“The greatest gift we can offer to a a person when they leave their body is our own Peace and Loving Energy. In honour of all souls experiencing their transit or transition. Love and Hugs to all who are saying goodbye to a loved one.”
– Susana Idu nate (Mexican Author)
My brother crossed the other side of the rainbow, after a valiant battle in the hospital. Early memories on a freezing, cold trip to Edinburgh where Dada gave me courage to stand tall. This statue was at a height, and I was scared to the bone. But he held my hand tight, lightened me with a rebuke and made this memory special.
Possibly our first snow, beside our home in New Castle Upon Tyne. 1977. “Those snow balls you hurled at me hurt, yet such fun memories, as we were to leave for school and Maa for work.”
From a Gawky teenager to a Zindadill dapper guy, brimming with courage, confidence and joie de vivre. I know you are shining that light always, now in a new space.
Wordless, Speechless, Numb…
I celebrated my mother’s life after she left us three years ago. I wrote to heal, but words just would not well up this time. I think I needed #WW to give me that nudge. And I had promised I’d be back on 12th January, so here I am, a day late.
Dada’s (Abhijit’s) loss has been so sudden that I’m numb and coming to terms with this huge void that has engulfed us.
I really needed this reminder as Dada would not see me any other way, but celebrate his beautiful life. It’s been a traumatic last 1-1/2 month to watch him fight valiantly and then leave his physical body.
I never thought my brother would go. Well, our loved ones never go away, I have learned. But remain omnipresent as always with the precious lessons they teach us, and the memories they leave behind.
Thanks to my precious friend, Jyotsna who shares her birthday as my brother, for sharing this courage imparting message from Susan Idu Nate:
When a soul leaves its biological body, there comes an expansion of consciousness, a sense of immense peace and liberation.
Souls never leave alone, no one dies alone, usually they are accompanied by relatives who departed before and who come to accompany them. Spirit guides are also present to reassure and accompany them on their journey.
Sometimes they are taken to places of recovery, especially if it was passed by an immediate death or a long and exhausting illness. Or if you had a difficult life.
The person who leaves his body receives and perceives our thoughts of gratitude for his life.
We can always help you with our reassuring words and thoughts to avoid your concern or attachment to this plane.
The soul says goodbye once it feels and perceives its relatives are quieter. They usually become present in their energy body through dreams.
What a person needs most when leaving their physiological base is to feel and know that we’re going to be fine.
The greatest gift we can offer to a person when they leave their body is our own Peace and Loving Energy.
In honor of all souls experiencing their transit or transition.
Love and Respect to all who are saying goodbye to a loved one.
Go well you brave heart. The lights are guiding you and I bet you know that! <3 <3
An Ode to my incredible brother.
Abhijit Mukherji
(12 February, 1964 – 10 January, 2021)
#WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom
Here’s how you can join:
#WW is an alternate week linky party and goes live 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 2021.
Post a picture/pictures on your blog. It could be from life’s wondrous or wicked moments. Plug in the lessons (#WednesdayWisdom) and humour too. Share your wanderlust moments, or simple random shots from your day that caught your fancy, or not!
Make your post as wordless, or wordy as you wish to.
There is a linky widget below where you can drop in your links.
Do add the badge to your post and a backlink to my post.
And make sure you connect with a fascinating bunch of bloggers from across the globe.
You can link up right up till Monday, 25th January, 2021 therefore you have ample time to hop in.
Get ready to be deliciously framed!
The next edition goes live on 26th January, 2021.
Have a fabulous #WW!
Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from the blogosphere who host Wordless Wednesday :
Today is hugging day and from this virtual world all I can share you is a warm hug to stay strong. Sorry for your loss, glad we could see glimpses in your post and share some memories and moments with you.
I just wrote a post on tree hugging and somehow one of your treehug pic flashed in my memory and I visited your page to find this post. Wishing you peace and strength.
It’s synchronous how we are all connected Pragun. From a tree hug to this post.
Thank you so very much for that reassuring hug. It felt so good. ❤️
In fact your message is a subtle reminder for me to go hug a tree, it has been a while.
I was walking a bit outdoors yesterday, and was reminded of the mulberry tree I usually end up hugging.
Today is the day.
Sending you warm, gratitude hugs filled with love dear, Pragun.
So true Natasha the universe knows it all.
It’s actually the tree hug post that made me more curious to know this bubbly gal that you are so full of positivity. Do go and hug a tree I’m sure it will give you much-needed warmth and peace.
