Ode to the Wo(man)?
It’s that time of the year when spring has set in and nature is romancing with us wildly showing off its wondrous hues. It’s also that time of the year when women are celebrating their identity and the wonderful being that they are. They are coming together to commemorate sisterhood and all the qualities God bestowed upon them; while he created these Goddesses at a leisurely pace.
Women’s day celebrations have been upon us, a week in advance.
Social media is agog with women’s day messages splashed all over the place. You are being tagged on “celebrate womanhood and tag all the women in your life by posting a picture of you” posts. The blogging community has been writing prompts that honor women. PVR cinemas have a special screening of women-centric cinemas on 8th March. The print and news media are doing their bit too.
But aren’t we kind of going a bit overboard? Or is it the trend to over do everything these days, whether it is Valentine’s day or Father’s Day or Mother’s Day. Though personally, I do like the idea of a day assigned to celebrate something or someone special. But this “celebrate the women” spiel is getting a bit too over the top. My views totally.
Agreed women, especially those in India have been an oppressed lot for many years. But things have changed over the years, and are still changing. Women are receiving their due rights in different walks of life. But suddenly there has been a gender reversal, especially in cities. Women are wearing the pants, and husband bashing is the order of the day.
It’s all very nice to celebrate the “fairer sex’s’ coming of age, but at what cost? Why are we forgetting equality of sexes? We are going overboard fighting for women’s rights, and putting a lot of energy on husband/man bashing. While some of those good guys who had no hand in persecuting women have to bear the brunt.
It’s great, women of today’s times have a voice of their own. They are going out and making a mark. Some are trailblazers and forces to reckon with. They have brought about remarkable change in our society. Sudha Moorthy, Indra Nyooi, Sairee Chahal of Sheroes are just a few names that come to my mind when I think of women who have been game changers.
But why are we seeing a sudden role reversal? Are women getting back at men with vengeance because they are now independent and juggling between being a homemaker and a professional? The tolerance levels have really come down in marriages today. No wonder, marriages are crumbling and the divorce rates are spiking in India. Why can’t we treat each other equally and have equal rights? Men have changed dramatically, especially in Indian cities. They are juggling the role of a Father, Son, House Husband pretty well. They are equally engaged at home, cooking, helping with household chores and with the kids. So why are we not acknowledging any of that?
Can’t we have a day dedicated to our strong and resilient men too? And if we can’t then let’s remember to celebrate the man who shields us against the rowdy guys on the streets, the man who teaches our child Math and spends hours baby-sitting when we are out for the day with our girlfriends, the man who cooks a meal or two over the weekends, the man who listens to us rant and understands our emotional outbursts when we are PMSing, the man who is our partner and best friend all rolled into one – ready to lend those strong shoulders when we need to cry our heart out, the man who embraces us at the end of a long, stressful day at work and still continues to smile.
So while all of you are busy celebrating Women’s day, I’d like to give a big shout out to our not always conspicuous, but remarkable men!
Cheers to you too!!!!
Linking up with #MondayMusings http://everydaygyaan.com/let-go-of-heartache/ hosted by Corinne Rodrigues.
Also linking up with #mg http://www.reflectionsfromme.com/mg-link-highlights-living-fearlessly-authentic/hosted by Mackenzie Glanville
6 thoughts on “Ode to the Wo(man)?”
My father, my husband and many men I know are amazing, and I don’t men bash, but I do believe that so many women are still be treated so unfairly. We don’t need to be better than men, just equal. All we need is to respect each other as humans, and all be treated with kindness. We need a RESPECT everyone day! #mg
Love your appreciation for the liberated and broad minded men section who do step up in action for and with their women.
My post is an all out male bashing today
Cheers to womens day!!!
Totally agree with you Natasha! Very well written, as always.
Hey Rakhee echo your thoughts. A big applause for my life line Yash.
awesome article love you.
Wishing you a Happy Women’s Day
Ofcourse men’s are our beshield let’s give a shout out for them too