Covid Diwali: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom
“We are all in this together. And we will get through this, together.”
– Antonio Gutteres, Secretary General, United Nations

Well, I’ve been gone two weeks, and the thing is that early last week, I tested positive for Covid. Yes, I did!
We were to travel over the Diwali weekend just gone by, but I developed the symptoms – very mild fever, fatigue, a dry cough and mild headache on Sunday before last. Friends who had tested positive, insisted I get the test done. I relented of course, as I was to travel, and that too to see my 80 year-old Father after 8 months of Covid, and it wasn’t worth taking a chance at all. We were to travel by road in our car and were to do a river safari too, prior to the journey we’d make to see my Father.
The plans were a washout, and we were all sorely disappointed. But I’m so glad I went ahead and took the test, more so because of the travel plans. And nothing was worth taking a chance.
Covid can get anyone, however careful you are. I have not been socialising and maintaining all the safety measures in place, mask, sanitising regularly, etc., yet the virus got me.
Today, as I write this post, I’m on Day 11 since I developed the symptoms. I’m doing so much better. The symptoms are mostly gone. My sense of smell which I lost mid-last week, is slowly but surely coming back. Yet, I am staying put in my room, quarantined, to ensure rest of my family is safe and protected.
The Sun Shines and Gratitude:
Mi familia has been my rock, and source of strength and joy during this phase of isolation. Looking out for me, ensuring I’m comfortable, rested and have eaten well.
So have friends who have reached out with their reassuring calls and messages, and prayed for my well being and that of my family’s. So very grateful to be surrounded by so many angels who have infused my life with prayers and good wishes, during this testing time.
My spirits are flagging high. I have managed to read, listen to music and spiritual discourses, watch shows on Netflix (which I would never do otherwise), rest, and also maintain a Covid diary with the my day-to-day details and symptoms. I also have been chanting abundantly, meditating and have continued to do my breathing exercises. Can’t wait to start practising yoga again. Right now I feel too weak to practise.
Today is the first day I’ve opened my Mac to work. I couldn’t have let the #WW post go. I will be taking some time to read and respond to all your posts that you link up this coming week, as the weakness is still getting to me. Can’t be online for too long. Please do bear with me, meanwhile.
I’m so grateful to my furry girls, Mishka and Laila who have been my constant companions, though initially I wasn’t even petting them, as they could transfer the virus to others. Laila, refuses to leave my side, sleeping on the rug all day. Mishka hops in to give me company now and then. I’ve now started petting them a bit. The doctor says since I’ve had no fever for over a week, my chances of passing on an infection are mostly nil. Yet the quarantine will go on for another 3/4 days.
The DH also gives me company regularly; masked on the futon opposite me, having tea and some of his meals with me.
It’s so reassuring to be surrounded with so much love. I’m grateful, that I have this life and the will to fight off this virus with strength and will power.
Meanwhile, wishing all of you safe times ahead. Keep that mask on, and don’t drop your guards yet, as the virus is very much around. Hugging is also a complete no-no, I would say.
I wish you all new beginnings this Diwali and a blessed wrap up to the year 2020.
Much love, light, laughter and good health!
Cheerio amigos!
Check out these wondrous #WordlessWednesday posts.
Arigato, Gracias, Shukriya, Multumesc, Danke to my amigos in blogosphere for sharing the #WW love with me.
- Patrick takes us for a fascinating walk by California’s Camel Beach.
- Cathy gives us a cuddly dose of winter warmth for people like me who are always cold.
- Suzana takes us through Nico Naan’s ephemeral landscapes of gorgeousness.
- Suzana also takes us to an enchanting park with a tranquil lake in Romania.
- Sandee shows us by a bench where we can witness the fall colours in all their glory.
- Christina shows us a spectacular sunset at South Africa and her daughter’s Haloween costume.
- Zina takes us visiting her cat, Calliope in Romania. Calliope sure got the moves. Check her out.
- Zina once again catches her cat, Calliope keeping a tab of the time.
- Steve is here to spread more laughter with his egg-cellent post.
- Arvind from Jaipur tells us to value the golden hour and why it’s not a good idea to press the snooze button.
- Diana shows us a fascinating glimpse of hippos and crocs from Africa.
- Veronica comes up with another interesting post from Malaysia of a dog called, Indy at her son’s animal shelter who now has a forever home. Don’t miss the prettiness.
- Maries shares autumn laughter from the US of A.
