Awake: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom
“I see skies of blue
And clouds of white
The bright blessed day
The dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world.”
Louise Armstrong

When do you wake up? Waking early has a bunch of benefits. You seize the day like no other. But for that you need to intermittent fast with your phone/screen – 12 hours to 10 hours!
I’m struggling to do so myself. On some days I ace it, on some day’s I don’t. One day at a time! My friends who intermittent fast with their phones use them as a landline, and leave it outside their rooms. I manage to do the latter on some occasions yet, continue to be guilty as charged. *Lol*
My phone also goes on DND mode and all App shut mode, post 9 pm – till 8 am.
And then when people call they wonder why is my phone not reachable.
Everything can wait, while you unplug. Life doesn’t stop moving. It makes way for more clarity.
If you awake early you can get a lot done. Meditate, journal, read, get some alone time, workout, prep up for the day and most importantly start your day on time.
Post my surgery the former has been a bit of a struggle, that’s why #WW is going live late.
But I’m on my way to finding my rhythm.
I hope you all find your rhythm in life and awake to your inner reality and true selves.
Sending you warm hugs, love, light and laughter.
Be well. <3
Natasha Peace Sinha
This post is dedicated to one of the most incredible teachers I’ve chanced upon, – Wizard of Pause.
#WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom
Here’s how you can join:
- #WW is an alternate week linky party and goes live 2nd and 4th Tuesday evening 6 P.M. IST
- Post pictures on your blog from life’s wondrous or wicked moments. Plug in the lessons (#WednesdayWisdom) and humour. Share your wanderlust moments, or simple random shots that caught your fancy, or not!
- Make your post as wordless, or wordy as you wish to. Yes, we are rule breakers!
- There is a linky widget below where you can drop in your links.
- Add the badge to your post and don’t forget to add a backlink to my post.
- Don’t miss the opportunity of connecting with a fascinating bunch of bloggers from across the globe.
You have ample time to hop in and link up right up till Monday, 5 April.
Get ready to be deliciously framed!
The next edition goes live on Tuesday, 6 April, evening IST.
Have a fabulous #WW!
Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from the blogosphere who host #WW
Betty, Steve, Sue NC, Zina, Sandee, Cathy, Tina, and Keith.
Also linking up with Trent for his weekly Smiles.
64 thoughts on “Awake: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom”
I love Delphiniums but not common in Pune! Yes, I am an early riser and it does help me get many chores done. Here is my #WW post. https://yenforblue.com/2021/03/31/two-moons-wordless-wednesday/
Archana recently posted…Two Moons (Wordless Wednesday)
Hi Natasha, I found your blog from Trent’s Weekly Smile and just joined your WW linky. Lovely delphimiums. We have them in violet colour in the summer. Hope you find your rhythm. Have agreat week!
Natalie recently posted…5 Themes For A Fun Week
Beautiful post , Those are beautiful delphiniums. Are you an Indian ? Thanks for joining in Garden Affair.
Yes I am, Arun ji.
Good to see you here at NatashaMusing.
Isn’t it amazing that we used to wait to get home to make phone calls and hope someone will call!!! Those were slower times for everything.
I do hope you totally recover soon and things get back to your rhythm.
I’m happy to see you at ‘My Corner of the World’ this week! Thanks for linking up.
My Corner of the World recently posted…Wingspan NZ
Thanks so very much dear Betty.
Life looks lovely going down memory lane, but I believe we must embrace what is also given to us now.
Even though the times are tough.
Wishing you much love and joy.
I am an early riser. I have lots of things to do and very little spare time, so I don’t feel motivated to sleep. Lovely flowers, I’ve seen Rocket larkspur flowers, which are similar in appearance.
Oh tell me about it, my mornings seem so busy. I love all that can be accomplished in that golden hour.
Rocket larkspur sounds interesting.
Hope your birding weekend was fun, Shinju.
Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Thank you for having me Brian.
Nice post Natasha love the flowers I have always liked that song reminds me of when I was a kid my parents bought it
Thanks for stopping by I found your other comment heheh!
Have a bloomingtastic safe week
stevebethere recently posted…Feline Friday – Look Into My Eyes
Wavin back at ya!
Yes, this song evokes way to many memories for all of us.
I’m so very glad to see you here, Steve.
Have a safe and relaxed week/weekend.
I love this song. Also I too thought it is a type of Lavender bush. Lovely flowers. I don’t think if I can do intermittent fasting with my phone. I need to but I won’t be very successful.
Try, try until you succeed. We can root for each other Raj.
So good to see you here.
Ha! ha! Raj, try try till you get there.
What’s growing in your neck of woods these days?
Love and happiness.