I’m curious to see the mulberries too… hahaha
Hugs, dear Natasha. This is a terrible shock. I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending lots of love, strength and prayers your way. Vinitha recently posted…Fiction Monday – 28
I’m speechless, my dear Natasha. Words can’t express my feelings …
Thank you for the words you wrote down here.
Those who are no longer physically live in our hearts. I want to believe we’ll meet them later.
Tight hugs! ❤️ Love and Peace! ❤️
Hugs, my dearest friend!
I have no words except to say that I feel your pain at this hour of loss. It must be one of the hardest things to bid adieu to a sibling that you’ve grown up with.
This pandemic has taught us how uncertainty and fragility have become synonymous with life itself.
Stay strong, dearest Natasha.
Hugs, healing light and strength to you all. Esha recently posted…The ‘FLY’ | #FictionMonday
Hugs back at you dearest Esha. ♥️
The pandemic has also taught us to keep our dear ones close, and be kind and empathetic to them while they are here, and we are here.
I know how broken hearted you are. I was where you are 15 years ago. Oh, my, I can’t believe how fast the years have swept by wtihout my baby brother. You’ll find healing in sharing whether it’s here in Blogosphere or with family. Relive those memories and tell the tales until the pain is replaced with smiles. May your brother rest in peace. God bless, my friend!
Thank you Natasha for these precious thoughts!
And I’m so sorry for our loss. May his soul rest in peace.
I wish you the power and the wisdom to accept this, my friend.
The energy of our beloved ones is always with us! Suzana recently posted…Miercurea fara cuvinte (248) – Caldura culorilor – The warmth of the colors
Sorry to hear about this loss, Natasha. Life s such- uncertain. Lately, owing to the current situation, all of us have lost near and dear ones. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Natasha.
Hugs to you Natasha. Indeed takes a great deal to accept and cope with loss of a dear one.
Glad that you’ve shared wonderful memories..the pictures are lovely.
Strength and peace to you and your loved ones who are going through this difficult time. Priya recently posted…Love and light!
Oh Lord! May his soul rest in peace. It is indeed a heart wrenching loss. On the other hand he is healing where he is now. It’s true people never leave or die. The soul lives, watches and visits us as memories and as triggers that remind us of them.
I was wondering why you were suddenly so quite and I did have a worried feel yesterday night…… and today I read this.
Sending you loads of love, healing & strength Natasha. Shall keep him and you all in prayers. Monika Ohson | TravelerInMe recently posted…Raptors
So sorry for your loss! He sounds like a wonderful big brother. It was nice reading about your good memories and seeing the photos. He will live on in your heart. Christina Morley recently posted…On the Boardwalk Part 1 and a Linky
It has left us heartbroken………..life is so fragile! will cherish his memories fondly. May God give us strength to live through this void. Warm regards and tight hugs to you my dearest Mashi.
Tuli dedicating this song to our family:
“We shall overcome someday…
We’ll walk hand in hand…
Oh deep in my heart I do believe, we shall overcome someday.”
44 thoughts on “Wordless, Speechless, Numb: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom”
Today is hugging day and from this virtual world all I can share you is a warm hug to stay strong. Sorry for your loss, glad we could see glimpses in your post and share some memories and moments with you.
I just wrote a post on tree hugging and somehow one of your treehug pic flashed in my memory and I visited your page to find this post. Wishing you peace and strength.
It’s synchronous how we are all connected Pragun. From a tree hug to this post.
Thank you so very much for that reassuring hug. It felt so good. ❤️
In fact your message is a subtle reminder for me to go hug a tree, it has been a while.
I was walking a bit outdoors yesterday, and was reminded of the mulberry tree I usually end up hugging.
Today is the day.
Sending you warm, gratitude hugs filled with love dear, Pragun.
Thank you for this message from the universe.♥️
Also would love to read your post. Do share.
So true Natasha the universe knows it all.
It’s actually the tree hug post that made me more curious to know this bubbly gal that you are so full of positivity. Do go and hug a tree I’m sure it will give you much-needed warmth and peace.
I’m curious to see the mulberries too… hahaha
My post for tree hug is – https://praguntatwa.com/tree-hug/
Hi Pragun,
The mulberries will arrive once spring sets in. Thanks for the reminder, will get some shots and share them.
I am so sorry for your loss, Natasha. Find comfort in knowing that your Dada is in a better place now.
Sending positive thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
Veronica Lee recently posted…Hair Dryer?
Feeling that virtual, warm hug; dearest Vero. Love, love and more love.♥️
I am so sorry for your loss and sending positive thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
Patrick Weseman recently posted…Just Some Books I Got
Hugs to you Natasha.. this is so sad.
