{D} is for Destiny’s Child: #AtoZChallenge
{D} is for Destiny’s ChilD
I am catching up with Zara, at our favourite café . The usual conversation over house helps, children, technology taking over our lives, some silly anecdotes from our hearth and so on. But I notice she is not completely there. Her mind seems to wander off.
“Is everything ok, Zara”, I ask.
“Umm, kind of.” she replies wryly.
“Something’s amiss. Do you want to talk?” I ask reassuringly.
“I don’t know, if I should. You know I have trouble sharing my feelings.”
Zara is a bit of an introvert. Even with best friends like me she chooses to not share much.
“No worries. Whenever you are ready. It’s alright even if you don’t want to,” I say squeezing her hand affectionately.
Zara suddenly throws her arms up in despair, “You know karma is a b@$&#!” Her eyes start to well up.
“Why did Rohit have to die of an accident leaving me all by myself? Why are my teenage twins rebelling, and talking back all the time? Why do I have to listen to my mother-in-laws rants everyday, despite trying so hard to keep her happy every living moment? Life is so miserable. Guess it’s my karma and some really bad karma that I am carrying from my past life,” she let’s go all in one breath.
“Zara, karma can be both good and bad. It’s all karma and it’s something that you can change. You can transform the situations in your life, you can change your karma. Whoever said karma was something you have to live with was wrong,” I say to her with conviction.
Zara looks at me intently. “No, but I’ve always grown up hearing that karma is something I have to live with. I have to carry its burden for a lifetime and further.”
Smiling at her, I shake my head. “That’s so not true Zara. We all know, no one can avoid difficulties or problems. In my Buddhism practise we are encouraged to build happiness in the midst of reality, to grow, improve and become stronger while facing life’s challenges. We are taught to “Change our Karma into Our Mission.” To bring about transformation by working within.”
Nichiren Daishonin, the great Buddhist sage said, “Iron, when heated in the flames and pounded, becomes a fine sword. Worthies and sages are tested by abuse.”
“Similarly, we all have our own karma or destiny, but when we look it square in the face and grasp its true significance, then any hardship can serve to help us lead richer and more profound lives. Our actions in challenging our destiny and transforming it to make our lives better is an act of courage in itself.”
“Wow, I never perceived karma the way you describe it, Amayra,” says Zara, suddenly looking relieved and more relaxed.
“I already feel so much better. I’m going to stop complaining and start living my life positively and work on bringing about inner transformation, from now onwards. Thank you so very much, Amayra.”
“Anytime Zara, and anything for a precious friend like you. Now can we please go back to “discussing” that new glam diva who wears make-up to the gym.”
We both laugh with carefree abandon, while sipping our favourite Matcha green tea frappe.
My theme for this year’s Blogging from A-Z Challenge is April Anecdotes. These are twenty-six compelling tales of some real people, and some not so real people. These tales will be surreal, peppered with a dose of non-fiction, but some might just be a figment of my over active imagination. You can read my theme here.
58 thoughts on “{D} is for Destiny’s Child: #AtoZChallenge”
As a firm believer of Karma, I’d say that it is a beautiful thing and very well justified.
People should not blame Karma for everything, because as they say ‘Karma is a bitch, only if you are’.
Oh how truly said Soumya. Karma sure is a bitch, only if you are. Glad you shared these lines with me. 🙂 Thank you.
This is such a lovely piece Natasha. Blaming things on karma is the easy way out. One must never give up. Great story!! Loved the narration.
I’m so glad you enjoyed it Meha. Thanks a bunch. 🙂
I am reading and talking too much about Karma these days. Your story defines and explains Karma in its simplest form. Loved it.
I’m so glad this spoke to you Anupriya. Thank you for reading.
It is what you make of it. Happy A to Z-ing!
Gracias. Thank you for swinging by and for your wishes and word. 🙂
This is superb di… just love the way Amarya explained it to Zara and all of us about Karma… Hence proven, Karma is not the bitch.
Like Soumya said, Karma is a bitch, only if you are. Ha ha!
Wow! I haven’t looked at Karma the same way either. I’m loving your series, Natz. They are so profound!
I’m so glad you are enjoying the series, Shalini. <3 Thank you.
Natasha this is such a thought-provoking piece. The message, the dialogue..iIncredible.
My Friend Rosey – D is for Dining Out
Two things grabbed my attention from this post – (a) Talking to friends is so great, they add so much value and positivity in our life. (b) To find happiness even when things arent perfect.
