“The spring wakes us, nurtures us, and revitalises us. How often does your spring come? If you are a prisoner of the calendar, it comes once a year. If you are creating authentic power, it comes frequently, or very frequently.”
—Gary Zukav, spiritual mentor and author
Our flourishing terrace garden and its multiple blooms this spring. Not sure you see the celery, arugula and grape vine.
A constant harvest of Swiss Chard, seeds of which we bought from our vacation to Istanbul.
Yummy cupcakes and tea on the terrace with Daddy dearest, when he came visiting.
A Carpentar Bee that fell into one of our balconies, on the 15th floor. It was in a lot of distress. In an effort to save it, I fed it sugar water dipped in a cotton ball. But unfortunately Carpi only lasted for three days. His dark blue wings were so pretty, and I so wish he was flitting around the landscape. Well, the universe had other plans – to see him float around in another world, I guess.
Calendula blooms that enriched the landscape in the park downstairs. They were one of the first spring blooms. Now long gone.
Harvesting the home grown lettuce, again the seeds of which we bought from Turkey. We have had such an abundant harvest of the lettuce, Swiss chard and even arugula leaves. It’s been super heartening.
The stunning creepers of bougainvillaea lie sprawled dotting a major part of the landscape these days. The riot of colours is beyond magical to behold. This was from a little weekend getaway that the DH and I took off for, to celebrate our 17th anniversary. 🙂
Bougainvilleas, azure skies, and loads of spring birds that twittered by.
My Favourite Weather and More
“My favourite weather is bird chirping weather.”
—Terri Guillemets, quote anthologist
A Fire-Capped Tit. These cute wonders live in the higher altitude of Himalayan mountains, but come down to the Northern region of India to feast on the spring bounty. This stunning species was captured by my very talented friend, birder and photographer, Hemant Garg.
My gratitude journal has been my best friend. My mornings and evenings are incomplete without writing out a few words of grace and thanksgiving for the day. One spring morning when I sat in the park, writing.
Daisies on our terrace, along with a few other blooms in the backdrop.
A Swallow Tail Butterfly came visiting us on the 15th floor and spent some time amongst the lime blooms.
Today, 21 March, 2023 is not just Spring Equinox, but International Forest day too. I believe growing a forest starts with our backyards and balconies. The more plants and trees we grow, the more we shall flourish and reap.
I bought this very pretty carpet this spring, for our lobby; but our two furry girls took over and spent all their time lollygagging on it. It never stayed in its desired place. Well, they were also celebrating the advent of spring, after a long, cold winter. As of now I’ve had to remove it. It went to the dry cleaners recently. Let’s see if I can manage to put it back again; without having them disrupt its place of peace. Tough expectation, I know! 😉
This sunset from our balcony was spectacular, and awe-inspiring; all in one breath.
More Bougainvillea blooms from our terrace, on a clear day; when the air quality was good. It’s been rainy since the weekend, and we have welcomed the Spring Equinox with a partially cloudy sky. Queer weather indeed, for this time of the year. But then, climate change is for real.
Another view of that spectacular sunset, amidst skyscrapers and man-made habitations.
A pathway, resplendent with verdant trees, multiple blooms and chirping birds; at the Butterfly garden in a wildlife sanctuary, closer to home.
My mother-in-law’s delicious home-made pickles being sunned at her balcony sit-out, before we devour it all.
A Siberian Stonechat resting amongst the grasslands of Central India.
Spring Splendour and Awakenings
“Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.”
—Lewis Grizzard, writer
Our morning harvest from last week – lettuce, Swiss Chard, Sweet potato leaves, tomatoes, celery, and some oregano.
Our super yummy, flavoured cheese, grazing platter for Valentine’s day. Prepared with love by a talented neighbour.
Our bi-coloured Bougainvillaeas and tomatoes, amidst the city skyline.
Our lime tree was laden with fragrant flowers. Do you see the tiny, baby limes? We are now are left with just about 20/25 fruits. Not bad I say, for a small potted bush. What do you think?
The Siberian Stonechat flints around the grasslands as the sun goes down the horizon, in the forested Magdhi zone, of Bandhavgarh. Spring was then gently creeping into our doorway, while winter was getting ready to hang its boots.
Our bedroom balcony these days is nicely bedecked with these bewitching blooms. It’s a pleasure to wake up and look out into the sun-kissed flowers and the expansive sky. Gathering all the spring blessings, while I have them.
