When January Does Not Always Have to Augur New Beginnings: #FridayReflections #GratitudeCircle
Whoever said a January would augur new beginnings, got their facts wrong. It wasn’t written in the stars that every January would come carrying with itself a bouquet full of roses, and leave us enchanted. Or was it? I wonder why we have this uncanny, set notion imprinted in our heads that a new year will portend all things good, positive and wonderful. Yes, I get that thing about a fresh new start, new beginnings on a brand new slate. But did anyone guarantee us that our otherwise mundane life would suddenly flip around, and turn into a magical story with the advent of a new year.
Whoever said a January would augur new beginnings, got their facts wrong. Share on X
I guess you get the drift here. I’m talking about the way my days panned out early this January. Well, all was not lost.
So here are a few things I was grateful and not-so-grateful for this January:
- New Year Celebrations with La Famila: That surely was the high point of the year gone by. We had a cosy evening karaoking to old Hindi songs, enjoying a comforting home cooked meal (put together by all of us, including Father dear Father) of garlic prawns, roast chicken, salad, tuna pate’ and garlic bread and strawberries and cream. We even watched some awards show on the telly, like the good old days. It was an absolutely hyggelig evening. (I will be writing about the Danish concept of Hygge, in the coming days). So keep coming by.
2. Work: My year began with me joining work with a company that closely works with wildlife and conservation. A topic extremely close to my heart. I wrote a bit about it here. I’m so glad to be on board, as their content writer. The good thing as we all know with writing is, that we get to work out of the cosy confines of our homes. Not always good though, especially when the electrician, courier guy, the help or some the random sales person come knocking or calling. But I have no reasons to complain, as finally after years of being a freelancer, I have work that is steady and long-term. And most importantly that which I throughly love and am passionate about. So very grateful for this abundant blessing.
3. Health: Our health took much of a beating in January. More so, just as the year began. The health issues kind of spilled over from the previous year. My back was in a mess most of January. No amount of Physio or medication helped. The knees that were injured from two falls from cycling, also hurt each time I climbed stairs or crossed my legs to sit on the floor. But, I’m slowly but surely getting my strength back, with regular stretching and back exercises. I’m almost 95% fine. Thank God for these huge mercies. The back is fine, the knee shall be too.
The ten-year-old, Aarshia has suffered a long bout of fever since Christmas Day; a fever that refuses to taper off, though a borderline fever at that. She has missed school almost all of January, and still continues to. The tests are all clear, but the fever refuses to budge. We’ve consulted multiple doctors and now working on a homeopathy schedule. And relying a lot on positive vibes and energies like chanting and reiki to tide us through this long, harrowing bout the little angel, has gone through. Exams are around the corner, but health comes first. Fingers and toes crossed for her quick recovery. Do keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
4. Weather: The weather has been cold now for the longest time. And continues to, even as we almost hit mid-February. It rained snow, literally; in our part of the world, like never before. Yesterday there was a hail storm that came down appearing like snow. Though were weren’t lucky enough to witness it, as it happened in other parts of New Delhi Capital region. We haven’t experienced such a torrid winter in a long time.
I used to dread winters, but I have come to enjoy it. I’m grateful for the cosy comfort of our quilts, the heater in our room, the yummy variety of food, like peanuts, parathas, and the juicy-red carrots, the pearls of green peas, the oranges bursting with sweet-zesty flavours and the abundance of greens around us; to whip up the most delicious of meals. De-shelling peanuts, while wrapped in our quilt, ensconced against the cosy cushions remains my favourite winter ritual. I’m so glad Tulika reminded me of it in her absolutely fuzzy post here. And how could I forget catching the sunshine on my shoulder, and pouring into the deep recesses of a book, while lying sprawled in the verdant lawn downstairs.
5. F.R.I.E.N.D.S: They were such a pick me up, despite the health hiccups, the frazzled emotions that came with not feeling well, and seeing my little tyke suffer for so long. I’m so grateful for their cherished company that helped me see through the darkest moments, as they shone their beacon of light upon me.
I’m glad we caught up over those few get-togethers and had the time of our lives. They lifted my spirits and that of my family’s like never before.
