{K} is for KISS: #AtoZChallenge
{K} is for KISS
Did you kiss today? How often do you kiss? How many times a day? Or is it once in a while? Or once a fortnight? Oops! Am I being too intrusive? Well, here’s a thing; this kiss is not the one that you plant on someones lips or cheeks! This is that one kiss we forget to base our lives on.
I learnt this lingo early in my life, during my advertising days, and thereafter I try and live by it. Sometimes I fail, but mostly I get there fine.
This one KISS stands for Keep It Simple, Stupid. The acronym was coined by Kelly Johnson, lead engineer at the Lockheed Skunk Works (creators of the Lockheed U-2 and SR-71 Blackbird spy planes, among many others). The KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated; therefore simplicity should be a key goal in design and unnecessary complexity should be avoided. The principle is best exemplified by the story of Johnson handing a team of design engineers a handful of tools, with the challenge that the jet aircraft they were designing must be repairable by an average mechanic, in the field under combat conditions with only these tools. (Source: Wikipedia)
The KISS principle when applied in our lives works wonders too. The more we simplify our lives, the easier it is to live day-to-day. This applies to ourselves, our relationships, our children, our work, say if we are writers, our writing too. The simpler, the better.
My neighbour Raina’s daughter is nine and she goes for almost five different classes in a week. A skating class, a basket ball class, a ballet class, a piano class and a Kumon (math) class. The child looks over burdened and glum. She is never playing downstairs with the other children, as every evening she has to rush for some class or the other. Even on weekends she goes for her classes. I wonder what Raina’s end goal is? To turn her child into a jack of all trades and master of none. So easy to complicate our lives, right?
My friend, Nikki’s son was dating three different girls, two from work and one happened to be his sister’s friend. When they all found out, he was not only dumped unceremoniously, but got beaten by one of the girl’s brother’s. Now I wonder why he didn’t KISS and make his life less complicated.
There is also Sukanya, who is a fashion designer from 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. and then a tutor from 2:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. Thereafter she dons her baker’s hat, as she runs a baking company too. Sukanya has a family that includes two rowdy boys, one cat, a huge golden retriever and an ugly, little crocodile fish. Her husband travels most parts of the month. Every time I meet Sukanya, she looks overwhelmed and ready to break down. What’s the point making so much money, when you can’t find time to unwind and enjoy your life, I feel. But Sukanya continues to complicate her life and not KISS.
There is also Randeep. He travels twenty-five days in a month. He is a middle-aged, bachelor. On the other five days when he isn’t traveling, he parties back to back and even when he is traveling he wakes up at 4:30 A.M. to tee off. He says that’s how he is able to network and expand his business. Randeep recently had an angioplasty and has been advised to take bed rest and slow down. I wish he knew how to KISS! And KISS well. *wink*
KISSing is good for health. It increases your heart beat and gives you a fresh lease of life and smaller goals to live by. Do give KISS a chance. Share on XDo you KISS? Or do you complicate your life, and that of those around you? It’s worthwhile to live a simpler life purposefully, than a complicated one with many layers and baggages. In today’s modern times we are inundated with desires, aspirations, technology and social media that tend to clutter our mind space. How often do you take time to focus on what’s important and what’s not? It’s better to do a few things, and to do them well.
KISSing is good for health. It increases your heart beat and gives you a fresh lease of life and smaller goals to live by. Do give KISS a chance.
My theme for this year’s Blogging from A-Z Challenge is April Anecdotes. These are twenty-six compelling tales of some real people, and some not so real people. These tales will be surreal, peppered with a dose of non-fiction, but some might just be a figment of my over active imagination. You can read my theme here.
You can read my previous posts from #AtoZChallenge2018 here:
A is for Anachronism or Misplaced in Time?
F is for Far from the Maddening Crowd
G is for Goblins, Gnomes and Gypsy Spirits
51 thoughts on “{K} is for KISS: #AtoZChallenge”
Simple and sweet – what a lovely article and one that we need to take to heart. In today’s age of multi tasking, we forget the peace simplicity brings.
Kimansion Inn-Kochi
Yes that’s true Seema. Kiss should be our go to word!
The perfect and effective means for everything in life.. Communicarion of thoughts to living life, the principle just applies.
Yes, Ramya absolutely. <3
Today morning i asked my husband to smile just like that and he could not and he refused to. He said he had too many things on his mind and needed to plan them. I wondered if he could Kiss and make life simple. Could a simple smile help people Kiss their life?
Yes, Anupriya, I’m sure a simple smile can makes things simpler and better. Men sometimes get like that, when they have too much on their minds- crabby and cagey. Bet the weekend will bring respite and make him KISS.
I have heard of KISS before and agree it is a good principle to follow. Simplifying and paring down are similar and both have been on my mind lately as we are selling our house and moving. Your post is a good reminder. http://shirleyjdietz.com/2018/04/12/a-to-z-selling-our-house-letter-l
All the best for the move Shirley. Thank you for coming by. 🙂
Well said, Natasha! The KISS is also a crucial aspect of sales training–and as you rightly said, it works with every area of life!