And yes, thanks so much for joining, love your posts always.
What a wonderful life, dear Natasha!

I wish you all the best, dear friend from the blogosphere! 
The flowers are wonderful! I like their scent.
I’m not a morning person, but around 8-9 a.m. I wake up (I fall asleep after midnight). I really wake up around 5 p.m.
I don’t like the mobile phone, but I have because others wanted to know that they can be in contact with me wherever I am. I only use it as a phone, and to receive / send messages sometimes. When I’m not at home I don’t answer, usually, and my friends know that.
I hug you dearly!
It’s so heartening to see so many of my friends in blogosphere know what it is to keep the phone away and engage in the moments of life to just be.
Thanks for your loving message as alway dear Di.
I am sending you big hugs and happy vibes for a playful weekend.
Be the love that you are.
I love the song. I too have to be so mindful about using my phone.
With the pandemic and choosing to do all our own housework, it’s a constant struggle to choose what to do. We’re now trying out a new schedule and it seems to be working for us and I even manage to put in 3-4 hours at my studio.
Corinne Rodrigues recently posted…Bloom Today
I hear you Cory.
We had a wonderful schedule most of the lockdown, but mine has been a bit awry, and I am working on getting back to it.
Will be going back to work soon, and I look forward to a certain rhythm.
I have been tuning in to some podcasts on Spotify and sound cloud. So the screen time has plummeted.
Working on it one day at a time.
Thanks for your wonderful posts for #WW
I so needed to hear this song and these words today, thanks for sharing them. Beautiful post. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Patrick Weseman recently posted…Umbrella Alley
I’m so very happy for you, Patrick.
Sending you good vibes and a fun weekend.
Thanks for hopping in for #WW
I don’t get up until 8am, then I have to have my 2 cups of coffee. It is safe to speak to me then. I sleep very badly and it started with my previous pills that gave me many bad side effects. Thankfully a lot of them have reversed since I have been taking different ones.
Jackie’s Photo Blog. recently posted…Wordless Wednesday – Mural.
Ha! Ha! Jackie, I have become like that post my surgery. Do not wish to engage with anyone till about 8:30 am.
I am up fairly early- sometimes even 4/4:30 am, and I love that golden hour. But some days I don’t mind sleeping in to catch up on some rest and energy.
Take good care and I wish you good health and happy vibes.
Hello Natasha. I didn’t realise you were ‘back’ or I’d have been over sooner. Good to see you!
Our daylight hours are changing so now when I wake I’m not sure what time it is ( no clock in the bedroom) Lying in the dark trying not to disturb The Golfer is not easy so I tend to sit quietly with my thoughts in the lounge room – wrapped in a blanket.
My phone is definitely one of those that’s off more than on so but I do like the idea of an intermittent fast from all things technical.
My WW this week is a humorous one. I’m sure children all over the world would understand it Thanks for hosting again
Awwww how sweet is your morning hour, Cathy.
Glad you take time away from the phone.
Just love seeing you hear. Will check your post soon. Love and happy weekend. Have a playful one. And all the best for A-Z
So many wake and never spend the day awake Thanks
You said it, Timmy Tomcat.
Good to see you again. Thank you.
Such a beautiful song by a truly great entertainer. We are up at or a little before 4 Am and start our morning walk in the wetlands 60-70 minutes before sunrise. Of course, with longer days and Daylight Savings Time, this means getting to sleep before it is fully dark outside. Glad to hear you are recuperating!
Ken Schneider recently posted…Bald Eaglets have arrived
If one got to catch the beauty of nature and the wilderness, one must try and be part of the 4 am club.
So glad you and Mary Lou continue to do that.
As always lovely to see you here.
Love your walk/wilderness pictures and you know that Ken.
Will hop over to catch them soon. Thank you for joining #WW. You can link up with multiple posts. Not sure you know as the linky is live for two weeks.
Have a wonderful weekend. Take care and be safe.
Those photos are all very pretty!
Thank you dear Brian. So good to see you here.
Such a beautiful song and lovely flowers, purrfect for a Wednesday morning!
Hello hello
Lovely to have you over. I’ll head to your blog soon.
How are our pawsome babies doing?
Hugs and pawkisses
A thoughtful post as always Natasha. First of all I love this song “Wonderful World” …… it’s like my heart is singing out loud
I wake up early as that solitude is what is needed to get me going everyday. I cannot laze on in bed after I wake up nor can I go for round two of sleep barring exceptional days when I may not be well.
As for unplugging hahahahaa am pretty good at it. I go off mobile & SM on and off whenever I feel the need. I am yet to buy a new handset after mine got stolen so borrowed hubs which I use pretty less. So more or less am always well detoxed
The flower photograph is a beautiful frame ….. by the 12 year old?
