The Grand Return | Spring | Fiction
The Grand Return
Spring is upon us.
Literally and figuratively.
The daffodils nod their fragrant heads in unison.
The gossamer winged butterflies flutter around in the redolent breeze.
Mere mortals traipse around; happiness kissing their feet.
The robin whistles a melodious, staccato song.
Her new home is as vintage as it gets.
She spruces every corner with her deft, delicate hands.
Not a crooked photo frame here or there.
The cushions are spiffy and straightened out.
The pink vintage phone is a collector’s item.
As is the Victorian lamp and milky ceramic vase.
The bi-coloured yellow roses;
she plucked from her lovingly tended garden.
The cut glasses cradle the scented tea lights,
that flicker away through the not-so long nights.
The silence has been deafening all these years.
She hopes against all hopes, that he will call soon enough.
The shrill sound of his long distance call will reverberate,
through the pristine walls of her dainty, desirable home.
Her husky hello, will bring him down on his knees.
He will have no choice but to head back home;
Into her tender arms, never to ever leave her wanting.
Fate has other plans.
At eighty-five,
She still thinks she is living her late twenties.
A love, long lost.
Never to ever return.
Written as part of wonderful Sadje’s What Do You See? picture prompt.
39 thoughts on “The Grand Return | Spring | Fiction”
I love springtime! Wonderful poem!
Kelleyn recently posted…Harris Graduates
So do I Kelleyn. I just have to learn to stop complaining about the allergies and the winter clothes that need to be laundered and packed away, to bring in the Indian summer.
Good to see you here.
Thank you for the shout out on Instagram 😀 That was great writing, Natasha, and very touching in the end ♥ Pawkisses for a Happy Hoppy Easter dear furriend
Little Binky and Granny recently posted…Will the real Easter Bunny please stand up?
I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Binky and Gran. How did you Easter celebrations go?
Big love <3
Your beautiful writing gave the woman a graceful and elegant persona. The sadness that she’s clinging to is exhibited in her home and the way she keeps things perfect and organized. There’s a lot of deep emotion and unresolved feelings in this particular piece. Wonderfully written, Natasha. 🙂
Terveen Gill recently posted…Count on Me to be Your Friend by Terveen Gill — Gobblers / Masticadores // Flash Fiction
I’m so glad you could sense the emotions behind those finer nuances of her home, and her demeanour, Tarveen.
It’s lovely to have you drop by. I completely fell head over heels in love with your writing and the vivid imageries it brings to fore.
Have a good week.
Gorgeously written, Natasha – and, as a lot of other commenters have noted – very poignant!
ben Alexander recently posted…All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy…
Thanks David. So glad it resonated.
Happy to have you swing by.
Wonderfully written. I fell in love with the lines. Came here via Radhika’s blog . Sensed I would enjoy ur write ups. In the end the lines did make me a bit sad – however love lasts forever – relished every line
Good day – Dropping by from
Afshan Shaik recently posted…L for Lockdown
So glad you came by Afshan. I thoroughly enjoyed your L for Lockdown post too.
I’m glad this resonated and even though the last lines are heart-breaking. Maybe that’s what gives her hope at that ripe old age.
Thank you Afshan.
Am back to blogging after a long time and it feels so good to read your post. The last couple of lines were beautiful and kind of sad. Will keep visiting your space to read more. Keep writing.
Yes, I read your posts and left my comments too, Tina. Hope you got them. Thoroughly enjoyed reading them and love the simplicity in your words.
I’m glad this resonated. Would love to have you stop by.
You keep writing too!
This is poignant but wonderfully expressed, Natasha.
I’m glad you liked it Punam.
I sure did.
I love how you eloquently you spin magic with words. Such a poetic image and story to go with it.
Monika Ohson | TravelerInMe recently posted…The languorous leopard
Thanks my dear friend. Just the universe spilling its words through me.
Absolutely delightful Natasha. Each verse takes us to another place the final one is particularly poignant.
Keith’s Ramblings recently posted…A hundred words …
I’m happy it took you to a tale beyond words Keith.
You created a special flow in this text, surrounded by Spring!
And I hope we all have the power to think like your character!
I may say that age is in the end a state of spirit…
I hope you are well, dear Natasha!
Love, light and joy all the time!❤️
So true dear Suazana. Age is a number and lies in the mind. But sometimes the body says otherwise, but the resilience within surpasses many a hurdles.
Though I wish she would forget that phone call and live for the moment. But who know how it gives her a spring in her feet and hope to live.
I’m well dear Suzana.
How are things in your neck of woods?
Love, light and laughter.
In the spring, when it snows over us with cherry blossom petals, I think we may feel like we are 20 even though we are 85, and we can retrieve a lost love.
I wish you serene days, dear Natasha! And Joy!
Big hugs! <3
Diana recently posted…Iepurașul, simbol pascal
Yes so true dear Diana.
I wish your love-ly days too my friend.
Love and big hugs
Hi Natasha. So poignant. Beautifully done. You created a sad but lovely image.
Sonia Dogra recently posted…Kings and underlings
Thank you dear Sonia. Sad and hopeful for her to an extent. Maybe that’s what’s keeping her going; yet the pain can’t be buried.
Thank you for reading and leaving your imprints.
That was a fun one and I do remember pink phones just like that one!
I think the pink phones were gorgeous, they should make a come back.
The black ones though were tad overrated.
A very absorbing story Natasha. Thanks for joining in this week.
Sadje recently posted…On board
I’m so glad you liked it Sadje. Such a pleasure to hop back in.
How poignant! Life didn’t fulfil her dreams.
<3 thanks Kalpana.
Such a beautiful poem, Natasha! The end brought a lump to my throat.
Shilpa Gupte recently posted…Heartbreak. #FictionMonday
Thank you dear Shilpa. It’s so nice to see you here. Hope you and your winged wonders have been well.
Love and hugs
I like the story. And it does match the prompt very well. Very funny, yesterday I “rediscovered” a similar story I wrote a few years ago. The story I wrote was based (loosely) on the song “Delta Dawn” but written 30 years beyond the song, so the woman would have been in her 70s, still waiting for the man that jilted her…
Wow what synchronicity Trent.
Would love you to share the story on my email if that’s okay.
An eloquent piece Natasha. Hues of emotions painted this poem so beautifully ❤️
Thank you dear Radhika.
Been enjoying experimenting with free verse off late.
Glad to hear you enjoyed it.