Beyond Our Fears, Lies Fun: #WriteBravely #WriteTribeProBlogger #MondayMusings
Beyond Our Fears, Lies Fun. - Keertan Datta Shah, Dive Master, Barefoot Scuba, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Share on X
I spent all of last week in the pristine lap of the Havelock, in the Anadaman & Nicobar Islands; away from choking habitation and non-stop hum-drum of the city life. This vacation was a welcome respite from Wi-Fi and phone connectivity, cradled in the arms of nature, sun, sea, sand and occasional downpours. We were staying at Barefoot Resorts, one of world’s best Eco-friendly resorts. Barefoot lies nestled between the Radhanagar beach and a thicket of over 70-80 feet long, towering trees that might be about thousand years old. There is no phone connectivity whatsoever, and this was one of the most ideal ways to spend a holiday. Not once did we miss being plugged in.
We would sack out at the beach or swim in the rough seas most of the day. The girls and the DH frolicked in the sea at least four-five times a day. So did I. Though I preferred to sit on the white, sandy beach watching the wild, angry waves that would eventually ebb away into the sea. Some evenings I’d spend chanting, Nam Myoho Rengey Kyo. As I looked beyond the sea, I could literally see Buddha himself, appear in his serene avatar. The sun set was as early as 5 P.M., and Radhanagar beach has the most surreal sunsets I’ve ever seen. The sun seemed to bestow the sands with a golden medallion, as it silently sunk into the sea. By 5:30 P.M. it was pitch dark.

The family and I also completed our Discover Scuba Diving Program. It was my third scuba diving experience. The first two were in the Philippines. You can read about it here. A dive into the deep, blue waters of the sea, each time, is beyond ones imagination and leaves one thirsting for more. It was the nine-year-old’s first scuba experience. Though she was doing the Kids Bubble maker program, wherein she would go about six feet down, she was definitely scared when it was time to jump into the sea. She was teary eyed and had almost started to brawl, when one of our dive masters Keertan beautifully nudged her to take the plunge with these lines that have stayed with me: “Beyond Our Fears, Lies Fun.”
Yes, the nine-year old did jump in and then there was no looking back. She enjoyed her experience of diving and the training that preceded the dive so much that she wanted more. She even very bravely snorkeled after the dive, gleefully spotting the Nemos, sea cucumbers, sea anemones, corals and what-have-yous.
I believe, it’s up to us to not give in to our monster mind and the fears that it inundates us with, thereby dissuading us from doing things that we are capable of doing. Sometimes our monster mind will flood our heads with the worst possible outcomes towards a given situation. But it is finally up to us to not listen to its mindless, negative chatter and take a step towards achieving the so-called unachievable. Had the nine-year old given in to her monster mind, she would not have been able to flaunt her scuba certificate. Yes, she took it to school to show her teachers and friends this morning.
Our monster mind will always tell us that we can’t do without technology. But that’s so not true. We were minus connectivity for six whole days and the world did not end. Rather time seemed to have stood still, and we were given the opportunity to savour the simple pleasures of life – some brilliant sunsets, some surreal experiences in the depths of the sea, the lip smacking local cuisine, the pitter-patter of the morning rain, as we sat in our Nicobari cottage, verandah sipping into our English Breakfast tea; and watching nature in its complete glory. The monster mind always instills in our heads, the fear of missing out. There is nothing to miss out if we choose to just be, at any given point of time.
It’s up to us to tame and train our monster mind, and not give in to the deluge of fears that it tries to over crowd our thoughts with. By cultivating mindfulness we can turn our monster mind into a mystical, magical mind; that will always be present in the here and now.
Havelock island helped clear the cobwebs of my mind. I have returned to the city with fresh new perspectives, renewed vigour and a mind that will work in tandem with my being; to win over the monster mind.
I am participating in The Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Blogging Challenge. Today’s theme is Monster.
Linking up with the Iron Lady, Corinne
25 thoughts on “Beyond Our Fears, Lies Fun: #WriteBravely #WriteTribeProBlogger #MondayMusings”
6 days without internet connectivity? Sign me up for this!
I always love reading your travel posts, because they are so full of vibrant experiences, that I don’t need the images to visualise the fun you must have had on the trip. This post is no exception.
Kudos to the little on her first dive. I can imagine her excitement while showing off her scuba diving certificate, and more importantly, overcoming her fears and having fun.
Looks like a beautiful trip. The pleasure of traveling is in being immersed in the place you are visiting. I rarely look at my phone when I travel, except maybe a quick glance at night before turning in. The world never ended and I never felt like I missed out anything. Our monkey mind does have a way of trying to convince us otherwise, though!
It’s so inspiring to know that your nine year old did it. She must have been in the wonderland spotting those sea creatures. What an experience!!
Yes, she was over the moon and a happy bunny. Wanted more! lol
Hey Natasha! Always enjoy your posts…be it travel, memoir or creative fiction! This one was no less….I´m so itching to go back to Nature. It feels so weary living in a concrete jungle for too long…one needs Nature breaks (lol!) once in a while like this to rejuvenate our monster minds. Awesome! Keep writing..I seem to have missed a lot of action all this while! Cheers!
Oh yes, nature breaks are a must. Do make sure you get that break soonest Tina. Something tells me you need one real bad. And it will do you a world of good. Hugs and big love <3
I have never done scuba diving.. I want to experience this for sure. Your pics are awesome
You must definitely Manisha. One life, make the best of it!
Yes it’s totally up to us to vanquish the monsters in our minds but a little nudge or encouragement does help. I’ve heard so much about Havelock, got to know a lot more through your post. Hope to visit it someday
Yes Ryan you definitely should. Will love it for it’s pristine goodness and bountiful of nature’s blessings. The cherry on the cake the deep blue sea. 🙂
that was a fabulous experience and your thoughts about taming the monster mind, fear of missing out and how false that is resonated so well. Good one Nats
Glad you like it Aks
What a lovely post. The pics too are awesome. I’m glad your daughter conquered her fear.
Yes Susan I’m so glad she did. I’ve been trying so hard to comment on your posts but Disqus doesn’t allow me too, despite signing in.
Loving all your tales.
Oh, lucky you. I crave a small island, pristine beach, fresh mountain water from atop a dormant volcano, and easy-to-catch fish or plentiful fruit. Just leave me there for about a week or two. Maybe four. I mean, as long as there’s water, I can’t starve in four weeks even if the fish are fast and the fruit’s not ripe.
Holly I hear you. Aye Aye!
This is lovely Natasha. I have heard such good things about Havelock. Hope to plan a trip soon. How rejuvenating it must have been! How was the scuba diving experience? Is it scary??
Not scary at all. Just enthralling to the core. :))))
“The monster mind” is such a good way to describe the fears that control us. I’m not a good swimmer, but your photos made that experience for your daughter look very inviting!
That’s me in the pictures though
And Michele you’ll be happy to know that you don’t need to be a swimmer to dive.
Looks like you had a lot of fun. I agree that connectivity feels like a must-have these days. I did go offline when I last went on vacation, but not completely away. I would share pics later on with my friends. I didn’t miss the net though. 😀
I know one doesn’t miss the net or phone connectivity at all when one is in a state of mindful bliss. Thanks for reading and leaving your imprints behind Vinay.
wow, di… I can relate to it very much… You know that how much I was scared to move to the different country but now I am getting used to here…. There is a river near my house, where I go and chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo… it gives me strength and calmness like the flow of the river….
That’s so lovely to hear Nids. <3 Change is always intimidating so is trying new things. But beyond that horizon there is so much to look forward too.