Sending you lots of love, healing and warm hugs!
Monika Ohson | TravelerInMe recently posted…Beautiful Chirp and Perch
Aye aye! Hear you on the sleep bit.
I know you are good at unplugging. Will plug into your lessons.
The flower frame was taken by me on the iPhone 11.
Thanks so much. Will catch up over the phone some day soon. Love and hugs and have a wonderful weekend.

Stay safe as the cases spike again.
Lovely pictures Natasha.
My sleep regime couldn’t be more different from yours! Hit the hay at 3 am and hop out about 9 am! I love the peace and quiet of the early hours and always spend time outside on my balcony no matter what the weather listening to nothing but the sea before forcing myself to go to bed!
I consider my phone to be nothing more than a necessary evil and ‘forget’ to have it to hand whenever I can!
Keith’s Ramblings recently posted…A handful of words …
You are the best, Keith! Aren’t you.
I hope to have a home by the seaside some day as I’ve said before. Till then I will dream on …
Fabulousness with the phone.
Have a playful weekend. Raising a toast to that
Beautiful flowers. So delicate.
About the cell phone. I turn my phone off at around 4pm and it doesn’t get turned on until the next day. Not much for the phone. I’m happy about that.
Thank you for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop. It’s so good to see you.
Have a fabulous day. Big hug. ♥
Sandee recently posted…Wordless Wednesday
Wow Sandee, I have a lessons many to learn from you. Thank you for sharing.
Hugs back at you.
Wow! You all are just wow around your phones. Kudos Sandee.
So glad to see you here and thank you for adding my link to your blog hop.
Have a fun weekend out on the boat. And see you next week.
Warm hugs
I am so not a morning person! I wake up at around 10:30 pm but I sleep after 2:00 am!
I think I was an owl in my previous life!
Veronica Lee recently posted…Hello!
Ha ha! And do you know how much I love Owls.
My spirit animal many times.
I meant 10:30 AM!
Veronica Lee recently posted…Hello!
I know darling
We put all of our mobile devices (they are linked) on Do Not Disturb at bedtime. This keeps alerts and calls from ringing through, except ‘Favorites’ calls come in. We changed our traditional landline many years ago to VoIP but I prefer to use my cell and give that number out to friends, family, doctors, … And, if I have their numbers in my contacts then I know when I’m getting a legit or spam call, usually. I won’t answer a call if the number is not one in my contacts. If it’s someone I know, then they’ll leave a message and the spammers well…they are easy to pick out with their phony messages. But, I’m with you, we all need to unplug from technology and there’s nothing wrong with the way you do it. It’s so good to see you back today! I hope life is treating you well, my dear.
I’m so thrilled to see you my friend. And I was thinking I could link to your #MondayMewsicMoves, if you aren’t hosting #WildWednesday.
Bless you my friend. Hugs
So good to get a double comment from you dearest.
Tight hugs
I’m one of those infuriating people you can never get in touch with because I carry my phone on me as little as possible and leave it in a totally different part of the house to charge over night
I hope you get into a good rhythm this week 
Trent, you guys are now really making us re-think the way we live our lives.
Thanks for sharing and good to see you here.
I like such infuriating people. Lol!
I have started leaving my phone outside too. And allow myself to wake up naturally. No alarm clock needed.
Yes the rhythm is happening slowly but surely. Good to see you here Trent.
Have a playful weekend.
I love how you use the words and images in increasing our spirits and courage, speaking
about your own experiences. And I appreciate this a lot, dear Natasha!
Everything that makes us smiling, thinking deeper and creating a beautiful space around us
could change the world drop by drop!
Thank you! And I repeat what your wish: “warm hugs, love, light and laughter”.
I am always so grateful to you for your kind words of appreciation. Gives impetus to the words the universe has in store for me and all my friends.
Hugs my lovely friend.
You are so sweet Suzana.
Will hop by to your post soon. Thank you for being my regular.
Great idea! I keep my phone on silent but this sometimes causes me to be slow to see an important message. Thanks for hosting!
Christina Morley recently posted…On the Boardwalk Part 6 and a Linky
Yes, that’s the lop side too.
But there are options to have emergency calls activated on the phone too while it’s on DND mode.
I am assuming where you live Tina, life is still slow and simple.
Well, I’m in the morning. I wake up in the morning as soon as it gets light. I’m full of energy and I’m doing my job well. If I’m ever late in bed, nothing’s going right!
Have a fine day, dear Natasha!
Aye! Aye I do hear you Zina.
A fixed time to sleep and wake up helps like no other.