- Dear friend, and a regular with #WW Parul is back after a longish hiatus with an interesting post from A-Ma temple in Macau.
- Yvonne joins us with some kitty snippets and gorgeous artefacts collected by her mum and her.
- Plaridel shares a little heart-tugging story called The Gift.
- Betty takes you to New Zealand visiting Spoonbills foraging for their meal.
- Vinitha, returns to #WW again after a little break and stuns us with her lyrical poem that goes with an awe-inspiring sky.
- Priya shares a glorious glimpse of the November sun bouncing off her ruby red veggies.
- Pragun joins us with a mystical tribute to the exotic Night Jasmines or Paarijat that dot our landscapes in Autumn.
- Chandra joins us with lovely Irises and the power of prayers.
#WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom
Here’s how you can join:
- #WW is an alternate week link party and goes live 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month.
- The next edition goes live on 17th November, 2020.
- Post a picture/pictures on your blog. It could be from life’s wondrous or wicked moments. Plug in the lessons (#WednesdayWisdom) and humour too. Share your wanderlust moments, or simple random shots from your day that caught your fancy, or not.
- Make your post as wordless or wordy as you wish to.
- There won’t be a linky widget, but you can leave the links to yourposts in the comments section. I will link your posts on my blog in the next edition and spread blog love.
- Do add the badge to your post and a backlink to my post.
- And do connect with a fascinating bunch of bloggers from across the globe by visiting and reading them.
You can link up right up till Monday the 30th November, and you have ample time to hop in.
The next post goes live on 1 December.
Get ready to be deliciously framed!
Have a fabulous #WW!
Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from the blogosphere who host Wordless Wednesday :
Betty, Steve, Sue NC, Zina, Xmas Dolly, Sandee, Cathy, Tina
Also linking up with Trent for his weekly Smiles.
54 thoughts on “Covid Diwali: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom”
Hi, dear Natasha! I hope you’re better now. I wish you well!

Thanks dearest. Yes, I have recovered. Just getting my strength back now. Thank you so much for checking on me again. That’s so very kind of you.
Sending you much love and hugs too. <3 <3
Natz, I meant to message you after I read this or comment – actually do both. Hope you’re doing better. So sorry you had to go through this! I love how you found something to bring you joy through it though. What would we do without our sweet pets? Take care!
Corinne Rodrigues recently posted…Lessons From Moving
No worries at all dear Cory. Yes, what would we do without our sweet peas.
Yes, recovered and getting my strength back.
Thanks so much for checking on me.
I’m so sorry you contracted COVID-19, but am happy to hear you are on the mend. Sending good thoughts and a big virtual hug. Here’s my offering: https://iamchandralynn.com/2020/11/18/fluent/
Chandra Lynn recently posted…Fluent
Thanks so much dear Chandra, and a virtual hug back at you. Thank you for your lovely offering for #WW.
Love <3
I am sorry to hear this, happy that you had a relatively mild case, and that you are on the road to recovery. I know several people now who have had COVID and experiences differ. We still have so much to learn about this illness. So important to do what the doctors recommend but you aren’t the only one who has been so careful and got it anyway. I am sending you a virtual hug.
Alana recently posted…Sustainable Saturday – Theft in the Garden
Thanks dear Alana. Very kind of you to stop by and share the love. Yes, I guess the experiences do vary from different people but yes the basic symptoms mostly remain the same.
Thanks for the virtual hug. Sending one back at you. <3
Oh dear! Natasha, hugs! I am glad you are recovering…You take extra care, and get well soonest!
Our pets are so intelligent, right? They understand everything so well. They know when we are sick, when we are depressed and when we are angry and in no mood to talk. Without their company, their love, I am sure life would be so much more difficult to go through.
Your girls are super cute! When you can, please give them both a tight hug from me <3
Dear Shilpa,
Big tight hug given from your side.
Yes, they are such a blessing, and the best thing is they know how to perk us up. The best pick me up anyone could ask for.
Thank you so much for all the love. I'm doing well now. Amen to that.
A lovely celebration!
I’m so happy to see your link at ‘My Corner of the World’ this week!
My Corner of the World recently posted…Garden color
Indeed so. Good to see you here too with me on #WW, Betty dearest.
So glad you are doing well and recovering nicely Natasha! Take care.. Here is my post for #WW https://yenforblue.com/2020/11/19/green-wordless-wednesday/
Archana recently posted…Green ( Wordless Wednesday)
Thanks so much for joining, Dear Archana. Good to see you on #WW.
