{V} is for Vivacious Souls: #AtoZChallenge
{V} is for Vivacious Souls
This April anecdote is a snap shot of three vivacious souls who live a truly zestful life. They believe in living life to the hilt, and celebrating each day as though it were their last.
This is Kanika who runs an art and design house by day and is a Zumba instructor by evening. She is a bubbly, effervescent soul whose laugh is more infectious than you can imagine. Kanika is thirty eight, has a son who embodies her vivacious spirit and a husband who is spirited, strong and silent. After all opposite poles attract. On a blistering, hot summer afternoon; Kanika was driving to the nearest grocery when a car came and rammed against hers. Instead of getting agitated, Kanika got off from her car and calmly told the driver to be more careful the next time. The guy was totally taken aback, as in any other situations he would have been hurled with a bunch of expletives. Kanika did not demand anything for the damages, but the driver was so taken in by her calm, gentle demeanour that he volunteered to pick up the expenses. Kanika flashed her radiant smile in gratitude and left. Rest of her day was spent planning her son’s birthday party and not moping over her damaged car.
This is Miranda, a sweet-natured ten-year old, always willing to help her friends and family. Her ebullient, vivacious spirit is like the warm winter sun, that makes an appearance on a gloomy day. She is cheerful all the time. She keeps herself busy by engaging in myriad creative activities through the day, sometimes even rustling up a tiny storm in the kitchen with her culinary experiments. Her parents consider themselves lucky to be blessed with an angelic child who never throws a tantrum, or creates a fuss over food or studies. Miranda is content with her creative instincts and her love for books. Her friends dote on her too. One evening when her gang of friends were warring over a trivial matter, Miranda acted as the glue by helping them sort their differences. Miranda’s teachers love her sweet disposition and willingness to help around. Her vivacious spirit is truly remarkable.
Nanny Plum is seventy-four and another vivacious soul who enchants people with her upliftingly optimistic attitude. She has the most magical green thumbs and she keeps her locality lush and manicured with her gift. The residents of Nanny Plum’s condominium rely on her for naturally beautifying their living space. Nanny Plum is up every morning at 5 A.M. and after a brisk walk and half an hour of Yoga, she sports her galoshes and is seen trundling around the condominium’s green patches, inspecting the plants, de-weeding them and gently rebuking the gardeners who may have left a patch unwatered. She also hugs atleast four trees every day. She says that is an act of nurturing her soul. Nanny Plum is the life of every party. She loves her wine and sticks to Sangrias in summers. Even the young women residents are more than happy to host her for their girlie dos, as she beats them with her energy and dance moves. She shakes her booty with such style and grace, it’s remarkable. She is fighting fit at her ripe old age. Her effervescent laugh and vivacious spirit, draws people to her like moth to flames.
Don’t you think the world needs more vivacious souls like these, who will add sparkle to our lives, and make this world a better, happier, care -free place to live in? I’m so glad I know these girls. They sure add a whole new dimension of zing to my life with their buoyant spirits.
Disclaimer: Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.
My theme for this year’s Blogging from A-Z Challenge is April Anecdotes. These are twenty-six compelling tales of some real people, and some not so real people. These tales will be surreal, peppered with a dose of non-fiction, but some might just be a figment of my over active imagination. You can read my theme here.
You can read my previous posts from #AtoZChallenge2018 here:
A is for Anachronism or Misplaced in Time?
F is for Far from the Maddening Crowd
G is for Goblins, Gnomes and Gypsy Spirits
R is Reminiscing the Yesteryears
T is for Thankful for Your Tender Love
17 thoughts on “{V} is for Vivacious Souls: #AtoZChallenge”
Loved reading about these lovely people:) yes the world needs, thanks for sharing:)
Thanks Angela.
Beautiful souls. I totally admire Kanika for her calmness in the face of adversity, little Miranda’s maturity and Nanny plum’s enthusiasm for each day of life.
Great, inspirational post, Natasha.<3
Thanks Moon. Yes these are some very incredible girls ❤️
Definitely – the world needs such beautiful souls. And how nicely you have written about them. I’d love to age gracefully like Nanny Plum. Have you taken the portrait shots?
Seema Misra – #AtoZchallenge participant, Artist, Writer, Wanderer, and Dreamer.
Lonely Canopy
Hi Seema,
Unfortunately I haven’t taken those portrait shots, though I wish I could have.
Yes I would love to be like Nanny Plum too, skating and skidding through life’s roller coaster ride
Thank you for leaving your imprints behind.
Thank you for introducing us to these beautiful souls 🙂
You are very welcome Soumya. They are so worth a mention.
The vivaciousness of some people, indeed lighten up many lives around them!! Its a blessing Natasha to have met these souls in your life!!
She also hugs atleast four trees every day! 🙂 This line just made me grin so wide! 🙂 Thank you for sharing these stories.
We seriously need more vivacious souls great post
Lovely idea for a post to show the various faces.
Three very different people who share one thing, vivacity. Delightful Natasha.
A-Z of My Friend Rosey!
Such great examples of people who have learnt how to live their lives to the fullest 🙂
The best type of people to emulate! Lovely girls
Vivacious souls have a way of lighting up the lives of those they meet . You’re lucky to have them in your life Natasha…. but then, as they say , like attracts like . Isn’t it ? Be happy .
Thank you for sharing stories of such beautiful, vibrant women!
U is for Books About the Underworld