{U} is for Uplifting Our Energy: #AtoZChallenge
{U} is for Uplifting Our Energy
“Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” ~ Albert Einstein*
Here’s an interesting April anecdote that has been instrumental in uplifting my energy. I had the good fortune of attending and hosting a Personal Energy Management workshop conducted by my dear friend, Sridhar Ramakrishnan, last weekend. It was an unusual Saturday that came disguised in the garb of an energy coach, who travelled all the way from Bombay. Sridhar coached fifteen odd participants, on a plethora of very thought-provoking lessons in energy management.
Sridhar has spent twenty-five years with the Times of India and continues to work there as a Consulting Editor and Mentor while wearing the second hat of a Personal Energy Coach. I met Sri, some eighteen years back through his incredible prayer group, Connect Ticket. Over the years I have experienced innumerable miracles through the power of prayers of Connect Ticket and the energy tips Sri has liberally dispensed my way.

The workshop was a roaring success, with my nine-year-old and the DH also participating and oh! how could I forget my two furry girls who were our permanent, zen fixtures. A bunch of enthusiastic men and women congregated in our humble home at 2 P.M. and what happened thereafter is history. Sri explains energy scientifically and correlates it to physics; so there is never a conundrum on speculations or imaginations.
He explains the magical effects of gratitude to even the “inanimate”, so to speak. Even non-living objects he believes have feelings. He explains that water that has been given gratitude shows dynamic, beautiful crystals, but that which has been cursed will show haphazard crystals. That drives home the message that even inanimate objects like our favourite sofa, pillow, water that we drink and food that we eat; when given gratitude, will flourish. These experiments have been scientifically proven on water and plants by Japanese scientist Dr. Masara Emoto. Such is the impact of our energies on objects around us, so imagine the kind of impact our thoughts have, on people around us.
Sri also spoke on how to keep our home temple/altar. A big tip was not to keep two altars at the same time, as it creates split energy, causing infighting among family members.
He talks about the aftermath of clutter, that leads to energy blockages. He says the more one discard, the more one will receive; as energy rushes to fill the vacuum left behind. He looks at us with his trademark enigmatic smile and tells us to clean one shelf, donate one fruit, give five hugs each day and notice the transformative energies working wonders in our lives.
Sridhar shared plenty other energy uplifting nuggets, as the fascinated participants gaped in wonder. He wrapped up the session by testing our energies with a pendulum and a beautiful healing sound meditation to align our chakras. We also got a pendulum each that would aid us in checking our energy equilibrium, and then fix it through his valuable tips. The workbook that all the participants received has some precious gems on energy management, that I will be using in the coming days.
I have been feeling so much more empowered and uplifted after this wondrous energy workshop. We have received similar feedback from all the participants who went home smug and super charged. But not before we had dug into a spread of chola-kulcha (garbanzos and Indian bread), dhokla (chick pea savouries), and halwa (sweet, mouth watering Indian dessert that takes you to the realm of nirvana-as though the workshop wasn’t enough) and copious cups of lemon grass-ginger chai.
*Quote borrowed from Sridhar’s, workbook on Personal Energy Management.
Details on Personal Energy Management are also available on Sridhar’s website.
My theme for this year’s Blogging from A-Z Challenge is April Anecdotes. These are twenty-six compelling tales of some real people, and some not so real people. These tales will be surreal, peppered with a dose of non-fiction, but some might just be a figment of my over active imagination. You can read my theme here.
You can read my previous posts from #AtoZChallenge2018 here:
A is for Anachronism or Misplaced in Time?
F is for Far from the Maddening Crowd
G is for Goblins, Gnomes and Gypsy Spirits
21 thoughts on “{U} is for Uplifting Our Energy: #AtoZChallenge”
Energy workshop is just what I need right now. Loved the tip about decluttering. Sounds interesting
Hi Seema, my name is Sridhar and I had conducted this workshop. Yeah, clutter is one of the biggest energy blocks. It shows insecurity; it results in weight gain, closemindedness and a host of other issues.
I’d love to discuss energy with you if you are interested. 🙂 My website is http://www.rsridhar.com
What a wonderful experience. Something I would love to partake in.
A-Z of My Friend Rosey!
Hi Keith, my name is Sridhar and I had done this workshop that Natasha has written about. I’d love to answer any questions you may have about my workshops. Maybe you coulc check out my site – http://www.rsridhar.com and we could stay in touch by email . 🙂
Hey Natasha, thanks a ton for sharing your experiences about my workshop. Im so so glad you found so much value :)) I loved the cohesion in your expressions, and the way you have articulated your experiences 🙂
Yes, energy management requires a shift in thinking. As so-called ‘rational’ individuals, we often shut ourselves to the myriad miracles and possibilities that the Universe has to offer. That’s the reason the first exercise in the program is to ‘unlearn’. Only then can we see everything in terms of frequencies and wavelengths, and realise that spirituality, science, religion, architecture, mathematics, therapy, human behaviour and the earth’s wisdom meet at a point, which simply put is electromagnetism.
That’s such a fascinating concept.
Hi Anurag,
My name is Sridhar and I had conducted the workshop that Natasha has written about. Well, energy is something that needs to be managed; else, it starts to manage you! 🙂 Do let me know if you need any info about the concept and my work. I’ll be happy to provide. My site is http://www.rsridhar.com. Cheers.
There was such a positive vibe throughout this post, Natasha! it felt good reading about the power of energy, esp. the quote in the beginning.
And, I agree…about decluttering to allow the flow of energy in our home. That’s one thing I do as often as possible.
Hi Shilpa, if you declutter on a regular basis, then a lot of energy issues gets sorted out! 🙂 Im the guy who did the workshop that Natasha has written about 🙂 Loved your comment!
Haven’t heard about the concept of energy management before. Looks like something I’d like to study a bit about.
Hi Varad, I’d be glad to provide you any info that you need on my Personal Energy management workshops. My name is Sridhar and my online presence is http://www.rsridhar.com. This term was coined by me in 2008 when I started doing these workshops and recently I trademarked it as well. Cheers 🙂
Oh I so wish I could attend something like this! Sounds so interesting. Let me read more about this.
Hi Soumya, I’ll be glad to provide you any info you need about my work and workshops. You can check out my website: http://www.rsridhar.com, and can mail me your queries if any. Cheers 🙂
Amazing post, Natasha!
Thanks for sharing your experiences with us.
Interesting post. Thanks for sharing. I know nothing about this topic. U is for Understanding why the theme, Improve your life, Improve your mind.
Hi Shirley, my name is R Sridhar and I had conducted the workshop that Natasha so beautifully wrote about. I’d be glad to provide you any info if want to know more about this concept and the work I do. You can check out my site http://www.rsridhar.com, and mail me any queries you may have. Cheers 🙂
Oh wow, sure sounds like one uplifting workshop. Its a good thing to remove our negative energies and to focus within , right?
Hi Ramya, indeed it is. Well, the appropriate way would be to convert the negative energy into positive because energy per se can onlly be converted and not removed or destroyed. My name is Sridhar and I am the one who had done the workshop that Natz has mentioned. Would love to have ‘energy conversations with you 🙂
This sounds so intriguing. Didn’t know about the effect of energy on inanimate objects. That’s something I would like to read.
Glad that it’s working for you and has helped you uplift yourself
Hi Rajlakshmi, my name’s Sridhar and I had conducted this workshop. Yes, it’s fascinating to connect with inanimate objects and receive signals from them! I had made the participants connect to their footwear and speak to it 😀