So glad to hear that your symptoms were mild and that you are almost recovered. Such a wise decision to get tested before travel. Hope you are completely fit soon, Nats. <3
Yes, dear Rachna. Thank god for divine interventions.
Yes, recovered and now gathering my strength back.
Thanks for stopping by.
Oh dear girl! I wish I had seen this post earlier. I’m glad you’re feeling better now – take care, rest, and keep your spirits up. Sending you so much love and wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
Joining in for Wordless Wednesday too: https://moderngypsy.in/2020/11/18/finding-unique-abstract-language/
Modern Gyspy recently posted…Finding my unique abstract language
Thanks so much sweetheart for your messages. Means much.
Big hugs <3
Good to see you on #WW. :))
So sorry you caught Covid, but very relieved to know you’re on the mend now. I wish I had seen this post earlier.
Take good care, and big hugs.
Damyanti Biswas recently posted…#WritingCommunity, Want Advice from a #Bestselling Author?
Thanks, D. <3 <3
Oh dear! I am glad to know that you are feeling better now, Natasha. You are right, now is not the time to let our guard down. It’s good that you got tested before the travel. Take care, dear!
Those pictures are adorable, especially your fur babies! Thank you for sharing the beautiful clicks, Natasha!
Mine: https://thevoidthoughts.com/2020/11/19/could-you-human-wordlesswednesday-97/
Vinitha recently posted…Could You, Human? #WordlessWednesday 97
So lovely to have you join in dear, Vinitha. And thanks for all the love and concern. Means much.
I guess that’s what helps us tide through the trying times. A kind word from friends and well wishers.
Much love and so glad to see you post. <3 <3
OMG! Et tu Natasha! Get well soon dear.
Corona can get anyone, especially when its a community spread and not to forget there are plenty of asymptomatic ones roaming without being aware they are infected, hence carriers. Another important thing is we maybe careful but not necessarily others……… and human contact is not the only way to get it.
It is indeed a blessing to be surrounded by people we love when we need them most. Get fit soon and then take that trip to meet dad. Though I think you can let another fortnight go by if you can.
Loads of love, warm hugs and healing!
Monika Ohson | TravelerInMe recently posted…The light of faith and hope
Dearest Monika,
Yes, Covid can indeed get anyone. I’m glad it’s behind me now.
As for swinging by to see Dad, putting it on hold for sometime now as the cases are on the rise and dont want to risk it for him or anyone. I’m staying put at home these days. Even though my quarantine was over last weekend. Also working on getting my strength back.
How have you been? We must catch up one of these days, over a call.
Stay safe, stay wonderful. Delhi is in a bad shape with the covid cases.
Much love. <3 Hugs too.
Oh that is so sad! But good to know that you are on your road to recovery. Hope you feel completely alright soon.
You fur balls are so cute! They make such wonderful companions especially when you are staying at home all day.
Take care Natasha!
Reema Dsouza recently posted…7 Life lessons from books while living through a pandemic
Thanks dear Reema, for your thoughtful message.
Yes, the fur balls make a world of difference indeed.
Love and light. <3
I was only thinking this morning that nobody I know has been affected by Covid, then I read this! Thank goodness you are coming through in unscathed. Love the pictures, especially your furry girls!
Keith’s Ramblings recently posted…One hundred words …
Thanks dear Keith. It’s ironic yes.
Even I was one of the few people who didn’t know anyone personally affected by the virus till recently. It seems the way the pandemic is rising in our city, everyone would have got it some time or the other!
Sorry state of affairs indeed.
The furry girls are indeed a delight.
You stay safe, and well.
Aww! they look so cute heheh!
What a nice post positivity is in short supply at the moment we need more, I liked the photos
Have a cutetastic safe week
stevebethere recently posted…WW On A Tuesday – Decisions
Thanks dear Steve. And also for joining.
You have a fantastic week ahead!
I’m glad to know you’re better now, dear Natasha!
You will fully recover, I’m sure!

Mishka and Laila are so so so cute! I’m glad I met them!
It’s a great idea to keep track of your symptoms.
Big-big hug!
Thanks so much dearest. You are a doll. <3
I'm glad I could introduce you to my Mishka and Laila. <3
Big hugs from me. Stay safe and your wonderful self.
Lovely to have you join in this #WW
Thank you for sharing with us this situation, that makes you strongly.
