Women Honouring Women on Janmashtami: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom
“Make your self-care wish list fitting for you and act on your wishes often in your new day.”
– Jacqueline Pirtle, 365 Days of Happiness
Long Post Alert – A not-so-wordless-wednesday post! 🙂
Today in India we celebrate Lord Krishna’s birthday, also known as Janmashtami. A revered deity who was a “feminist” in his own right. Oh! Let me rephrase, one who believed in gender equality. The Bhagavad Gita is his narrative.
The Mythological Interpretation
The mythological saga Mahabharata portrays his wonderful friendship with Draupadi and how he saved her from being humiliated and disrobed by her own kin of brothers.
In another example, Satyabhama an extremely stunning warrior women with a deep senses of pride was given an unusual life lesson by Lord Krishna. He compared her to salt enraging her no end. Shri Krishna went on to explain how salt was important for all kinds of food, just the way women are integral to the workings of the world. Like salt they keep their existences muted and work behind the scenes bringing the family together with their unconditional love. On the contrary a man, or partner, or another woman who disrespects a woman, has no idea about the role of a woman. Neither love, nor child, nor mother will be found without a woman.
Most of us women sometimes tend to put self-care aside to carry on our roles as mothers, wives, friends, daughters, daughter-in-laws, care-givers and nurturers. Some of us are programmed to be far more nurturing than the rest. And more often then not we miss out on replenishing our own cups.
Laughter is one of the key ingredients to keep us going in tough times. Among others like solo nature walks, meditating, enjoying a cup of tea and savouring one’s favourite lemon cake, or watching a funny video, or playing a game of scrabble with a dear one.
365 Days of Happiness? Or not?
Jacqueline Pirtle‘s book, “365 Days of Happiness” came my way a year back. The tag line, “Because happiness is a piece of cake.” is something that did not resonate as much. After all everyone talks about happiness these days.
What about the sadness?
My reading habits have fallen drastically from what it used to be when I was a kid. I barely manage to read much now. Call it lack of attention span if you must. And I know that has miffed many of my author friends in the past!
I didn’t want to write a fake review for Pirtle‘s book.
Last few weeks were unusually tough, and when I had melt down recently, this is the book that I reached out for. It was lying by my bedside waiting to be reviewed, I guess. No wonder there’s a time and place for everything.
In Jacqueline’s Day 11 Chapter she writes:
“Laughing carries an energy of joy, silliness, playfulness, happiness and fun. When you laugh, you immediately shift to BE and live in a “high life” frequency.
Yes, more often than not laughter ceases to come easily and it’s just tears that flow.
But if we women choose to honour those tears, and ourselves accepting and flowing with the pain and grief, we would be able to let go easily. And life would be less complex.
There is a time and place for everything. Share on XBut then we are women. Emotional beings who tend to over-think, over-analyse. It’s in our DNAs.
Let’s make our self-care list and put it up like a vision board, reminding us of things like:
I wish for me to
- To treat myself as my own best friend.
- To be loving gentle and understanding towards myself and those around me.
- To do whatever it takes for me to feel incredible.
- To breathe deep and send out love to the entire universe, even when my world is crumbling.
- To wish for me to relax and spend time in quite peace.
This list has been adapted from Pirtle’s Day 8 chapter.
It’s time women honour women, and that will come from honouring their own selves. Let’s try to love ourselves and our brokenness. And like a ripple effect we might just be able to change the world. One person honouring the other. Yes, Black Lives do Matter, as does the Wildlife, The Air we Breathe, the Trees that give, and the People we come in touch with.
Honouring Ourselves
Today on the Indian festival of Janmashtami, let’s be reminded of honouring ourselves and the women in us, and all the people and beings around us.
I take this opportunity of honouring my very incredible co-hostess, Esha, for working hand in hand to make this blog hop a success for the last 2-1/2 years. It has together been a fascinating journey of learnings and growth.
The faith all of you from across the blogosphere have reposed upon us, from different corners of the world has given me the joys of time travel. In fact during the severity of this pandemic, it were your blogs that continued to impart hope in my life, knowing that we are all connected. As one big world community.
My deepest gratitude to dearest Esha for inviting me to start this lovely blog hop along with her one Spring afternoon. Thank you so much, my friend as you embark into your new set of journeys which I am sure will bring you much happiness.
Sending all of you and the universe big love.
Stay safe, and keep honouring the person you are. <3
Care to join in ? Here’s how you can join:
- Post a picture on your blog. It could be from life’s wondrous or wicked moments, your wanderlust days, or simple random shots that caught your fancy, or not.
- And make your post as wordless or wordy as you wish to. Well, we are guessing now you know why we sometimes call ourselves “not-so-wordless Wednesday” too!
- Add our badge to your post and a backlink to our posts.
- We’d love you to read, comment and share the posts linked here and connect with some fascinating bloggers.
Our linky stays live till Monday. So you have ample time to create a post and hop in.
Get ready to be deliciously framed!
Have a gratifying #WW!
Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from blogosphere who host #WordlessWednesday
Betty, Steve, Sandee, Sue NC, Zina ,Xmas Dolly, Keith, and Cathy
Brian’s ThankfulThursday,
38 thoughts on “Women Honouring Women on Janmashtami: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom”
This is a beautiful post, Natasha. I loved that self-care list. So much needed. I have a destress list and a list of things to calm me down written down on my bullet journal. Sometimes I forgot simple things.
That is a fabulous idea Vinitha.
Yes we would forget these simple things if we don’t tend to list them.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. ♥️
I really like the idea of your de-stress list Vinitha. And thanks to your suggestion prepared one for myself too.
We do tend to put our self care in the back burner to nurture others.
But I guess only when we are wearing the life jackets ourselves can we help others.
What really helps is going with the flow and letting a few things just be.
Thanks you the food for thought dear Vinitha.
This time again I didn’t able to link proper picture.
Anjali, can you email me what the issue was. I am at natashawrites@gmail.com
Happy week ahead!
Happy week to you too. No issue Just I couldn’t abled to upload correct picture.
Oh don’t worry. 🙂 Have a good week dear Anjali. Love and cheer!
You too have a lovely week ahead, take Care .
Thanks Anjali. A safe and blessed one for you too for this one!
I think many people need permission to treat themselves better, but hopefully this book will help them.
It’s awesome to see you at ‘My Corner of the World’ this week!! Thanks for linking up.
Thanks dear Betty.
Yes it’s a thing many of us women struggle with I guess.
It’s a pleasure to link up with you on your corner of the world.
Hi Natasha! I was off-line for quite a bit as I was back in my hometown visiting my parents.
You said you saw me in a dream. Hope it was a pleasant dream!
Haha! How do I look like?!!
You look wonderful and your kind self. A very caring and compassionate person.
Good to see you here dear Veronica. I was missing you this week.
That looks like a good book.
Yes, a page every day of inspiration.
Guess what I did today… I joined Brian in Thankful Thursday – so I now have a new Post if you’d like to stop by and say hello! So Hello twice this week, Girlfriend from across the way! Woo Hoo! Guess I missed you too much and had to come back… hehehehe! Who loves ya Girlfriend? hMMMM Maybe you never heard that phrase it was from an old sitcome with Telle Savalas (actor) and he always sad it…it was kinda funny! Oh well, hope you’re having a great day… I’ll be going to the hospital tomorrow to get a shot in my back to relieve the pain. So I’ll talk at ya next girlfriend! BIG HUGSSSSSSSSS!!! BE SAFE my dearest friend & BE HEALTHY! Oh, and I got a Covid test yesterday and I’M FREE! WOO HOO! If I didn’t I wouldn’t been able to get my shot. The test wasn’t too bad. It wasn’t what everyone was telling me to scare me I think! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr They just took like a large q-tip about the size of your hand and she went very slow & gentle… she knew I was a tad scared… but it was okay! Take care my dear friend! HUGS
You are a sweetheart Marie.
Glad you are safe from the Covid.
Try some back excercises and release affirmations by Louise Hay for the back. They help.
Be well and stay blessed. Much love.
That was a very interesting post and very inspiring too! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Thank you for hosting Brian. Your cats and your home always make me happy.
So very informative and nice. Thanks so much for sharing this. I will be saving it for future reference as I need this.
I’m so glad to hear Patrick. Be well.
Thanks for this great post. I haven’t read the Bhagavad Gita in forever. Maybe, I’ll put it on the [re]reading list.
Thanks you for the information about the festival and women honouring women. We have to be strong, stronger even, to make things happen. – Margy
Oh well, I thought our puppy would move like he does on my blog, but noooooooooooooooo it just sits there like a bump on a log! hahaha HI GIRLFRIEND! HOW ARE YOU TODAY AND GUESS WHAT? I took my co-vid test and I have NOTHING, which means I can get my pain shot tomorrow at 1:00 p.m.! WOO HOO! I’ve been waiting for this for a year. They kept putting me off, and I’ve been in so much pain since all this started you have no idea, but I’ll be free tomorrow! WOO HOO! Anyway, so you have a lot of plants huh? But doesn’t that draw a lot of bugs? I HATE BUGS, but I love trees and greenery! Oh well, guess you can’t have your cake and eat it too as they say! I hope you’re having a lovely day. It was hard to find you today, but I was on a mission to find my dear friend! Woo Hoo! Have a grand day my dear friend… sending BIG HUGS AIR BOURNE! HEHEHE Oh and it was a lovely picture of your… oh my I don’t want to say just a statute… Janmashtami I’d love to have one of those on my closet top. I have many statutes up there. When I find them at our second hand store and they’re reasonable… Dolly gets them… (Dolly is my nickname). I’ll take a picture one day and show you! Sending BIG HUGS across the oceans for you! Have a grand day and stay healthy!
Superb pictures, Natasha! “They’re all great. Happy WW
Often we women care for others and not ourselves. I learned a long time ago to care for me each day. We can’t tend to others when we never tend to ourselves.
Thanks for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous day, Natasha. ♥
Love how you’ve connected the bits Natasha. Honouring and nourishing ourselves has been a guiding mantra that i’ve held onto for quite sometime now.
Beautiful picture of Krishna idol!
Have a lovely WW!
Well, on this holiday, I honor all the women who have the courage to fight the hardships of life and overcome them.
Coincidentally, my husband and I are celebrating our wedding day today. ☺
That’s a lovely prayer Zina.
And hearty congratulations on your milestone. Cheers to many more. Hope the celebrations are on.
God bless loads.
A heartfelt post Natasha and I agree thoroughly about putting ourselves last.. And yes, just laughing loudly even once a day makes all the difference.. I have tried it.. Have a great day!
Totally Archana. It’s about staying connected with one self and honouring life’s moments whatever they may be.
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts.
Loved the write-up like always! So insightful yet simple. xoxo
Awww my lovely neice♥️♥️so good to see you hear.
I’m glad this resonated.
And I’m so happy you are making such lovely art too these days.
Be well✨
Big hugs♥️
Oh my comments disappeared– forgot to agree to terms and could not get back. What I was trying to say is that I really enjoyed your observations and thoughts about the book. I must admit that I too have trouble reading a book or even a hard copy magazine. It is not poor eyesight– For me it is an overload of electronic media. I often do not even get through the daily electronic newspaper to which I subscribe. It used to be so easy to pore through the Sunday newspaper, save articles for later perusal, curl up with a book and yet get all the necessary chores done. I am so happy to escape my lock-down to walk in a semi-wild wetlands area nearby and a back yard lake where I can just let my eyes relax as I look into the distance…