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Month: September 2019

The Autumn Visitors – Night Jasmines (Shiuli): #MondayMusings #MicroMonday

The Autumn Visitors – Night Jasmines (Shiuli): #MondayMusings #MicroMonday

“Flowers are the music of the ground… From Earth’s lips spoken without sound.” –  Anonymous The Night Jasmines or Shiuli/ Harsingar/Parijat as they are called in India, have once again made an unfettered come back. Night Jasmines herald the arrival of autumn, as they lie casually strewn across the ground beneath their modest tree. A tree that in all possibility would go unnoticed, if not for the fragrant, intoxicating prettiness that caresses the ground beneath.  In my scheme of all…

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The Show Must Go On: #FridayFictioneers

The Show Must Go On: #FridayFictioneers

Live Aid Concert, a fund raiser for the Ethiopian famine 13 July, 1985 Wembley Stadium, London Organisers: Bob Geldof and Midge Ure

A Birthday to Remember: #WordlessWednesday

A Birthday to Remember: #WordlessWednesday

“With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.” – William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice               A Birthday to Remember Birthdays are usually special, for all of us. But then, some birthdays turn out to be so unique, that we tend to hold them close to our hearts. Like my birthday last month. The birthday began with surprises galore from mi familia. Some highlights being, the exclusive meals whipped up by them painstakingly. And their…

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Cathy’s Kitchenette : #FridayFictioneers

Cathy’s Kitchenette : #FridayFictioneers

In Cathy’s kitchenette, the pots and pans, the colanders and rolling pin hang loosely suspended, from a rack on the ceiling. They make for a unique sight, always grabbing eyeballs.

A Dreamy Sunset in the Forest Meadows: #WordlessWednesday

A Dreamy Sunset in the Forest Meadows: #WordlessWednesday

“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add colour to my sunset sky.” – Rabindranath Tagore

Reincarnated Souls: #MondayMusings #MondayBlogs #MicroMondays

Reincarnated Souls: #MondayMusings #MondayBlogs #MicroMondays

“Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.” ― Rumi Reincarnated souls are those who are reborn in a different body, after their death.   Do you believe in reincarnation or rebirth? Are you aware of any reincarnated souls? Does someone remind you of another person you loved, but one who has crossed over? Is there a visible thread connecting these two souls? Do you ever believe that a loved one who crossed over, could have reincarnated back into…

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Leopard, the Beauty with the Spots: #WordlessWednesday

Leopard, the Beauty with the Spots: #WordlessWednesday

“A world without leopards, well, who would want to live in it?” Diana Veerland     Leopard, the Beauty with the Spots Did you know what the spots on a leopard are called? Rosettes, because these distinctive black spots resemble roses. If you have read my last post, Adventures in the Wild, you’ll know I just returned for a 12 day jaunt in the forests of Central India. I was there to learn more about wildlife, as part of a…

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Adventures in the Wild: #MondayMusings #MondayBlogs #MicroblogMondays

Adventures in the Wild: #MondayMusings #MondayBlogs #MicroblogMondays

“I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, “This is what it is to be happy.” — Sylvia Plath