Thanks Lata, for your reassuring hugs. ❤️
Hugs, dear Natasha. This is a terrible shock. I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending lots of love, strength and prayers your way.
Vinitha recently posted…Fiction Monday – 28
Thank you dear Vinitha. Your words mean much.♥️
I am so very sorry for your loss, Natasha. I have no words. I can only my prayers and many, many virtual hugs. Love to you dear friend.
Thanks dear Chandra. I will draw strength from some of your posts. ♥️
I’m speechless, my dear Natasha. Words can’t express my feelings …
Thank you for the words you wrote down here.
Those who are no longer physically live in our hearts. I want to believe we’ll meet them later.
Tight hugs! ❤️ Love and Peace! ❤️
I believe so too. ♥️
Hugs back at ya, Diana.
Hugs, my dearest friend!
I have no words except to say that I feel your pain at this hour of loss. It must be one of the hardest things to bid adieu to a sibling that you’ve grown up with.
This pandemic has taught us how uncertainty and fragility have become synonymous with life itself.
Stay strong, dearest Natasha.
Hugs, healing light and strength to you all.
Esha recently posted…The ‘FLY’ | #FictionMonday
Hugs back at you dearest Esha. ♥️
The pandemic has also taught us to keep our dear ones close, and be kind and empathetic to them while they are here, and we are here.
I’m so very sorry for the loss of your precious brother. Big healing hugs, Natasha. ♥
Sandee recently posted…Wordless Wednesday
Thank you dear Sandee. ♥️
Those hugs are comforting.
I know how broken hearted you are. I was where you are 15 years ago. Oh, my, I can’t believe how fast the years have swept by wtihout my baby brother. You’ll find healing in sharing whether it’s here in Blogosphere or with family. Relive those memories and tell the tales until the pain is replaced with smiles. May your brother rest in peace. God bless, my friend!
Thanks precious Cathy for this little piece of advice.
I feel we are learning to feel each other’s pain for more during this time than ever before.
Big hugs♥️
I am so sorry to hear this, Natasha. He will live on in your memory and your heart. Please accept my sincere condolences.
Thanks dear Ken. That is the most reassuring thought that comes to me.
And thank you for your posts that add hope to my life.
Thank you Natasha for these precious thoughts!
And I’m so sorry for our loss. May his soul rest in peace.
I wish you the power and the wisdom to accept this, my friend.
The energy of our beloved ones is always with us!
Suzana recently posted…Miercurea fara cuvinte (248) – Caldura culorilor – The warmth of the colors
Thank you dearest Suzana. ♥️
The wisdom and power shines through your words. And reminds me to polish mine with acceptance.
Big hugs♥️
May the memory of our loved ones, taken from us in a better world, be eternal!
Powerful words my dearest Zina. Thank you so much. ♥️✨
Hugs and love.
Sorry to hear about this loss, Natasha. Life s such- uncertain. Lately, owing to the current situation, all of us have lost near and dear ones. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Natasha.
thank you Arvind.
The only reassuring thing is we are all in this together and connected through this web of life.
Hugs to you Natasha. Indeed takes a great deal to accept and cope with loss of a dear one.
Glad that you’ve shared wonderful memories..the pictures are lovely.
Strength and peace to you and your loved ones who are going through this difficult time.
Priya recently posted…Love and light!
Gratitude dear Priya. ♥️
The memories live on even though people may move on.
Oh Lord! May his soul rest in peace. It is indeed a heart wrenching loss. On the other hand he is healing where he is now. It’s true people never leave or die. The soul lives, watches and visits us as memories and as triggers that remind us of them.
I was wondering why you were suddenly so quite and I did have a worried feel yesterday night…… and today I read this.
Sending you loads of love, healing & strength Natasha. Shall keep him and you all in prayers.
Monika Ohson | TravelerInMe recently posted…Raptors
Hugs dearest Monika. It’s reassuring to always read your words.
Tight hugs. ♥️
So sorry to hear this Nat. Stay strong
Thanks for you good wishes, Roshan.
So sorry for your loss! He sounds like a wonderful big brother. It was nice reading about your good memories and seeing the photos. He will live on in your heart.
Christina Morley recently posted…On the Boardwalk Part 1 and a Linky
True that, Tina. ♥️
Our loved ones though may leave the physical plane but live in our hearts forever.
It has left us heartbroken………..life is so fragile! will cherish his memories fondly. May God give us strength to live through this void. Warm regards and tight hugs to you my dearest Mashi.
Tightest hugs dearest Tuli.
Tuli dedicating this song to our family:
“We shall overcome someday…
We’ll walk hand in hand…
Oh deep in my heart I do believe, we shall overcome someday.”