The Lettuce were a happy green. The pink, blooming Bryophyllums not just enchanted us, but the Red Pierrot butterflies too, before they bloomed. This spectacular phenomenon happened around autumn though, but a story so worthwhile. They spent an entire lifecycle growing on them. Here’s proof enough, of me raising the larvae to caterpillars. Scroll down.
One among the thirty, Red Pierrot butterflies that emerged from the cocoons. This one was getting ready to gather wings and fly away. Here’s the backstory on my Instagram handle. The most endearing part of this storywas to find them prancing amongst the clover flowers just below our tower. From the 15th floor to ground reality. 🙂
What’s spring looking like in your neck of woods?
How are you bringing in Spring Equinox today?
Also did you know, today it’s International Forest day, as well?
Let’s pledge to create our own personal forests wherever we stay, even if it’s a small patch of green, or a little window sill, or balcony. You have nothing to lose, but to save this planet of its dwindling flora and fauna.
Here’s wishing you and yours an incredibly blessed Spring Equinox. May the new season be promising and enriching.
Love, light and laughter galore.
Natasha xoxo
Here’s a peppy 3-hour Spring playlist for you to tune into. Fun, nostalgic, and sure to bring the spring onto your feet.
29 thoughts on “Spring Splendour | Spring Equinox”
Bountiful harvest of the green Natasha Your post put a ‘spring’ in my step I see plenty of nature’s love & blessings for you in form of birds, bees, butterflies mesmerizing sunset and the cutie lady bug. These lively corners in the home are the best place to unwind with a cuppa or journaling or just soaking in the now.
I loved the cheese platter, it’s a blessing to have such wonderful & thoughtful neighbors ……. Oh! I can the heart shaped tray being put in good use
The carpet is fabulous. I hope the pawsome duo stay away from it and let it brighten up the space
Vivacious spring post Natasha …… it really cheers me to read your post. There is always an element of positivity and cheerfulness in them.
Happy Spring Equinox to you!!
I love your terrace and balcony gardens. It’s amazing that you are harvesting food from plants grown in pots.
Your post is like a poem.
You bring in a very beautiful Spring, dear Natasha. We love your flowers and greeneries, so well taken care of ♥♥♥ We think Capri was on his way to the light, and stopped to bring you a purrsonal message ♥ That carpet looks beautiful, do you think it can fly 😀 Thank you for the mewsic, here one your bloggie the Sun is really shining We have a few books of Gary Zukav, he’s brilliant 🙂 Double Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead my furriend 🙂 ♥ Angel Binky, Stippie, Peachy and Granny recently posted…Spring isn’t in effurrything yet
Wow what a beautiful pictures of butterflies I Like so much. like Butterflies If you add pictures of Honey bees they look amazing. https://beesstyle.com/types-of-honey-bees/
Overwhelmed by the beauty, from the flowery and tasty patio to thesbirds, butterflies and ornate carpet– a feast for the eyes! Kenneth Schneider recently posted…Signs of spring #1,055
Your garden has produced an impressive harvest. I’m curious about the uses of sweet potato leaves. The bird photographs were enjoyable to see. The stunning sunset views from your balcony left me in awe. Shiju Sugunan recently posted…A poetic sojourn in Saul Kere
Yes, very grateful and blessed with the harvest. It’s the DH who manages the vegetables and I do the flowers and other ornamental plants and the fruiting trees.
We use natural compost from our kitchen waste and other natural gardening products, no chemicals at all.
The sweet potato leaves – well, I use them in my salads along with the rocket and lettuce leaves and sometimes add the nasturtium leaves also. 🙂
What an oasis of beauty your balcony is, and that sunset! The playlist was filled with songs I like, and, last but not least, the bougainvilleas, a plant that is not hardy where I live but I remember well from when I lived years ago in our state of Florida.
Delightful series of photos, Natasha.
Love the spectacular views from your balcony.
You find beauty in everything you see, my beautiful friend.
Hugs and blessings. Veronica Lee recently posted…Fontana di Trevi
The first day of spring ushered in very chilly. Old man winter no doubt taking one last stand. I suspect he’ll hang around periodically until Mother Nature gets her bearings straight again. Yesterday was lovely, sunny blue skies! There are blooms everywhere, too. I just love this time of the year even though the pollens drive my sinuses crazy. Thanks for sharing a beautiful collection of spring wonders from your side of the world and for joining the 4M party. Have a boogietastic week, my dear!
The only word I want to say about your post is magical!
It’s unbelievable how beautiful plants do you have in your balcony and
so many other beauties. And the sky is amazing!
