Silent Friends with Fins: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

Silent Friends with Fins: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

silent friends With fins


“Your silence is golden. Use it with compassion.”

– Yours truly


Aarohi, the fighter fish. Arusha my 21 year-old’s comrade. And my silent friend with fins.


Akito, the fighter fish. Aarshia, my 11 year-old’s prized pal. My silent friend with fins and writing buddy with a delicious pout. Each time he sees me, Akito kisses me from the glass bowl, and flares his fins in a greeting of sorts. I kid you not!


Akito. He’s a rugged boy, with a weather-beaten face. Akito, has probably withstood the travails of time, and tide. Yet, he stands steadfast, gazing back  and motivating me with his stand alone spirit. Over the months he has become my best writing companion, along with Laila and Mishka, my furry girls. 


Here’s looking at you kid! 🙂 We share the same study table. And Akito stays close to me and the Mac as I work, never for once leaving my side or moving to the other side of the glass bowl.



The shy, stunning, Aarohi, lives amidst the bamboo fringes homing her heart close to her being.


Our demure, introverted Aarohi from last week. She now has a Tibetian singing bowl for company. See the picture on the top. A prelude to baring her soul, to the healing sounds?





Our linky is now live for all your smashing #WordlessWednesday posts. 


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  1. Post a picture on your blog that speaks for itself. It could be from your adventures, experiments, life’s quirky moments, travels or just plain random shots. Absolutely anything that stoked your being.
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See you on the other side of the frame.

Happy #WW.



10 thoughts on “Silent Friends with Fins: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

  1. Natasha,

    What a colorful fella he is! A couple of years ago I was excited to snap a few pictures of some fish with my then new iPhone 8 at a mall in Nashville, Tennessee (middle of the state about 3 hrs from us). The neon colors of the fish seemed to glow making great subjects to photograph. 🙂 Thanks for stopping in for a visit. Have a great week, my friend!

  2. I love that the fish wants to be your companion. I had pet goldfish as a child. I’ve never tried to keep fish as an adult but I like to watch them. It’s calming.

  3. Aarohi, Arusha, Aarshia, Akito, such beautiful names <3

    Laila and Mishka are not to be left behind as well <3 <3

    Such a beautiful post, dear Natz! Your love for plants and animals is so evident and that makes us love you more.

    Lots of love!

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