Taking a Writing Break: #MondayMusings
I started blogging in December last year and ever since there’s been no looking back. Read: I have not taken a single writing break. I write religiously if not every day, but every other day. After all writing like I’ve said in the past, has proved to be the “elixir to my parched soul.”
But ten days back, after the Write Tribe Festival Of Words got over, during which I wrote for seven days non-stop, I just felt the need to take a breather. In my head I think, it had been a long haul. I had participated in three writing challenges in a span of few months. The first one being the rigorous but completely gratifying A-Z 2017 in April, followed by Bar-a-Thon in June that stoked my creativity further.
Initially I thought it would be like a weekend break as the WTFOW got over on a Friday. But when Monday dawned and it was time for me to sit down and write, which is usually from 9:30 A.M. till about noon. I felt no inclination whatsoever to write. I felt I needed that break from writing. But then, at the same I worried about the dip in my readership and getting out of the habit of writing which I had inculcated after years of struggling to do so. Å few weeks back I had decided to blog with a schedule in place. Monday for Monday Musings, Wednesday for my Travel Tales called Wanderlust Wednesday and Friday for FridayFotoFiction. “What would happen to those for a week?, I thought.
After going back and forth and beating myself for being lazy, I wrote on the Write Tribe Whatsapp group asking them for their views. I was flooded with reassuring messages, by the community saying it was perfectly fine to take writing breaks. That was the most reassuring thing to hear. I felt blessed to be part of a blogging community that could dispense free advice and that too something that I wanted to hear. *Cheesy grin* After all I had been writing without any break for 9 months. I had carried my baby, NatashaMusing in my womb and nurtured it with loads of tender, loving care. Yes, I hadn’t stressed too much about the visitors on my blog or about building a big follower base. What I’d focussed on was writing from my heart and soul. I was not expecting my baby to be the stereotypical fair and beautiful child, but one that was well cared for and one that had a wholesome personaity. Each time I wrote I put a bit of myself out for the world to see and relate to. As the gestation period got over and the baby was readying to pop out, I experienced withdrawal symptoms. As if I didn’t want the baby anymore. No, it wasn’t a Writers block. Not at all. It was just that phase where I wanted to put my feet up and relax. All these months I also blogged during my holidays and travels. Those of you who know me, will know that I travel every other month.
Well, I’m glad I took this break. It cleared my head space and I’m back with renewed vigour. Though time just zipped by and honestly it hardly felt like a break. The 9 year-old has her first ever set of exams, so we are all over the place like headless chicken. It feels as though I’m taking those exams. I had once attended a session by one of my favourite author Ruskin Bond and I remember asking him the relevance of taking writing breaks. He had smugly answered saying he takes these breaks once in a while for a few days; to just lie in bed, to read or sleep and revel in nothingness.
We all need some time off here and there, from our daily schedules, from the busy grind of our lives to do just nothing and stop by and smell the flowers.
Have you also taken writing breaks? Do you feel guilty about it? Or do you just soak in the nothingness? When you return to the pen, are you all charged up to start again? Or does it break your writing rhythm? Would love to hear your side of the story too.
Afterword: I did write a tiniature though, last Friday. A tiny horror tale. Here goes:
Linking up with Corinne’s #MondayMusings
24 thoughts on “Taking a Writing Break: #MondayMusings”
Haven’t ever taken a writing break somehow it makes me restless. If I cannot do a long post or story I usually do these flash fiction and Friday fiction. Have started loving these challenges as I am a sucker for fiction. It’s been great connecting with you during the barathon and write tribe challenge. Hope the bond grows
I know what you mean Akshata. I started to feel overwhelmed towards the end of it. Kind of depressed actually. Then I wrote a tiniature on Friday.
Tell me about it. I love these challenges too.
Yes the bond will definitely grow.
Hi Natasha! Firstly, Belated Birthday Greetings, my dear! I´m you had an awesome day and Wow, I hope to look as beautiful, hot and fit as you at 45. Here´s wishing you go from strength to strength this year and that all your dreams come true. Im glad we met through the medium of writing and hope to meet you someday too. Big hugs and love to you, my dear! God Bless Always!
Absolutely Teena. Hope to meet you someday soon. Thank you for your lovely wishes

Hi Dr. Roshan! Wrote in tell you that I liked the analogy of breaks to a car air purifier.