6. Family: I’m totally grateful for a DH who is always rock solid, come rain or shine. Alok is my guiding light, a light-house of sorts who shows me the way, and stands by me when things go awry. His words always infuse a fresh lease of life into my life. It’s thanks to him that I was guided to choose Breathe, as my Word of the Year . I wasn’t the best partner to him this January, with my myriad mood-swings, but we always stayed true to ourselves and stood steadfast.
Also grateful to my two beautiful girls who test my patience no end at times, yet are the only reason for me to smile that radiant smile, that I’m known for. The older one apart from doing her Philosophy Honours, has picked work that entails curating some very interesting theatre, arts and culture shows. So very proud of my young girl who is now twenty-and-a-half. The younger one, despite her long bout of illness continues to stay positive and smile through it all, and engage in the most creative activities all the time, filling our hearts with so much joy.
Also very grateful for my furry girls, who wake up with me early, each morning and give my mornings a heady kick-start. So grateful that Cotton, my octogenarian girl, is feeling and looking a lot better. I owe it a great deal to my mother’s long-time help, who now works for us. She surely has lit up our lives, by putting together such yummy food on our plates, helping host a lovely lunch gathering, and manage the home seamlessly, giving me ample time to focus on my work.
All’s Well that Ends Well:
Even though January did not begin on an incredible note, it did come with its set of multiple blessings and concluded on an optimistic note. I’m so glad February is here, and I’ve embraced it with all my enthusiastic might.
Linking up with Corinne and Shalini for Friday Reflection and Vidya Sury for Gratitude Circle.
9 thoughts on “When January Does Not Always Have to Augur New Beginnings: #FridayReflections #GratitudeCircle”
New year new me is quite overrated in my humble opinion. Congratulations on the new job! Hope your back and knees are better now!
Congratulations for the new job and hope you feel top of the world soon
For me, January hasn’t been anything else but just the first month of the year, so I really don’t look forward to it bringing something beautiful and all that blah! Good for me–I know how expectations can leave us heartbroken!
Hugs to you and your little girl, Arshia! I hope and pray she feels better soon! Just sent up a prayer for her well being!
It’s good that you have your work, your family and some really wonderful people helping you and taking care of you ( Cotton and Laila included)….I just hope things turn better for you all….Do give your little artist a hug from me, will you? <3
Not the best of starts to 2019 in certain areas, but I sense a feeling of optimism in your words. As they say, the only way is up! Blessings to you and your family – including the furry members!
Hugs, Nats and I pray for a much better year ahead on the health front for you.
We’ve been in touch off the blog for the better part of January and for that I am grateful. Hoping the little one bounces back soon and in full health too.
Your posts reflect the warmth, joy and peace of family and friends. May that always continue.
Looks like you have had a fairly good month. Hope February will be even better
The photos of Delhi NCR covered in snow looking hailstorm was unbelievable for us. Just yesterday I was telling my parents, who stay in Gurgaon, that there might be a time when the strong polar vortex may even bring snow to the plains of North India. This year it has snowed in England like never ever. Negotiating with icy footpaths while walking to school each morning without a fall happened to be a big deal for us. D is already saying he has had enough of winter.
It is discomforting to know Arshia had to suffer from fever for such a long time. It is difficult to see kids suffering and so is suffering from back and knee pain. I hope both of you recover soon. Congratulations on the work which speaks for your passion. Getting together with family, close friends and having an efficient house help are a blessing. Happy February to you.
What a pity that your January was not so happy. But I’m sure that things will settle down and hope your little one has gone back to school. It is rather worrisome when a child is suffering from a fever of unknown origin. Somehow things are always better when you know why they are wrong rather than playing guessing games. This winter has been cold for even us Mumbaikars and funnily everytime I keep the lone black sweater away, the temperature dips. Hope your February is going fine and that you are enjoying your content writing.
Congrats on the new job, darling! Talking about wildlife conversation seems so good and vital these days, so kudos to you for landing that!
I hope your health gets better soon, Natz and you move to a 120% from the 95%, trust me you can do it I know <3
I hope the little one feels better too and your family reminds me of a picture perfect family as always! **Touchwood**
Sending lots of love and healing vibes you way. Much love!