Being Vegan: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom
May I do unto others, as they may do unto me.
“Veganism is not a sacrifice. It is a joy.”
-Gary L. Francione

Made lovingly by my home help, who is now away on vacation.

Being Vegan
I finally turned vegan last month after much deliberation. I chose to go vegan because I do not support animal cruelty and my digestive system had stopped processing and accepting meats, or animal products (milk especially) in any form, for a while now. Add to that gluten, as well.
I have been mostly vegetarian since last year. I was an avid meat eater for 47 years of my life; born in a Bengali household that love their fish and meats as much as they love themselves, or anything else. They take pride in eating the fresh catch of the day, tempered with innovative spices. I have eaten most meats I could lay my hands on. I could eat octopus, pork trotters, frog legs, venison, snails, bamboo worms etc.; nonchalantly. This was when we lived in the Philippines and Singapore. I was open to experimenting in a big way with my food; hugely inspired by Andrew Zimmern’s, Bizzare Foods. And my experimental taste buds!
The Vegan Journey
My 23 year-old has been on a vegan journey close to two years. Even as a teenager she was vegan for sometime. I believe she inspired my journey, while I charted its course. My teacher and friend, Nithya Shanti who has been vegan for 15 years now, eventually helped me walk the final journey, with his words and inspiration.
I did not take up veganism as a fad. Rather it came to me at a time when my health was not top of the pops, for extended periods. In the past one month, since I went on a vegan and plant-based diet I realise I feel far more better, healthier and lighter. Initially my energy levels were low, especially as it’s been just 4 months since my surgery, but it was finally about choosing the right energy giving vegan foods (proteins are a must).
Having said that, any of you planning to tread this journey of plant-based eating, please take it slow and easy. It helps to be in touch with a health coach who can guide you with various options. I was blown over by the innumerable vegan options that we have; ones which are easy to prepare and lip-smacking delicious to savour.
My health coach, Bhavna Kapoor is exceptionally good, and has helped me transit wonderfully, without being rigid and overtly tough. Bhavna has always told me to chew my food slowly and mindfully and that’s one big step into conscious eating and living. I give gratitude to every morsel, every farmer, retailer, delivery person who brought the food to our doorsteps, for a while now.
Sustainability, Climate Change and Veganism
Since I am a sustainable warrior who takes multiple steps to live sustainably, this new facet of my life will play a huge role in reducing my carbon foot print. Researchers at the University of Oxford found that cutting meat and dairy products from your diet could reduce an individual’s carbon footprint from food by up to 73 per cent. The estimated impact of eating meat every day costs 1 animal life, 1,100 gallons of water, 40 pounds of grain, 30 sq. ft of forest, and 20 lbs CO2. Every day you’re a vegan saves the equivalent.
Have you considered a plant based diet?
What does veganism mean to you?
Would you ever consider turning vegan to save the planet, or for health reasons? If not, that’s okay too. To each their own.
Do you think vegans make a big deal about being vegan?
Would love to hear your thoughts, my dear readers and friends in blogosphere.
Love, light and laughter <3 <3
Natasha Serenity Sinha
#WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom
Here’s how you can join:
- #WW is an alternate week linky party and goes live 1st and 3rd Tuesday evening IST, every month.
- Post pictures on your blog from life’s wondrous or wicked moments. Plug in the lessons (#WednesdayWisdom) and humour. Share your wanderlust moments, or simple random shots that caught your fancy, or not!
- Make your post as wordless, or wordy as you wish to. Yes, we are rule breakers!
- There is a linky widget below where you can drop in your links. The linky is open for 2 weeks.
- Link up multiple posts if you please.
- Add the badge to your post and don’t forget to add a backlink to my post.
- Don’t miss the opportunity of connecting with a fascinating bunch of bloggers/creators from across the globe.
You have ample time to hop in and link up right up till Monday, 12 July.
Get ready to be deliciously framed!
The next edition goes live on Tuesday, 13 July, evening IST.
Have a fabulous #WW.
Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from the blogosphere who host #WW
Betty, Steve, Sue NC, Zina, Sandee, Cathy, Tina, Brian, Jackie, Keith and Xmas Dolly
Also linking up with Trent for his weekly Smiles.
23 thoughts on “Being Vegan: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom”
Your dishes do look fabulous!
betty – NZ recently posted…NZ kingfishers
Hi Natasha aunty! My father, Dr Dilip, is part of Nitya Shanti’s Conscious community in which you were also there. I think he told you about me and my sister. He asked me to see your blog and I did. I absolutely loved all of them! I’m eagerly waiting for a new one. He must have told you that I have a blog too, so if you have time I would love for you to check it out.
Here is the link!
Dear Rewa,
Thank you for your sweet, kind message. I surely will check out your blog and I totally love the name.
Lots of love and good wishes. More power to your pen. ♥️♥️
I wish you wonderful days, dear Natasha!

