On Turning Four: #Blogiversary #BlogAnniversary #AmWriting
To Blog = To Share
To Connect
To Create
To Inspire
I read the above lines somewhere and they truly resonated.
To share what sparks joy within, and sometimes not.
To connect with a community of avid writers, creators and nature enthusiasts.
To create what my soul guides me to.
To inspire myself, and others if I can, in my own little ways.
Yes, and just like that we are turning 4, on 6 December, 2020, Sunday!
Actually come to think of it, we’d be a lot older than four, (15 actually!) as I started blogging way back in 2000s on my blogspot account, NatashaMusing and then left it high and dry. Think I did not have the guts to bare my soul out to the world.
But, I’d like to acknowledge that eventually I managed to make peace with the idea of putting out my written words to the world. And thanks to some writer friends, I was prodded back into the blogging journey 4 years ago. Thereafter, there has been no looking back.
Quiet Birthday
This year is a quiet birthday for NatashaMusing, unlike the last couple of years when a bunch of fabulous bloggers and friends kindly graced my blog with their wonderful writings and stories. No particular reason why I chose to keep it quiet this time. I guess I just want to spend time in my silent spaces, thanking all those people who have touched my life and made NatashaMusing what it is in the last four years.
If I start to take names, I would not do justice to the ones who have silently helped me grow. But this one’s for all of you who have showered your love, camaraderie and unstinting support. You know who you are. 🙂
Deep, deep gratitude for all your support, love and the imprints that you leave behind.
Looking Back
The last four years have been adventurous to say the least.
@ Thanks to NatashaMusing I wrote 2 books while participating in the A-Z Challenge.
@ Participated in multiple blog hops and blog-a-thons.
@ Written 420 posts in the last four years.
@ Enjoyed myself throughly co-hosting and then recently hosting #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom.
@ And much, much more!
I might have not been as regular as I used to be in the early days of blogging, yet this space continues to give me immense comfort, love, hope and happiness. I look at NatashaMusing also as a little legacy I will leave behind for my children, and grandkids to savour and cherish.
Cheers to celebrating the last 4 years in this sacred space of bonhomie and joy.
Raising a toast to that! <3 :-))
26 thoughts on “On Turning Four: #Blogiversary #BlogAnniversary #AmWriting”
Congrats on 4 years!
Hi Natasha,
In real life years, I’m much older than you I suspect, but in blogging years, you have me by 1. I just passed my 3rd year of serious writing and posting. Like you I was dabbling some before I got serious, but I’d never blogged before and had to figure things out first. Setup for me was a bear to get the page looking decent and working as I desired. That took something like 18 months of fidgeting to get ready to press post.
But now, I have a cool story collection recorded and ready for sharing. Is this not huge fun??? If you ever need a quick funny story fix. I’m anxious for you to give one of my essays a test read. Almost all my stores are 10 minutes or less to read by design. Interested in trying one: here’s one of my favorites. https://garyawilsonstories.wordpress.com/the-poppies-are-back/
For Christmas this year, I bought myself a WordPress plan to keep the ads from distracting my readers because no one likes those things. I also want to freshen up my theme, but that’s going to be a pain and I’m fearful of breaking what I have working under my old theme.
Anyway; it was pleasant reading your post above and reminded me of some of the issues and items I encountered along the way. Hope you had a great Christmas with a wonderful New Year queued up for just a few days from now.
Gary Wilson recently posted…Reprising: A Modern Parable Of Gifts
Nice and informative… different from other blog.. i liked it.
Thanks a lot Aman, for visiting. I’m glad you enjoyed reading my blog. 🙂
Congratulations, Natasha! These anniversaries come around so fast, don’t they! Keep writing and make the world a shinier place because of it!
Surely they do. Thanks so very much and I’m so honoured to have you grace my blog in the past few anniversaries.
Love and light!
Congrats, Natasha on your blog-anniversary. Keep writing and keep inspiring.
Thanks a bunch Arvind. Surely will do so. 🙂
This is my home and what better place to let the thoughts flow. :))
Congratulations on the 4th and best wishes for a successful and happy journey ahead.
I really enjoy your posts. Crisp, quick read and a visual delight.
Not to forget the joy & warmth you spread ❤❤❤❤❤
Ah! That made me beam ear to ear. You are always so generous and kind dear Monika.
I’m so glad we met in this realm of blogosphere.
Hopefully we will, some day in person too. <3
Sending you ample love and cheer! Hugs xoxo
Happy Anniversary on your blogging! It is a fun thing to do and meet people all over the world and share friendship! Sending a great big hug… I have to run, but I’ll see you on Wednesday. Monday’s is my busy day for we do nothing, but music today. “Monday’s Music Moves Me” This month we’re posting nothing, but Christmas music. By the way my blog will be moving soon, but I’ll make sure you have the link when I decide where it is. Have a wonderful day and MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! HUGS
Wow, X’mas music is <3 Marie. The last few days we have been playing X'mas music at home and it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas... <3
I will swing by to tune into your X'mas music soon.
Look forward to your new blog url.
Meanwhile, take care and bring in the holidays with much fanfare will, ya sweety?
Big hugs. xoxo
4 years! Congratulations!
Michele Morin recently posted…The More You See: God’s Advent Surprise
Thank you so much Michele. 🙂 And also for stopping by and leaving this note.
Congrats on your fourth anniversary. Keep up the great work.
Patrick Weseman recently posted…Skateboards and Coffee
Dear Patrick,
Thank you so very much. It’s kind words like these from friends like you that make it so worthwhile.
Happy Yule. 🙂
Happy Birthday! For the blog, for you – because thanks to you there is this wonderful blog! – for your loved ones and for all your friends!
I know too little English to convey clearly what I feel when I read the articles…
Love and Light, dear Natasha! ❤️
I wish you success in everything you do!
Even if you know little English, dearest Diana your words are so warm and filled with love.
I’m so glad to always see you stop by here, my dear friend.
Big hugs and loads of love and light.
Happy Yule too! <3 <3
Natasha recently posted…48 Things I’m Grateful For: #MondayBlogs
Happy Blogoversary from all of us!
Congrats Natasha on the 4th anniversary of your blog. Keep writing!!
Thanks so very much, Ruchi. Means much. 🙂
Thanks dear Brian. So wonderful to see you here. Loads of pawsome kisses to your furry wonders.
Thanks dear Brian. So wonderful to see you here. Loads of pawsome kisses to your furry wonders.
Heartiest Congratulations. Keep blogging.
rupam { xhobdo } recently posted…Glimpses of Astha Nature’s Home