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Tag: #beach

Fond Farewell: #FridayFotoFiction #GuestPost #Blogiversary

Fond Farewell: #FridayFotoFiction #GuestPost #Blogiversary

FOND FAREWELL: Keith Hillman   When my mobile rings and I see my friend Rosey’s name on the screen, I know to hold the device a couple of inches away from my ear to lessen the pain of her shrieking greeting! But yesterday it was different. I heard nothing. At first, I assumed she’d pressed a wrong button and cancelled the call; she’s still not completely got the hang of her fancy new Apple Pip’ as she calls it. I…

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The Prized Catch: #WordlessWednesday

The Prized Catch: #WordlessWednesday

Welcome to Wordless Wednesday! It’s great to be back after a three-week hiatus. Esha and I hope we will have many more linkups this week now that many of you are done with the #AtoZChallenge. Well, hopefully, and why not! Because all it takes is a picture to link up and that’s no big deal because most of us have hundreds of photos that are ready to be shared with the world. It’s wordless alright, but words are no deterrent….

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