Be well, with all your loved ones!
Big hug!
Very nice. Good luck in making the choice. I am not there yet but that food looks could. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Patrick Weseman recently posted…Love on Haight
Those are some great looking meals.
Your link this week at ‘My Corner of the World’ is appreciated!
My Corner of the World recently posted…dusky sky
What colorful photos and so well framed. The food looks healthy, fresh, colorful and cheerful.
People always laughed when I said I am non-vegetarian as I only like chicken, once in a while and that too in small quantity. I can go months without it. Courtesy pandemic it’s more than a year now My hubs is a shudh desi shakahari (pure vegetarian) so no such indulgence at home. I am quite fine with it. My milk consumption is limited to half a cup of tea but I do enjoy some other dairy products.
I feel one should have plenty of vegetables and fruits in their diet and if they do like meat, indulge in it moderately & occasionally. I am not game for experimentation here.
It is commendable how you switched to veganism and it is a blessing to have people who inspire you make it happen. Things happen when they are supposed to. When we look back we can see how things in our life shifted gradually but surely to take us down that path.
Wishing you a colorful & healthy July Natasha
Monika Ohson | TravelerInMe recently posted…Random Thoughts
The food all looks delicious. I eat mostly fruit and vegetables, but also some chicken and fish. I find that as I get older I eat far less meat than I used to.
Jackie’s Photo Blog. recently posted…Wordless Wednesday
It would be difficult but I would consider a vegan diet if my health warrant the change, otherwise I’m content with eating both veggies and meats.
The best of luck to you on this journey. We each need to find our happy path to what works best at various points in our lives. Stay well and enjoy summer’s beauty, dear friend!
Fabulous images of these recipes.
The idea is that in accordance with what we eat is our health.
So we have to be very careful. Equilibrium is mandatory!
Nice to have a health coach! And I like vegetables too.
Thank you for these ideas, dear Natasha!
Happy WW! Have a fabulous July!
Everything looks so yummy, Natasha! I’m mostly vegetarian, but I do enjoy my meats occasionally, and I don’t plan to change that any time soon. Best wishes to you on your veganism journey!
Shinjini recently posted…What Alan Watts can teach you about finding your purpose
I wish you could cook for me. All those things look amazing. I tried to be a vegetarian with the hope of becoming vegan, but gave up. I need to work on it some more. Yesterday, I watched the movie Chicken Run with my great-nieces hoping they would decide they won’t want to eat chicken.
Ellen J Pilch recently posted…Wordless Wednesday
Being vegan / vegetarian is a personal choice, first and foremost. I’m not convinced that we will save the planet if we don’t eat meat at all – there are many others that pollute 100 times more.
Big hug! 
Personally, I rarely eat meat or meat products, and only pork, chicken or fish (not any kind of fish). I don’t feel the need for meat.
The dishes you presented look delicious! I’m sure they’re delicious. I like all the ingredients you mentioned, so I would love the food.
I wish you well, dear Natasha!
Love and Light!
All of that food looks great! I do eat a mostly plant based diet, but not quite veterinarian, let alone vegan. I think I could become at least almost vegan if I didn’t live with carnivores
I do attempt to limit meat of any type to one meal a week, but don’t always succeed. When I am handed a package of meat and told to go heat up the grill (I do all of the grilling) it is hard to say no… I’d also have a hard time giving up cheese. But I can see and and agree with all of your reasons!
My daughter and her family have been vegan for many years, so being an ex-chef and avid dinner party host, I’ve collected a lot of mouth-watering recipes. As she says, there’s more to vegan food than and falafel and quinoa salad! Whilst I’m not yet a convert myself, I am increasingly using ‘artificial’ meat in my meals – helps to lose weight too!
Keith’s Ramblings recently posted…Picture time!
Everything looks yummy, Natasha!
These days, I don’t eat as much meat as I used to.
Bravo for going vegan, my friend!
Veronica Lee recently posted…The Last Light
Now that all looks delicious Natasha what time can I come over and join you lol
Have a scrumptioustastic week
stevebethere recently posted…WW On A Tuesday – Old Times
We are doing less and less meat as we get older. I would probably be more vegetarian than vegan, but who knows. Everything looks fabulous.
Thank you for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday and rest of the week, my friend. ♥
Sandee recently posted…Happy Tuesday
Your diet is surprisingly varied. My feeling about vegan was that it would be very monotonous. Yes, a coach would be essential to assure well-rounded nutrients. I once attended a conference at a facility which was run by a religious group which was vegetarian. I did not know until later that the delicious “chicken” was actually some kind of tofu. Its texture really imitated meat.
Everything looks great, especially the Spinach wraps!
Dear Natasha!
Congratulations on your effort to switch to vegetarian food. It seems to be a good way, but we are guided by what a great Romanian bishop, Teoctist, said: “Of all things a little.” So, in addition to vegetables, we also eat meat, but not daily and not everything. We prefer fish and poultry.
Have a fine week! With love, Zina! ♥
More power to you, Natasha. Wishing you well as you make this bold choice.
Corinne Rodrigues recently posted…Taking Time To Be Quiet