Human Beings or Human Doings?
Animals instinctively know when it’s time to hibernate. Humans have chosen to forego resting their physical bodies and souls, caught in the quagmire of their mortal lives. The hustle culture gets real by the day.
We were born human beings, but have transformed into human doings. The urge to constantly perform and accomplish has gotten more and more ingrained in our DNA. A DNA which was orchestrated to also rest, rejuvenate and play, while working and doing.
Can’t Slow Down
How often do we take time to slow down and just be?
To watch the moment pass by?
Or look out of our windows and gaze aimlessly at the sky?
Only when we meditate, possibly?
On a family dinner or date, we are distracted by our phones. We are busy taking the best possible food pictures, or posing out for selfies; adding more to the thousands of pictures already cramming our phones.
When solitude makes its way into our lives, we grab our phones to either check our Whatsapp messages, or aimlessly scroll on social media feeds. On our walks we are plugged into our earphones, chatting away with people, or listening to music or podcasts.
Instead, what if we tune into the sounds of nature, or notice our surroundings, or tune into our inner voice. Or, the nodding sunflowers that quietly soaks in the sun, outside our balcony. Or, aimlessly just be.
How often do we get out into the depths of nature? And when we do, we get tangled in capturing the ideal sunrise or open vistas? Or posing for more pictures.
We could instead revel in the moment, and hold it captive in our minds’ eye.
When our body demands the much needed rest, our mind tells us we should still go on.
Being Human Beings
Hibernating and taking time to slow down and doing nothing; helps us relax, reboot and realign with our human being-ness. It gives us the headspace to just be, or bring our attention back to our centre. It helps us cruise through life with focus and calm, instead of operating on an auto-pilot.
Since we lead busy, over achieving lives, this may not always be doable. But as often as we declutter our wardrobes, or homes; we could also declutter and compartmentalise our time, while stopping to just be.
A bit of ease during the course of our day, even if it is few minutes of “being” twice or thrice in a day, can open portals of awareness.
In those 5 or 2/3 minutes, we could watch our breath, stay silent, be grateful for what is, and tune off from the human doing-ness. A few minutes of resting and reclaiming; can help us get on to the next task energetically. A much needed break from the buzzing and achieving.
Even bees fall asleep on flowers!
Why are we so afraid of being, and not doing?
I wonder…
A machine also needs to rest and reboot.
Why have we given into the busyness of life?
Can’t human beings take it easy?
And not fashionably claim,”I’m so busy!”
This post was written as part of a prompt shared on my Writers’ group by Farjad.
- Pick up the book closest to you.
- Open at page 53.
- Read the 7th line from the top.
- That’s your prompt.
- That’s your FINAL prompt, do not change the book.
I did not open the 53rd page, but the one that called out to me intuitively. This topic is something I have been mulling about for a while, and lo! Behold here’s the line I got.
“When it gets too cold they forget about physical exertion.”
(From the 77th page, 7th line of “The Inner Life of Animals” – Surprising Observations of a Hidden World – Peter Wohlleben)
15 thoughts on “Human Beings or Human Doings?”
Totally agree with everything you are saying. So cool. We are messing with our DNA. Thanks for posting this. Beautiful.
Patrick Weseman recently posted…A Walk Through the Tilden Park Botanic Garden
Lovely. I am often busy but do take moments to slow down…the dog walk, a gallery, exercise…all noticing the small (my morning shower with music blaring) #KeithsRamblings
Lydia C. Lee recently posted…Share Four Somethings – August
Even bees fall asleep on flowers … agree with every word. From human doing back to human being!
I try to pause every few weeks. I dedicately try to not overthink and just slow down for a day.
Pooja Mahimkar recently posted…3 Days At Kairali – The Ayurvedic Healing Village
Lovely Pooja, and that’s a great start. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your experience and stopping by.
Fate paired me with the smartest woman in the world. She instinctively knew the value of balance in our daily lives. More importantly, she instilled that sense of work ethic and “recharge” time into our children.
Our explorations of Nature together began nearly six decades ago. Working hard was a necessity. Relaxing is vital for our survival.
Thank you for a thoughtful essay, Natasha.
Wally Jones recently posted…The Ridge (1)
Completely resonated with my way of thinking Natz.. Love the concept of slow living..
Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous day. Love and hugs, Natasha. ♥
Sandee recently posted…Wordless Wednesday
Beautiful post as always, dearest Natasha.
I am learning to slow down and to not get too overwhelmed. I’m eliminating distractions and multitasking, focusing on one task at a time. I’m trying to be more mindful and to be present in the moment.
I’m learning to enjoy the journey, not just the destination.
Hugs and blessings
Veronica Lee recently posted…Gallimaufry#91
Beautiful and valuable piece of writing, dear Natasha We make sure that Granny takes her peaceful moments throughout the day. We feel exactly when it’s time to do that as we pick up effurry energy flow there is 🙂
Granny says technology and their influences, lead by people who take advantage of it, have created this hectic world on purpose, but we see more people going back to their center f.e. with the help of these kind of posts. We know that there is more in life than a mobile phone etc, in fact she now has forbidden the (grand)child(ren) to use it when they come to visit us. They all said that they can multitask, but no-one heard what Granny said to them when she asked them what she said..pffff… 😀
Btw We see Granny doing the same things you do with the books 😉
Thank you for your always inspiring posts dear furriend. Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day and week ahead ♥♥♥
Getting up there in years tends to slow us down naturally. Those were all excellent points though.
Hello my Sista from afar!!! We’re all Sistas & brothers aren’t we???
Well, at least the nice people & no terrorists please!!! Anyway, how have you been? GREAT I HOPE!!! You’re probably sleeping right now or getting ready to wake up!!! I bet you’re a little snuggle bug aren’t ya? You seem that that’s what you like to do……. LIKE ME!!! HAHAHAHA!!! Anyway, I’m just finishing off my Wordless Wednesday now that I have my blog finally working for me! WOO HOO! This is today’s link if ya wanna see the stuff that I did! ENJOY!!! HUGS… MARIE! LUV YA GIRLFRIEND & MY SISTA FROM AFAR!!! HUGS
Marie E Moody recently posted…Wordless Wednesday
When I was working I was so busy my hair was on fire most of the time. Now that I’m retired I refuse to rush from place to place or thing to thing.
Have a fabulous day and week, Natasha. Love and hugs. ♥
Sandee recently posted…Wordless Wednesday