Adieu 2017 With Deep Gratitude

Adieu 2017 With Deep Gratitude

Long Post Alert! But then how does one sum up a year in 100 words, without giving gratitude! šŸ˜‰

It’s that timeĀ  of the year when many of us bloggers/writers write a reflective post on the year gone by. A year that left imprints in our hearts: some good, some not so good. But we chose to take forward the lessons and learning from both, don’t we? I’m bidding 2017 adieu with deep gratitude in my heart.

We all know timeĀ  zips by. A clichĆ© indeed, but so true. It’s like being on a zip liner, awaiting the adrenaline rush, and before you realise you are already on the other side of the river.Ā  “Oh! heck, that’s it, with the heart pumping adventure?!” you think to yourself. It ended before it even started. So do most of our years, don’t they? They are over in a jiffy, sometimes leaving us contented and grateful, sometimes gobsmacked,Ā  at times reflective, moping or just plain thankful that it’s been done and dusted with.

Here are some of my stories from 2017:

Writing: The year started on a fascinating note, for me. I took to blogging like fish to water. It became part and parcel of my life, as much as engaging in my daily ablutions and brushing my teeth twice a day. It bestowed me with an author’s cap, thanks to the A-Z Challenge 2017. I was so busy blogging and writing for NatashaMusing that I didn’t want to sign up to write for different websites like Womens Web, Bononology etc. Though I did wish to. Think I should figure out ways to now. The last two months of this year have been tad low-key, in terms of my blog posts. I have been a bit erratic with my travel posts category, Wanderlust Wednesday. Though I have tried to write Fiction with the Friday Fictioneers pretty regularly, but have missed writing the Friday Foto Fiction with Mayuri and Tina. I guess it was more to do with the fact that I was travelingĀ  the last few months, fire-fighting with a few urgent things on the personal front and working on a very interesting content writing project.

I hope to be more focused and planned with regards to my blog in the coming year. I guess scheduling posts is a great idea. Something which I have barely done, except the first few posts of the A-Z Challenge. I am deeply grateful to 2017 for the very precious gift of my writing that got revived late in 2016. It’s the best thing that happened to me in a long time.

No point speculating on what-could-not-be. The idea is to focus on what is. Click To Tweet

Fitness: 2017 is wrapping up on a new high with me getting back to my fitness goals. I’ve managed to knock off about 4 kilos, in two months. If I wasn’t holidaying in Goa last week and mad bingeing on the Goan cuisine and X’mas treats, I would probably have been even two kilos lighter. But no point speculating on what-could-not-be. The idea is to focus on what is. I have returned to my strength training classes since September this year, and I love sweating it out in these cold winters. My cycling routine had suffered too due to lack of companions to cycle with, as most of my cycling buddies are now focused on 100ks and brevets (200Ks), while I’m happy to do 20-40 odd kms at a time. It’s not very safe to cycle alone. But I seem to have met one or two odd people to give me company. Sometimes I wish people would focus less on the numbers, and more on enjoying the experience, while they burn the calories. I’ve binged the last two weeks and today I’m back to my diet. Yes, I signed up for a diet early October, as I wasn’t going anywhere without one. I’m hoping to stay true to it and knock of six more kilos. It’s a healthy do-able diet. I skipped the non-doable bits though, as they weren’t working for me. Watch this space for further updates.



Health: Yes, that’s a separate header altogether for me and does not come under fitness, simply because I feel it needs to be spoken in isolation. After having struggled for a few years with long drawn bouts of depression, I finally experienced a state of positivity and bliss in the year 2017. Maybe it was to do with the fact that I was finally pursuing my calling for writing. And the alternative Tibetian medicines had also helped. It was a great year in terms of good heath. No sinus headaches, and no back aches too in the last six months. Amen to that! And immense, immense gratitude of course.

Let go of those who no longer add value to your life, or are toxic to your being. They were never meant to be in the scheme of things, designed by the universe for you. Click To Tweet

Somethings are Not Meant to Be: As the year goes by, I have realised more and more that certain things are never meant to be. Even if you so badly wanted them to be. It’s so important to make peace with what finally comes your way. Things may not work out the way you may have planned and visualised them to eventually be. No point holding on to what didn’t work out. Instead, when you realise that you have tried the same thing over and over again and it’s going to naught, just let go. Work on figuring out new ways and chalk out a new plan. That applies to people as well. Let go of those who no longer add value to your life, or are toxic to your being. They were never meant to be a part of the scheme of things, the universe designed for you.

