{N} is for Never Say Never: #AtoZChallenge
{N} is for Never Say Never
You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Never say never” a multiple times. It means nothing is impossible. Anything can happen. Never say never is also a James Bond movie starring Sean Connery. It’s also a Justin Bieber song, featuring Jaden Smith (Will Smith’s son) from the movie Karate Kid.
The phrase, “Never say never” came to haunt me in my linguistic skills. I’m a Bengali who has lived a major part of her life in North India. Yet, my Hindi writing and speaking skills were abysmal. I was the happiest when we didn’t have to study the language anymore, after our high school. But little did I know Hindi would return into my life with vengeance, in the later years.
After spending some very valuable years in Advertising and PR, I chose to join the development sector. I was working as a Health Communication professional and that’s when my Hindi was tested all over again. My project were these radio drama series (a total of fifty-six episodes), based on the entertainment-education format; all in Hindi. Though we had two very talented script writers churning out the scripts for these series, my job entailed editing the scripts word by word. My job profile also included, explaining the scripts in details to our health communication partner, Johns Hopkins whose creative module we were working with. I was also very proactively involved with the production and recording of the radio series. Initially all this felt like a mammoth, harrowing task. I got sleepless nights fearing I would fail miserably at it. But as the work progressed, I chose not to give in to my fears, but to face them squarely in the eye. From the time I did that, all my fears evaporated into thin air. Our radio drama serials became a run away success, so much so that they were repeat broadcasted. This was my first lesson in life to never give up, and never give in to my fears. Instead learn to face them headlong.
The next challenge came when I had to teach my now nine-year-old Hindi in school. Once again I assumed; it had been years since I had studied the language last, I would somehow just scrape through it. I don’t know about myself, but I can say with utter delight and pride that whatever little Hindi I taught my daughter, she excelled and managed to get the highest marks. For all you know she is linguistically inclined, as she excels in Spanish too. But then at the same time, I’m proud of myself for holding on to the faith of, “Never say never.”
Remember when all's not working in your favour, don't give up. Remember to hold on to your faith and your, Never Say Never attitude. Share on XDo you believe in this wonderful idiom? Has this philosophy changed your life in any way? When was the last time you used it and accrued benefits? I would love to hear your tales too.
On that note, remember when all’s not working in your favour, don’t give up. Remember to hold on to your faith and your, “Never say never.” attitude.
My theme for this year’s Blogging from A-Z Challenge is April Anecdotes. These are twenty-six compelling tales of some real people, and some not so real people. These tales will be surreal, peppered with a dose of non-fiction, but some might just be a figment of my over active imagination. You can read my theme here.
You can read my previous posts from #AtoZChallenge2018 here:
A is for Anachronism or Misplaced in Time?
F is for Far from the Maddening Crowd
G is for Goblins, Gnomes and Gypsy Spirits
32 thoughts on “{N} is for Never Say Never: #AtoZChallenge”
Never say never has made me do things that I never thought I could or would ever do. Good things and they have helped me grow as a person immensely so I don’t mind 🙂
This was such an inspirational post. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. In fact, I learnt something about your profession as well…i can imagine the level of idea-tion and reading and re-writing that might be going into what you do throughout the day. Amazing!
All the best for the A to Z Challenge. Do drop by mine
www (dot) scriptedinsanity (dot) blogspot (dot) com
Well done! Never say never is so true. It comes back to haunt us so often! Next post in A to Z: N is for Nourish your Body and your Mind.
Oh yes, I do believe in “Never say never”, for each time I even think of vowing off something, pat comes a reminder from within my head — You never know, Shilpa! Anything can happen in Life..so never say never!”
Slightly off track, but I feel I have to comment on the comments! It occurs to me that for many of those reviewing your piece, English is at best a second language, but they seem able to comment far more eloquently than I could ever imagine doing! Your piece has started me wondering how many things I have pushed aside assuming they were never achievable.
My Friend Rosey – N is for Nude!
So inspiring post. Sometimes we really feel tired of all. This is the post that can boost one’s spirit in those times.
Inspiring post. I see myself lf in this post… me from south can correlate easily with such situation. One difference, you came out and performed, i still struggle in hindi 🙂
Hello ,
I saw your tweet about animals and thought I will check your website. I like it!
