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Tag: Nature

The Alluring Rainforests of Agumbe: Flora, Fauna and Adventure

The Alluring Rainforests of Agumbe: Flora, Fauna and Adventure

Last week we were in the thriving, bio-diverse rainforests of Agumbe (in the Western Ghats of Southern India). My newly-minted 16 year-old was doing her summer internship with Kalinga foundation, at the Kalinga Centre for Rainforest Ecology (KCRE). These dense forests have a bustling population of reptiles and amphibians. That’s an adventure that will unfold in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, sharing a sneak-peak of our heart-thumping experiences from the rain drenched climes, of Agumbe. The flora sparkled an emerald green,…

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Owl You Need is Love

Owl You Need is Love

Here’s a glimpse of bountiful nature that I was blessed to stumble upon in the last five months of 2024. Unbelievable, how the year is whizzing by. Give Peace a Chance – Owl You Need is Love While I take time to appreciate the bounty of nature, and experience the beauty of life; there are countless families in Gaza holding on to precious life, not knowing when they, or their children would be living their last day, lost to the…

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Wanderlust Chronicles III – The Grand Finale

Wanderlust Chronicles III – The Grand Finale

Here is the grand finale of our Wanderlust Chronicles. Please bear with me. This is a long post, as I’d rather do a wrap, than keep you hanging. These pictures are from our family escapades in the wilderness and we all have a lot to share with you. 🙂 A golden river, an oxbow lake, dense, mystical forests, and a jaunt in the Himalayas. November 2023 A short road trip with mi familia and Daddy dearest in tow, in the…

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Wanderlust Chronicles 2023 – I

Wanderlust Chronicles 2023 – I

“Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R. Tolkein “Travel is the bridge between you and everything.” – Rumi

Notes from the Wilderness

Notes from the Wilderness

“The wilderness imposes a profound stillness on the river of your soul.” Robbie John

Miracles and Brahma Kamal

Miracles and Brahma Kamal

“Miracles lie strewn on our path. We just have to open our hearts to see them unfold and to be able to experience them.”                 Miracles of Brahma Kamal/Lotus of the Dark/Queen of the Night Mythology and History In Hindu mythology, it is said to be the favourite flower of Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe, and it is also considered a sacred flower that imparts peace, protection and purity. The flower,…

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Looking Back on the Days Gone By | Gratitude

Looking Back on the Days Gone By | Gratitude

      “The years go by. The time, it does fly. Every single second is a moment in time that passes. And it seems like nothing – but when you’re looking back … well, it amounts to everything.” ~ Ray Bradbury  

The Early Bird Catches the Worm – II

The Early Bird Catches the Worm – II

  “Since the early bird catches the worm, it’s a good idea to begin your day as soon as you can-unless, of course, you happen to be a worm.” Ed Bliss

The Early Bird Catches the Worm

The Early Bird Catches the Worm

“I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird and not enough the bad luck of the early worm.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt  

Tiger Safari in Bandhavgarh | Experiences in Bandhavgarh

Tiger Safari in Bandhavgarh | Experiences in Bandhavgarh

“Nature doesn’t promise you anything – an afterlife, rewards for good behaviour, protection from enemies, wealth, happiness, progeny, all things human desire and pray for. No, nature does not promise these things. Nature is a reward in itself.” – The Book of Nature, Ruskin Bond