can join:
- Post a picture or pictures on your blog. It could be from life’s wondrous or wicked moments. Plug in the lessons (#WednesdayWisdom) and humour too. Share your wanderlust moments, or simple random shots from your day that caught your fancy, or not.
- Make your post as wordless or wordy as you wish to. Well, we are guessing now you know why we are called “not-so-wordless Wednesday” too!
- Do add the new badge to your post and a backlink to my post.
- Have a good time reading, commenting and sharing the posts linked here. Connect with a fascinating bunch of bloggers from across the globe.
Get ready to be deliciously framed!

#WordlessWednesday is a blog hop started by Esha and yours truly. on March 2018.
I am now taking the baton forward from August 2020.
Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from the blogosphere who host Wordless Wednesday :
Betty, Steve, Sue NC, Zina, Xmas Dolly and Cathy.
Also linking with optimistic Trent’s Weekly Smiles
22 thoughts on “The Look Book: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom”
I believe in being well dressed, shiny hair and dainty shoes, some eye liner too. I am wearing stuff when working from home that u would normally only wear to office. And splurging a bit more than usual on my home workout clothes. Life’s guilty pleasures
Congratulations on the new logo – it’s really pretty!
I’m with you on being up and ready every morning – even if we have nowhere to go. It’s important for self-esteem!
Congratulations on the books Natasha. That’s an awesome feat and I love the designs. I am a visual person and can go overboard on images. haha it’s so hard to resist.
Rajlakshmi recently posted…The Blue Mountains Botanic Garden, Mount Tomah
That’s so true–if you look good, you feel good!
Your link at ‘My Corner of the World’ is greatly appreciated!! I’m glad to see you this week!
betty – NZ recently posted…a walk in the garden
I like the new Logo!
When I was sent home to work in March, I continued to dress the part – from the waist up! I did wear jeans (and in the summer, shorts) but they were always clean and in good repair. I would never skip a bath or shower, never! I also try to exercise outdoors, although, in the winter, that will become harder. Not sure “I’ve got the look” but I firmly believe how you dress affects your general attitude about life, pandemic or no pandemic.
That adorable pup has the look. I agree that we need to take care of ourselves. It’s so important.
I hope you had a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Natasha.
Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥
Sandee recently posted…Feline Friday
I loved the fresh pink logo already and loved the book cover too.
The good look i.e hygienic, clean healthy self is a feel-good factor for self-happiness not to show others. Well said nurture your soul that is more important.
The books look great and I like the new logo. I would like you to use more artistic letters in the logo, something like italics.
Have a beautiful day, Natasha!
Staying in during the pandemic hasn’t improved my look. I love wearing sweats and T-shirts at all times. – Margy
Margy recently posted…September Cruisin’
Absolutely! Looking good makes all the difference to general morale when one has to stay housebound. Totally agree with you Natasha! Congratulations on the books!
Archana recently posted…Wall Flowers (Wordless Wednesday)
You are a writer! Congratulations and success! I’m glad I found out too.
Happy days, dear Natasha! ❤️
Diana recently posted…Multă apă. Miercurea fără cuvinte
Love the book covers, Natasha! Congratulations and hope you can get your other books published too..
And, love that peppy song!
Looking good does contribute to overall feel good..totally agree on that one!
Have a fabulous #WW Natahsa 🙂
The book covers are beautiful. Congratulations on the books Natasha 🙂 I will look up the one on amazon. A clean, fresh and well groomed self, both inside out, is definitely a morale booster. More than for others I think we must do it for ourselves. ……
Congrats on your new book, Natasha! How marvelous!
Veronica Lee recently posted…Snoopy
Congratulations on your new book, Natasha!
Congrats on the books. Very cool. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Patrick Weseman recently posted…Walking at Quarry Lakes
They’ve got the look and they’ve got the beat! Yes it is nice to feel all clean and spiffed up, especially after trudging through the Florida wetlands doused with mosquito repellent. Nothing beats a hot shower!
Congratulations, dear Natasha for the books! You spread a lot of beautiful things and ideas, around you.
‘Adventures and awakenings’? Indeed inspired!
Wishing you beautiful adventures that will make you grow.
Happy WW, dear friend! Love and piece in our world!
Suzana recently posted…Miercurea fara cuvinte (232) – In preajma marii… si o surpriza – Near the sea… and a surprise
Congrats on the books, that is really wonderful!