I love pets. I have two beautiful thai cats called Tammy(female) and Yommo(male). Yommo is 1 year older than Tommy. He acts like a bigger brother for her. 🙂
I have even created an Instagram account for them ( https://www.instagram.com/tayo_home/ ) and probably soon they will have more followers than me (kinda funny).
I have subscribed to your newsletter. 🙂
Keep up the good work on your blog.
Awesome post, Natasha. Kudos to your perseverance. Somehow, I never had the opportunity to learn Hindi during my school days (as the school didn’t want to invest on a Hindi teacher just for one student. The other kids had preferred Tamil as their second language.) I was the odd duck in my class and even in my family. My dad was born and grew up in Calcutta and he knew Hindi, Oriya and Bengali. My Mom learnt Hindi after she crossed 35 and my sis was lucky to study in a school run by Gujrathi samaj. My lack of Hindi came to bite me after I joined work and the customer assigned to me was Tata Motors, Pune. My counterpart was a gentleman who knew only Hindi and Marathi. So I learned Hindi the hard way – talking to people, making a fool of myself and by watching movies. Between 2003 and 2007 I’d say I have watched every single Hindi movie that was released (including the most God-awful ones :D) But hey, needs must.. right? Thanks for a nostalgia stirring post.
Dear Varad,
Thanks so much for sharing a very interesting page from your life. It’s quite amazing to see how you managed to learn the language through your unrelenting spirit. I think somewhere I did the same with Hindi. Now sometimes I flummox myself by typing some pretty complex words on my class WhatsApp group. Ha! Ha!
I couldn’t agree more Natz . All the things I’d say I’d NEVER ado and had to do . BTW Hindi isn’t my mother tongue either and once while taking up vocabulary with my daughter I asked her the opposite of ‘ andhera’ And she responded with ‘andheri ‘ !
Oh yes, Sunita, like I said, just now to Balaka, the more you run away from something, the more it comes to haunt you. So might as well face them and work around powering through them.
Ha! Ha! That Andheri/andheri anecdote is so funny.
An awe-inspiring post.
I feel charged up now.
Thank you.
Awww thanks dear Moon. <3
Such a positive post! I guess I had to read this today. Thanks, Natz. This is something I love about you <3
Kohl Eyed Me
Something’s Cooking
Oh I’m so very happy for you Shalini. Big bear hugs. <3
A very timely post for me, Natasha. Need this daily dose of Never say never bold and italicised in front of my desk. Also, loved your passion amidst losing hope while learning Hindi and emerging as a winner.
Thanks Rohan. Hope you have affixed the note already and powering through the challenges. All the very best. 🙂
Life is sometimes just a string of challenges one after the other. We just must not say Never,…. but must keep going on :)))
Oh yes, Ramya, tell me about it. That’s the only way to power through. Thank you for your thoughts. <3
True. Never say never. I actually love this saying and the song too. Love your zeal and determination to learn Hindi and then making your radio series a success. You sure have set excellent examples for your kids
Thank you Raj. You are too kind. <3
That is such a wonderful philosophy, and so apt. Life has a way of surprising us in so many ways, and having preconceived notions just makes it that much more difficult to embrace change. As an aside, do you have any links/material on this entertainment-education radio series that you can share? E-E is the life’s passion of a very close friend of mine, and she is constantly on the lookout for ideas and examples.
Thank you Anurag. You really said it. Sometimes our pre-conditioning stops us from progressing or taking leaps of faith.
I will have to dig up the links/material as I moved three countries thereafter, but if your friend is really keen I can probably check with my ex-colleagues and look up the stuff. We worked with Harish Bhimani, the voice artist and producer in Bombay for the production. Let me know.
I loved your honesty in writing this post. Amio Hindi te khub kharap..r cheleke porate bose tomar motoi haal hay.
I’ve experienced this in life before. The more we run away from something, the more it comes back to bite us. So better to face our fears then run away from them. Amy ojnekta Hindi sheekhchee, Meyer shathey, shatehy. 🙂
Never give up…well said
Tongue Twister for N
Tongue Twister for M
Tongue Twister for L
Thanks Dee Dee. 🙂
I love how you spoke about your fears about editing in Hindi and how the radio series was such a success.
Thanks Kalpana. Yes, it’s about facing our fears when they rear their ugly head. That’s when we can progress. Else we’ll always cave in to them. Thanks for your thoughts.
Indeed never…
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your imprints. 🙂