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Tag: #amwriting

The Road Trip: #FridayFictioneers

The Road Trip: #FridayFictioneers

The Harris family is on a much awaited road trip to the mountains. Amidst the Winding roads, giggly twins, the eighteen year-old plays Watermelon Sugar on a loop. Mrs. Harris lovingly passes around the cookies and sandwiches; she has meticulously packed.   Mr. Harris deftly steers his van to the much awaited destination. The breathtaking snow peaks gleam against the golden light. As they savour the view and the crisp mountain air, the radio splutters back to life. A grim…

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Good News: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

Good News: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

    Ann Frank’s story is such a wonderful reminder in these tough times, to hold on to hope. To believe in the goodness within us and that of one another. The world is going through tough, turbulent times. There is mass unrest, lives being lost, political friction, pandemic woes, mental health issues on a rise, devastations and despair. Yet there are instances of hope. And today I choose to share a few hopeful instances that have added meaning to…

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Love in the times of Corona: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom #YeahWriteNonFiction

Love in the times of Corona: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom #YeahWriteNonFiction

Redefining Love in the times of corona The other day I was on Twitter after a longish hiatus. I was thoroughly amused by this tweet by @sarahfarooqui20  Here’s what she said: “Some one should write Love in the Times of Corona. A poignant tale of love and longing in a masked world, embittered with social distance.” Most of us have read or heard of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s masterpiece, “Love in the times of Cholera.”  Inspired by Sarah Farooqui’s quote I…

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NatashaMusing is Turning Two! : #Blogiversary #AmWriting

NatashaMusing is Turning Two! : #Blogiversary #AmWriting

Yes! we are turning two!! And I’m bringing in my blogiversary celebrations this year with a big bang. This announcement is tad late, but believe you me I was having a whale of a time, most of the day, today at the Delhi Times Literary Festival. I know I should have scheduled this post, but I’m still working my way towards getting more organised with my blogging. Hopefully the coming year, will bring in some redemption. Amen to that! 🙂…

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Seven Things I’m Grateful for This June: #GratitudeCircle

Seven Things I’m Grateful for This June: #GratitudeCircle

Seven Things I’m Grateful for This June: #GratitudeCircle June spells a lot of excitement for us, every year. Both the girls are June babies, so it’s celebrations galore. Summer vacations also add up to the fun and the “not doing much” mode. It’s usually travel time, but this month our travel plans had to be put on hold, as the DH was neck-deep in work.  So here are the Seven Things I am Grateful For This June: