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Tag: #flashfiction

Grandpa’s Clock: #FridayFictioneers

Grandpa’s Clock: #FridayFictioneers

  Every time Ma sang Hickory Dickory Dock, I thought of Grandpa’s grand old clock. In my head a gigantic mouse would stealthily climb Grandpa’s clock. It would then twirl around in a tango with the little man playing the drums.   Many moons have transcended time and tide. I’m back to Grandpa’s crumbling mansion.  Grandpa ain’t around anymore, nor his clock. “Where is Grandpa’s cherished clock?” I ask the caretaker. “Oh! The British gifted Grandpa that clock. They claimed it…

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Moon Boon: #FridayFictioneers

Moon Boon: #FridayFictioneers

 Photo Credits: Gah Learner moon boon The Airbnb accommodation is way beyond their expectations. A pristine view, overlooking the stunning Mt. Edna and a radiant moon glistening in all its glory. The fine sheers, and the ornate furniture exude love and warmth. Kaveri lies sprawled on the floral chaise, devouring the new Khaled Hosseini novel. Trisha sits by the window, a smug smile plastered over her delicate features. She sips on her Pinot Noir, while wishing upon a falling star….

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Ivanka’s Land: #Fiction #FFAW

Ivanka’s Land: #Fiction #FFAW

Ivanka’s Land The bus trundles down the countryside, as the mist cloaks itself against the picket fences, partially blurring the view of the ruins and that one odd cottage that stands graciously, in the middle of nowhere. “Stop, please. I need to get off here,” hollers Ivanka from her bus seat. “Here?” says the bus driver bringing the bus to a screeching halt. “You got to be kidding me, Señorita. That’s an abandoned land. Nobody dares go there. Ghouls and…

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Buddies in Arms: #Fiction

Buddies in Arms: #Fiction

Buddies in Arms Carla and Susan are kindergarten buddies. Now in their mid- sixties, nothing has changed between them. Not even their penchant for taking long walks, come rain or shine. Carla with her umbrella, Susan in her sun hat; just the way they had been as two gangly teenagers.

Gifted: #WriteTribeFestivalOfWordsJune2018 #WriteBravely

Gifted: #WriteTribeFestivalOfWordsJune2018 #WriteBravely

GIFTED Rob and the woods had an inexplicable connection. He found his inner peace amidst the deep, dark woods. And walking through them at dusk gave him more pleasure than a Zinger burger would give a youth his age.  That particular evening as Rob walked past the huge oak tree, he heard a soft wailing sound. Rob thought it did not sound like an animal. He stopped short and turned back. As his feet trampled the dry leaves, the wailing…

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Redemption: #FridayFictioneers

Redemption: #FridayFictioneers

Ed and Jane had put all their life savings in erecting their two storey home. When typhoon  Katrina lashed their city,  their warm, cosy hearth was reduced to a dilapidated structure. The kids refused to live their anymore. They said it reminded them of that fateful day. But there was more to it than meets the eye. The occasional sightings under their bed. Their door creaking open at 3 A.M. They had endured it silently, knowing their overtly pragmatic parents…

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