Yes, Vidya, it so does. Thank you for reading and commenting.
Wonderful. I never heard such fantastic words about the kiss. Really, a simple kiss can solve so many problems. I’m sharing it.
Thanks Sayanti, for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and further sharing this post. 🙂 I’m glad you learnt a new word.
This is the first time I heart this buddy and I am sure it is going to stay with me for a long long time all thanks to you 🙂
I’m so glad dear Roma. Don’t forget to always KISS ;-))
Wow! I was planning on the very same title for today’s post on writing – Keep it short and simple. I changed the title, and also the post!
Now for your post…I so agree with you, Natasha. Keeping things simple, life uncomplicated makes living easy and uncomplicated. I wonder what’s the motive of the people you mentioned in your post! I mean, are they even living??? They really ought to learn to KISS big time! 😛
Oh yes, they really do. KISSing will make them live life a little more, with a song in their hearts.
Isn’t that uncanny, you thought of a similar post too. Thanks Shilpa for your comments.
Very good advice 🙂
I’m glad it made sense. I hope you KISS often Iain. :-))
My husband worked in advertising for years and KISS was his go-to phrase (he had it on a sticky note attached to his desk for years). I’m also a big fan of an uncomplicated life – why would you do that to yourself or your children? Simplicity, minimalism, a gentle life – that’s my goal.
Leanne | http://www.crestingthehill.com.au
K for Keep Trying
Sounds awesome Leanne. Thank you for sharing your story.
I love your goals. More power to you.
We all need to spend atleast 15 minutes a day and think about how to simplify our life further. It is one of the most important things that I do everyday.
That is so very wonderful Soumya. Inspiring indeed. More power to you.
A kiss a day is not easy to achieve when you live alone! I suppose I could kiss the back of my hand when I get up in the morning. Thanks for putting a smile on my kisser!
A-Z of My Friend Rosey!
Ha! Ha! Keith, thank you to you for putting a smile on my kisser. :))
I enjoyed all the intentional puns in that piece of writing. Time to evaluate whether I am kissing or not!
I’m so glad you did Namy. Yes keep those KISSes going. 🙂
he he… Kiss has several health benefits. In my teenage days, I kissed many times 😉 now I kiss my son…it makes me feel happy. What do you do with money and all if you are not happy from inside?Good post dear
Thank you Sayeri for swinging by. And for leaving your imprints for me. 🙂
What a wonderful post. I try and KISS everyday. It really helps to keep life hassle free and without stress!
Hi Ryan, that’s wonderful to know. Thank you for so much. 🙂
Reminds me of Occam’s Razor. Sometimes people get so busy in their planning for the future that they forget to live the present. Something I have been guilty of as well.
Yeah much like Occam’s Razor, Arjun.
It’s so unfortunate that these days most of us get so busy planning for what’s ahead forgetting to live in the moment. You said it. Start KISSing then, and you will reap the benefits for sure. 🙂
Oi thont dekhe bhay peye gechilam..loved the ‘twist in the tale’. Yes we all are guilty of not kissing. We unnecessarily complicate things. This is one the best posts today.
Thank you so much Tina. <3
Ha! Ha! bhoy pey gecheele, bhablee kichu controversial likhbo. ;-))
You have chosen the title very smartly Nats and you are sure to get a lot of attention! Its difficult to KISS these days with everything being overcomplicated but try we must, to KISS and do it well!
Yes, we have inundated our lives with way too many things Ask, so it ain’t always easy to KISS. But like you said try we must. For a more relaxed life. Thank you. 🙂
Excellent message once again. So simple to understand, and simple to implement too, if only we open up our minds.
Yes, it’s about being mindful and realising the moment we start cluttering our lives Anurag. Thank you so much.
A very simple and perfect solution to life’s many problems. Good one!
here from http://www.balconysunrise.wordpress.com
Thank you Meena, for stopping by and I’m happy it resonated.
i used to be like Randeep..Now i have started KISSing 😛
Tongue Twister for K
This is my favourite kind of KISS too! Second post I’m reading on Kiss today. Is the Universe telling me something? To Keep It Simple or actually give a good kiss to someone????
Both, both Sunita. Did you finally? Now I’m curious to know. ;-))
It’s a great acronym to keep in mind although I don’t always remember to implement it. I enjoyed the examples you included with your post. Weekends In Maine
Thank you so much Karen. Good to see you here after aeons. How be you?
Very clever way to deal with the prompt!
Oh, thanks a bunch John. 🙂 Happy you liked it.
I kiss everyday my K and A. Just that there is a difference when it comes to hubby and son 🙂 happy keep it simple and stupid nats:) and yes we don’t run and make our life complicated. Nice post on kiss
Thank you Deepa. :)))