A fabulous post, Natasha. I think, I needed to read this today. Thanks much ♥
I’m so glad this resonated with you Shilpa and came to you at the right time. <3
We cannot control everything in our lives but we can control our reaction and response, which can lead to a brighter future. Some people think there is nothing they can do to better their situation but there is.
Really well done, Natasha. You explained it all so well and in a short amount of time.
Emily In Ecuador | Dolphins – Puerto Lopez
True that Emily. There is always something we can do, and that too positively. Thank you for your lovely comment.
Lovely and insightful. The blame game never works. ever. Struggles make you, and teach you lessons that easy days couldn’t ever. Well done!
D is Dumbfounded – Love is not my need
Thanks Shweta. 🙂
I completely agree that the tough times make us stronger and build character. Life would be very shallow indeed if we were never tested. Also if we don’t go through trials every so often, we fall apart when a difficult time comes our way.
Leanne | http://www.crestingthehill.com.au
D for Don’t Give Up
Yes, life has it’s ups and downs. We don’t question the highs so why question the lows?
Thanks Leanne for your comment. 🙂
You have explained Karma really well, Natasha through this post. Blaming things on karma and then fretting over it is not the solution. Working towards it or for a change can help.
Yes, truly so Rohan. Thank you for being a regular here. Appreciate your support. 🙂
Sometimes talking it through and seeing things form a new perspective is all it takes. Nice story 🙂
Yes, it totally does, Iain. Glad you liked it. Thank you.
I would say when you put it like that, it stools being Karma and becomes our own actions. We could keep waiting for good things to happen to us in life or we could grab our life by the scruff of its neck and make it what we want it to be.
Yes, so often we forget to do that. But when we do a whole new dimension of good emerges. Thank you Arjun for your thoughts.
You explained ‘Karma’ in a nice way. I guess Sokka Gakkai activities gives us the courage to redefine Karma and help us make something out of nothing. I am loving to read about SGI guidance in your post.
Thank you dear Tina. I have imbibed so much though this practise, and I’m glad it came through this post of mine. I’m so glad it resonates with you. <3
Such an insightful and inspiring piece Natasha, loved it.
Thank you so much Anurag. 🙂
Anurag, I tried commenting on your post, but it won’t go through. Here’s my comment if you get a chance to read it:
Eerie twist to the tale. Loving these unexpected endings that you come up with in these initially feel good tales.
You know your craft so well Anurag. Kudos!
Wow..needed a dash of positivity this morning.
Sincere thanks
Tongue Twister for D
I’m so glad Dee Dee it came at the right time. :)))
Unable to comment on your post too. But having blast reading these tongue twisters. They had spunk to my day. :)))
So well it does seem nice at most times to put the blame on KArma. But the truth is misfortunes can befall on anyone, and no ones to be blamed for it. I would say, we just have to endure it sometimes. I know easier said than done, but thats actually the truth of life 🙂
Yes, endure and work towards changing the negative patterns, and thereby transforming our lives for the better. Thank you for reading and writing your thoughts Ramya. 🙂
Lovely post and inspiring too. it is such an important life lesson that we have only karma in our hands, everything else is depending on destiny. very well written, had a great time to read it. please read my post here,https://surbhiprapannablogs.blogspot.com/2018/04/blogchattera2z-homoeopathya2z-d.html
Hello Surbhi, what I meant is our karma and destiny can all be worked upon and transformed through our efforts and mission in life. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. 🙂
Great character
Thank you so much for coming by and commenting.
Wow! Such an inspiring, such a wonderfully written story. Loved it , thoroughly and absolutely. I have seen people discouraging and dominating and silencing their fellow beings with the word ‘karma’ . I have seen them using it like a weapon, for belittling others and diluting their self-worth. This story could indeed be such a great antidote to so many others like Zara.
Superb work! Shall see you again, tomorrow.
Oh Moon, your words are always so precious. Thank you. Yes, it’s a vicious cycle and many of us fall pray to it, as that’s what we have grown up to hear. Karma is not a b$%^h. It’s something that we can change if we so desire to.
I’m so happy to have you come by every day and motivate me. 🙂 Hugs <3
Loved how you used a light hearted way to present such an important perspective, Natz.
Dear May, So happy to find you on my page every morning. 🙂 <3
I'm glad you are enjoying these anecdotes.
Blaming karma is akin to giving up. Facing struggles is just like walking – one step after another. Nice dialogue, Natasha. Well done.
Totally agree Varad. It’s the journey onwards that counts, not what went wrong.
Thank you for being my regular reader. :))