Certain things are never meant to be. Even if you so badly wanted them to be. Let go and figure out new ways to chalk out a new plan. Click To Tweet


La Familia


Family: Our families bind us together in a thread of togetherness, standing by us in the most difficult and vulnerable times. I have to give gratitude for being blessed with the most wonderful family I could ever have imagined. This includes the DH, my two girls and the extended family that goes beyond my DH’s and mine. When the waters were rough sometime back, my Father who is also a huge source of inspiration for me; had my back, standing by me, supporting me and listening to my rants. So did the DH who is the best-est friend I could ever ask for, in the whole wide world. He unconditionally accepts me for who I am and lets me be, allowing me to pursue my passion, my interests the way I would want to, without ever wanting to clip my wings. I’m grateful for this blessed family of mine.

Our families bind us together in a thread of togetherness, standing by us in the most difficult and vulnerable times. Click To Tweet
Father Dear Father


Friends: As always I’m blessed with a circle of beautiful friends. The new addition this year have been my book club, music club and cycling club buddies. These clubs have some interesting names like Books & Beyond, Life is Music, Life is a Cycle. We have had some soul enriching sessions when we meet. And how could I forget my Blogging buddies too! Who teach me new lessons every other day. That apart, my girlie gang is always there to root for me and stand by me, whenever I’m a damsel in distress. So much to be grateful for!



The lows only taught me to appreciate the highs. Click To Tweet

I usually create goals for myself every month, so I don’t think I need to put a New Year Resolution together, as more often than not, something long-term like that tends to be forgotten.

I’m wrapping 2017 with a lot of love and warm, fuzzy gratitude in my heart. It’s been a very blessed year indeed. The lows only taught me to appreciate the highs. I’m giving 2017 a beautiful send off and expressing my gratitude towards it, by doing something small and worthwhile for the four-legged furry wonders on the streets and some not so privileged kids who could do with a little extra cheer this season.

Bring it on 2018. I’m so ready to welcome you with open arms.

Celebrations & Jubilation!





Linking up with Shantala’s Chatty Blog, Corinne’s #MondayMusings and Shailaja’s 2017 Gratitude link,Ā Sanch’sĀ andĀ Corinne’sĀ Friday Reflection andĀ Vidya’sĀ Gratitude circle.Ā 












12 thoughts on “Adieu 2017 With Deep Gratitude

  1. This is such a warm fuzzy post Nats- your year has indeed been an action packed one. It was great connecting with you in so many blogging challenges. I love your enthusiasm. What appealed to me the most in this post is letting go of toxic people, accepting that however hard you try, somethings are not meant to be. Let go. Here s wishing you a fab 2018

  2. Lovely round up and so good to see family, friends, fitness, health, writing there. This is all that matters. I think I have told you this before, but once again for the risk of repeating – I can’t believe you have been as blogging just little over a year. You are totally rocking it and you can sure reach newer heights. Stay happy and blessed in 2018. <3

    btw – please share your diet plans. 4 kgs can get me on top of the world šŸ˜›

  3. writing, fitness and health has been your major focus, and yes letting go of those who were never meant to be in our lives actually help us focus better on what we want. Family and friends bring happiness and joy, nice to know that you have support of both. May this new year bring in love and happiness.

  4. A lovely round up, Natasha. I love what you say about focusing on ‘what-is’ – such an important reminder for us all.
    I’m grateful that 2017 brought you into my life and look forward to more connected 2018. May the New Year bring you and your lovely family much joy!

  5. I agree these posts can’t be short. You’ve had a wonderful 2017 and so much to be grateful for. Depression is a nightmare and I’m glad this year has been better especially on that front. Hope 2018 is a wonderful year for you filled with love, good health and great adventures.

  6. That’s a lovely post, Natasha! Looking back is customary around year-end. It inspires you to do more. Hope that 2018 will be even better for you.

  7. My, my, 2017 has been an interesting year for you! Kind of life-changing with your plunge into the blogging-writing world? Writing does get you to appreciate more keenly and reflect deeply on the smallest mundane aspects of life that you otherwise take for granted. In awe at your fitness goals and achievements and glad healthwise you are feeling so much better. I wish you a rocking 2018 filled with loads of milestones and happy tidings.

  8. I loved reading this post of yours. You seem to have had a very eventful 2017, what with starting your own blog, and pursuing your passion for writing, not to mention the strides you have made in the fitness department. I wish you have an even better 2018 which brings lots more love, happiness and success your way.

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