When the family is supportive, we really have to be grateful. And your furry girls are adorable!
I love the altar. It’s very impressive. Such a place is so important in our life.
Wishing you health, dear friend! Take care!
Happy WW!
I’m so glad you noticed the altar my dear friend. <3
It has both my Buddhist altar and the Hindu one.
Thanks for your loving wishes, Suzana dearest.
Big hugs and big love. <3
Dear Natasha, I’m sorry you had to go through this trouble with Covid. I think, however, that it is the only way we can gain immunity, better than vaccination.
I was moved by the presence of furry girls with you, I know how loving dogs are and how they suffer with their “parents”.
I wish health and courage to you and your whole family.
PS I added the link in my table.
Zina recently posted…JURNAL (9/2020) Un citat semnificativ și o amintire impresionantă…
Thanks so much for your warm wishes and reassuring words, dear Zina.
made me smile.
Good to see you on #WW.
Love to all of you and Calliope too.
Hello my lovely, and I hope this note finds you so much better. My jaw dropped to the floor when I read you had Covid. I pray for you all the time with all my friends & my special friends, and family of course. The Lord will watch over you sweetie I just know it. I shall put you in my special prayers now until I hear that you’re all better. Such beautiful pictures you have posted also. I’m quite tired tonight, but I shall write another little note tomorrow afternoon when I come home from the doctor. More later. My love is wrapped all the way around your heart. God speed. HUGS
Marie Moody aka XmasDolly recently posted…Autumn is Here! WW
Dearmost Marie,
Thank you so much for wrapping me in all the love. Gave me such a warm fuzzy feeling.
I am fine now, have recovered but slowly gathering my strength back.
Thank you for keeping me in your prayers. That really made me glow in all the love.
What happened? Why were you at the doctors?
Take good care, much love always.
Hugs and sunshine. <3 <3
You have set such a good example for all of us- and I bet your dogs really help you! Take care!
Thanks so much Kathe. Means much.
Love and light.
What a lovely post and those two pups are adorable. We all need to look at the positive in our lives. You’ve done that.
Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Natasha. ♥
Sandee recently posted…Happy Tuesday
Thank you dear Sandee. Thanks so much for joining me too on #WW.
Much love. <3
I’m so sorry to hear about your battle with COVID but so glad that you are being cared for and doing so much better! Thank you for sharing your journey with us, and even taking the time to do your Wordless Wednesday post. Blessings, Tina
Christina Morley recently posted…Wild Cotton and a Linky
Thanks so much dear Tina.
Yes, I enjoy doing #WW so couldn’t have missed it, but I must admit I was a bit exhausted after that. But I’m so glad I did and I had the wonderful opportunity of hearing from all of you.
Thanks for joining me dear Tina. Love and hugs.
Wow, I am sorry that you caught Covid-19 but glad you got tested! I haven’t seen my parents this year at all
and would not want to be the one responsible for getting them infected, so while I’m sure you missed seeing your father, I’m also sure you feel good about skipping the travel. Furry companions are a comfort – Fiyero is at my side as I type
Glad you are feeling better and that the fever is gone. Hope you recover competently soon.
Thanks much Trent.
Say hi to Fiyero.
Thanks Jim. Long time no see. Your comment went into spam, I just noticed. See you this week on #WW?
Natasha recently posted…Birding Weekend: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom
Natasha, although surprised and concerned that you contracted the Coronavirus, I am so pleased to hear that your symptoms have not been critical and that you have good signs of recovery. It is wise of you to quarantine your dear pets, as science is still evolving as to how they may play a role in contagion. Your decision to obtain a diagnosis despite your anticipation of great disappointment about curtailing travel, which you indeed experienced, is an exemplary virtue. The USA should embrace the wisdom of Diwali, particulary “cognition over ignorance,” because a certain segment of our population believes that wearing a mask is a sign of weakness and submission while it actually protects the vulnerable. Masking promotes a more speedy return to a better economy and hopefully, a respite until an effective vaccine becomes available. Sadly, the one person who can best provide leadership to our entire country is actually impeding recovery by such bad example and willful ignorance, demonizing the scientists, simply to appeal to a base which has now failed him.
Thanks dear Ken, and also for joining me this #WW.
Yes, its a shame how people walk around irresponsibly without masks, and when leaders are callous about the whole thing. Fortunately US has voted sensibly this time and things should get better for all of you.
Take care Ken. Be safe. and see you next week.