Nurturing: #MondayMusings #WOTY

Nurturing: #MondayMusings #WOTY

My #MondayMusings is late by a few days, but I’m traveling and I’m trying my best to be as “nurturing” as can be. After all that’s the Word of the Year #WOTY for me. 

The amazing, Corinne of Write Tribe suggested we all have a Word of the Year, and I thought it was a  brilliant idea. I was unable to participate in the prompt on time, but then since I want to have a word to follow through in 2018, it all very well made sense to blog about, even if later. Initially I had no idea what would be my focus word for the brand new year. There are so many facets to leading our lives, so it was very hard to pin-point one particular word that I would like to go with for 2018. But the universe has a way of dropping omens and signs our way. During one of the Whatsapp Chat conversations, on my Prayer Group, Connect Ticket, Suhana, a dear friend spoke about the importance of nurturing This conversation was spearheaded by the  fact that a few of us had wrapped up the year by nurturing and assisting different people/beings in our lives. For instance, Meera had donated blankets in Gurgaon, Pramodji had done the same in Bombay, I had donated rice and food for dog shelters, and stationary for a school for less privileged. Then there was Anishaa who had taken a baby sparrow under her wings and nurtured it back to life, so that it gathered its wings and flew away to where it belonged. 

My year had also ended on a “nurturing” note, by looking after this little stray puppy, Bubbles in our condo. I have been feeding the mother every day, for a long time now. But Bubbles a totally lively, little bundle of joy was run over by a speeding, callous driver and left impaired. I along with a few furry lovers tried nurturing her back to good health, taking her to the vet every day, giving her good nutrition and medication, but Bubbles could not make it. She succumbed to her injuries a week later.  The year 2017 also ended, leaving a sign behind for me. A sign that boldly proclaimed I was meant to take forward the word “nurturing” and caring in the year that followed. Possibly because my task remained unfinished with Bubbles. 

So as 2018 starts with the #WOTY, Nurture or Nurturing, and this is what it will be doing: for me

Nurture Myself: I will nurture myself immensely, in mind, body and spirit, because only when I nurture myself I will be capable of nurturing those around me.  


Nurture my Mind: I will detox myself as much as possible from social media and nurture back to life my reading habits. I will need to sign back on the earlier pledged habit of a Sunday detox from social media. My detox habit from social media would include checking social media only thrice a day. I pledge to do that now onwards.


Nurture my Body: I also promise to treat my body more respectfully, not caving in so much to its sweet cravings. I promise to feed it food in small portions and every two hours that will work towards a healthy metabolism. I will also nurture my body by working out at least five times a week.

Nurture my Spirit and Soul: By feeding it positive thoughts and influences. By engaging in activities that nurture my being, that include writing, gardening, spending time with nature, watching sunrises and sunsets, zentangling, bonding with my furry babies.


2. Nurture my Family: A woman is known for her nurturing abilities and I’m so glad to be one and to be blessed with this exceptional quality. I want to always be there for my family, nurturing them, taking care of them in illness and otherwise. I’m currently in Lucknow with my parents and my mother is very unwell. I’m so glad I can spend these few days, by her side, nurturing her in my own little ways and giving her hope when the clouds of bleakness hover above her head. I would like 2018 to be a year when I also spend some time cooking some nurturing food for my family. I realised, in 2017, I did very little of that. I would also like to nurture the inner beauty and goodness of my two lovely daughters. I would like to spend a lot of quality time nurturing my relationship with my DH. We are going to be together now for thirteen years and I want our friendship to be the strongest bond in my life. It already is, but good things need constant nurturing and they only evolve and grow when they are tended to.



3. Nurture the Less Privileged: I want to give a part of my being nurturing the less privileged. I usually carry snacks, juices, milk in my car to give away to the less needy on the streets. I also feed the strays. But I would also like to add-on a few more nurturing activities. These will include donate rice to the dog shelter next door, every month unfailingly. Pitch in my two bits at the school for less privileged. And nurture the staff at home who spend endless hours serving us and making sure our home is spick and span, our meals served on time and our days are comfortable and relaxed. I have always been there for them, and I want to continue to do so in the years to come.


