Covid Diwali: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom
“We are all in this together. And we will get through this, together.” – Antonio Gutteres, Secretary General, United Nations
“We are all in this together. And we will get through this, together.” – Antonio Gutteres, Secretary General, United Nations
LOCKDOWN SNIPPETS Here are a few things that we have been upto, all during this 21-day lockdown. And yes, there’s more. We work from home diligently every morning from 10 A.M. to about 6 P.M, some times a little more. We also take a lot of reading breaks. And yes, I haven’t watched so much TV in over a decade, as I am watching now. Including…
Redefining Love in the times of corona The other day I was on Twitter after a longish hiatus. I was thoroughly amused by this tweet by @sarahfarooqui20 Here’s what she said: “Some one should write Love in the Times of Corona. A poignant tale of love and longing in a masked world, embittered with social distance.” Most of us have read or heard of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s masterpiece, “Love in the times of Cholera.” Inspired by Sarah Farooqui’s quote I…