Hi Natasha! Firstly, Congratulations for blogging consistently for 9 months..You´re a star really! I love the way you write…and I have noticed we have slightly similar styles or thought process. Like the previous articles on the feature on your house helps and the letter to your self, I loved this article on yours. Even though, you claim you have lost your writing Mojo this week…let me tell you that this article still sparkles. It´s heartfelt and beautifully written. Let me share you my personal blogging story. I started way back in 2006 in my early twenties. Much before blogging even was a thing. And, I had dedicated readers even back then. I blogged constantly for a year and then marriage and motherhood happened and I left writing behind in the process. I resumed blogging in the beginning of this year…a good 10 years since I blogged actively. So, that´s my story. Did I miss blogging in between that time? Yes and No! Yes because I felt I missed out on a whole lot of action happening on the scene and No because I was enjoying my family time totally and using my creativity in other forms…teaching, cooking etc. I wouldn’t wish you ever take such a long break because we would miss all your wonderful stories. My two bits – Take a break..a week or two or even a month not more. Come back in action all rejuvenated. Love and Cheers!
Dearest Tina
Your posts are always so warm, heartfelt and flowing with love.
Yes I see so many commonalities. You won’t believe this but I also started blogging for a bit in 2005/2006. A few posts here and there and then I completely stopped writing. Maybe one odd poem here or there. I badly wanted to get back to the grove but just couldn’t. I didn’t want to open out my life to the world to see.
In the interim I enjoyed my time with my family, reading, having my second one and so on.
Then a few years back I started posting on Facebook. Sometime status messages, sometimes personal stories in the Notes. My FB friends prodded me to write more often. Some insisted I write a book. I did thanks to A-Z, this year!
Then last year sometime I realised I had made peace with the fact that it was ok to be vulnerable and just write. That’s when NatashaMusing happened in early Dec.’16.
I’m loving this journey and I’m so happy to have met wonderful bloggers like you.
And one more bit of info for you: You are my 45 th follower and tomorrow I turn 45!!! Now that’s what they call synchronicity.
Big hugs and big love to you Tina.
I’ve taken plenty of breaks over the years… so many writer’s block moments, sometimes exam breaks… but it really helps. Easing in can be difficult after a break but that’s where we have simple posts like tags and picture posts to help as bloggers
Why A Car air purifier may not be a luxury but a necessity instead
So agree Doc! Thank you for reading and sharing your perspective.
What makes me happy I do .That’s my simple rule .I can’t stress about writing .But writing helps me unwind .I may not post everyday but I do write everyday and sleep and read books and take time off all the time .Loved the Tiniature.
You know something Amrita, I really wonder how you manage to do so many things in a span of a day- a doctors job, managing a baby, gardening, blogging, reading. You really are a super woman!
You are right, writing really helps me unwind too. I realised when I didn’t write those 10 days, I started feeling a bit low and something did feel amiss. It was like a void.
Writing this post really filled that void.
Thank you for your words.
You’re so right, Natasha. I have been writing most days for years now. Whenever I have taken a break I have been besieged with guilt and dread at dropping numbers on my blogs. I’ve recently taken two weeks break because of our 50th wedding anniversary, and you no what? I had no guilt. What a pleasure. I came back full of creative energy and couldn’t wait to get back to my WIP. A Golden Wedding
How lovely Shirley. Congratulations on your Golden years ahead I’m so glad someone feels the same way as I did/do.
Thank you so much for stopping by.
Glad the break worked for you, Natasha. We all need them from time to time. At present blogging is my one piece of sanity.
Oh yes I totally get you. Writing helps me from keeping my sanity intact too. And it so helps to release the burdens.
This break was a welcome one but towards the end I felt the need to get re- started as it didn’t make me feel too good within. Guess shorter writing breaks work best for me.
Thank you for stopping by.
I do not feel the guilt but yes, I miss my Blog too. Its great that you spend your time travel the world.
Yes, miss my blog. That’s the feeling. It’s like a love story between us I guess
I usually travel within the country, but do hope to travel the world someday.
Have lived abroad for a while though.
Travel blogging is one of my favourites too.
I try to take breaks from time to time – especially when life is busy here at home. Sometimes we need to step back and take inventory.
Blessings to you!
Thank you so much Michele, for visiting
Yes, we all need that time to unwind and do absolutely nothing. It’s like charging our batteries.
Love & Light
I remember your message in whatsapp..I guess it is perfectly fine to take a break once in a while.
I realised so.
Thank you Trina err Tina ;-))
Both Trina and Tina are good…call me whichever you prefer
Theek achey