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Category: #ChattyBlogs

Adieu 2017 With Deep Gratitude

Adieu 2017 With Deep Gratitude

Long Post Alert! But then how does one sum up a year in 100 words, without giving gratitude! 😉 It’s that time  of the year when many of us bloggers/writers write a reflective post on the year gone by. A year that left imprints in our hearts: some good, some not so good. But we chose to take forward the lessons and learning from both, don’t we? I’m bidding 2017 adieu with deep gratitude in my heart. We all know…

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Life is a Cycle #MondayMusings

Life is a Cycle #MondayMusings

My weekends are getting busier and more interesting. On Sundays I go for a long ride with my Life is a Cycle buddies. Ours is a band of crazy and avid cyclists who not just cycle for the thrill of cycling, but to engage in silly banter, gorge on the various lip-smacking street food and sip on the milky roadside chai that awakens ones spirits, all while engaging in this fun sport and fitness regime.