4. Nurture my Writing: Nurture my passion and zeal for writing by writing three to four times a week. Participate in writing workshops. Sign up for a writing course. These are a few things that I definitely want to do this year, to nurture my love for writing and to be able to sharpen and hone my skills further. 



5. Spread the Confetti of Kindness and Nurture People around me: I would really want to be able to do that at all given times. Irrespective of the situations, I would like to be kind, caring and compassionate towards people and their needs. Kindness is contagious. The more I pass it on, the more it spreads far and wide. 

Spread the confetti of kindness, for it is contagious. Share on X

And, oh yes! did I forget to say, that I will nurture and treasure 2018, for what it brings to me. After all it’s going to be a year of nurturing every thing that comes in contact with me. 

Cheers to a Nurturing 2018!






Linking up with Corinne’s #MondayMusings and Mackenzie’s #mg






25 thoughts on “Nurturing: #MondayMusings #WOTY

    1. I’m so very glad that my content resonates with you Rakesh and that it makes you happy.
      Thanks for leaving your thoughts for me to cherish.
      You did make my day.

  1. Hope aunty gets well soon and we need to spread the confetti of kindness around us. I need to exercise more regularly, detox from sugary stuffs and yes, cutting social media makes so much sense. A lovely and positive post, Natasha.

  2. this is such a beautiful post and inspiring too. what a great choice of word and you had implemented so well in all areas of life. wishing u a best of luck and hoping you will get all desired success and happiness in the upcoming year.

  3. beautiful writeup dear. Every single bit of nurturing is an awesome idea but most needed in order to grow. Wish you all the best with this and have a prosperous year ahead.

  4. What a wonderful choice of word! Wow. This sums up everything most of us aim to do. To nurture in a quintessential way! I particularly liked the idea of nurturing your mind and to spread it to others. Everything about this post is beautiful 🙂 Good luck, Natasha 🙂

  5. That’s such a fabulous and meaningful word, Natasha. Wishing you the very best as you go about nurturing various aspects of your life, all year through. Cheers ♥

  6. This post touched my heart in the true sense for the depth it entails. Nurturing is a beautiful word and invoking it in every aspect of life makes it even more special. Keep spreading the confetti of kindness in the universe and I join you in the same by doing my bit. I wish your mother feels better with all your care and support.
    Have a rich 2018.

  7. That’s such a wonderful way to live life. We mostly come up with words like Success, Hope, Focus , Believe (nothing wrong with that too) yet when you chose ‘Nurturing’ it speaks volumes about you as a person. Also you chose the word as a sign from your past beautiful deeds which means you are a beautiful soul, Natasha. Hoping you feel content with the way you live 2018. Wishing your mom speedy recovery too.

  8. This is a beautiful post. I repeat, beautiful. I adore how you’ve taken the perfect word for you and expanded it to include all areas that are important to you.

    Hope your mom feels better soon, Nats.

    As for the other things, I wish you good thoughts, warmth and a lot of kindness (my word of the year) as you take it up.
    Happy 2018, dear girl 🙂

  9. You are a kind soul Natasha. The goals that you have set for yourself speak volumes about how caring and nurturing your personality is. I will take some points out of yours and try to add them to my list too. A wonderful morning read today

  10. A beautiful word and a wise one, too, Natasha! I love how you’ve listed the ways you will practice this across various areas in life. Nurturing oneself, and nurturing the less privileged = path to happiness. I wish you all the very best.

  11. What a lovely word and knowing you (virtually) feels apt. You are a kind soul and like the way you extended nurturing to your life, writing, self, family – perfect!
    Hope Aunty feels better soon. Hugs!

  12. Nurturing is a beautiful word and hope it helps you with all you want to achieve this year. I quite like the idea of social media detox. much needed for me too.

    Have a great 2018

  13. This is such a heart warming post Natasha . Indeed we need to nurture every little thing so as to turn it into a blossoing tree. My prayers for a speedy recovery to your mom. Happy new year !!

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