Thank you Natasha for your post. I put it in the table.
Love, light and joy, dear friend!
Happy WW and a fantastic week!❤️ Suzana recently posted…Miercurea fara cuvinte (351) – Flori in parc – Flowers in the park
Delightful pictures from start to finish Natasha. Spring is a bit slow getting started here but at least my balcony is a blaze of yellow thanks to all my daffodils! Bougainvillaea is very rare here, I wish it weren’t, wherever I go in my travels I seem to see it! By the way, back in the 70s I had an apartment just along the road from the crossing opposite Abbey Road studios which is featured on the Beatles LP cover! Keith’s Ramblings recently posted…Make it snappy!
29 thoughts on “Spring Splendour | Spring Equinox”
Bountiful harvest of the green Natasha Your post put a ‘spring’ in my step I see plenty of nature’s love & blessings for you in form of birds, bees, butterflies mesmerizing sunset and the cutie lady bug. These lively corners in the home are the best place to unwind with a cuppa or journaling or just soaking in the now.
I loved the cheese platter, it’s a blessing to have such wonderful & thoughtful neighbors ……. Oh! I can the heart shaped tray being put in good use
The carpet is fabulous. I hope the pawsome duo stay away from it and let it brighten up the space
Vivacious spring post Natasha …… it really cheers me to read your post. There is always an element of positivity and cheerfulness in them.
Love & Hugs dear friend
Looks like a very pretty patio garden!
Happy Spring Equinox to you!!
I love your terrace and balcony gardens. It’s amazing that you are harvesting food from plants grown in pots.
Your post is like a poem.
Thanks for the generous, heartfelt and loving comments, everybody. And for taking time to read, visit and leave your sweet imprints.
Wishing you joy, now and always.
Natasha recently posted…Spring Splendour | Spring Equinox
You bring in a very beautiful Spring, dear Natasha. We love your flowers and greeneries, so well taken care of ♥♥♥ We think Capri was on his way to the light, and stopped to bring you a purrsonal message ♥ That carpet looks beautiful, do you think it can fly 😀 Thank you for the mewsic, here one your bloggie the Sun is really shining We have a few books of Gary Zukav, he’s brilliant 🙂 Double Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead my furriend 🙂 ♥
Angel Binky, Stippie, Peachy and Granny recently posted…Spring isn’t in effurrything yet
Wow what a beautiful pictures of butterflies I Like so much. like Butterflies If you add pictures of Honey bees they look amazing. https://beesstyle.com/types-of-honey-bees/
Overwhelmed by the beauty, from the flowery and tasty patio to thesbirds, butterflies and ornate carpet– a feast for the eyes!
Kenneth Schneider recently posted…Signs of spring #1,055
Your garden has produced an impressive harvest. I’m curious about the uses of sweet potato leaves. The bird photographs were enjoyable to see. The stunning sunset views from your balcony left me in awe.
Shiju Sugunan recently posted…A poetic sojourn in Saul Kere
Hi Shiju,
Yes, very grateful and blessed with the harvest. It’s the DH who manages the vegetables and I do the flowers and other ornamental plants and the fruiting trees.
We use natural compost from our kitchen waste and other natural gardening products, no chemicals at all.
The sweet potato leaves – well, I use them in my salads along with the rocket and lettuce leaves and sometimes add the nasturtium leaves also. 🙂
Thank you for your kind words.
Great quote and such beautiful photos.
What an oasis of beauty your balcony is, and that sunset! The playlist was filled with songs I like, and, last but not least, the bougainvilleas, a plant that is not hardy where I live but I remember well from when I lived years ago in our state of Florida.
What a splendid terrace you have! The view, the plants, veggie garden…
Beautiful pics. Happy Spring to you and your family.
Patrick Weseman recently posted…A Visit to the Berkeley Rose Garden
Hi Natasha! Thank you for sharing these stunning pictures of spring. They are such a delight!
Delightful series of photos, Natasha.
Love the spectacular views from your balcony.
You find beauty in everything you see, my beautiful friend.
Hugs and blessings.
Veronica Lee recently posted…Fontana di Trevi
The first day of spring ushered in very chilly. Old man winter no doubt taking one last stand. I suspect he’ll hang around periodically until Mother Nature gets her bearings straight again. Yesterday was lovely, sunny blue skies! There are blooms everywhere, too. I just love this time of the year even though the pollens drive my sinuses crazy. Thanks for sharing a beautiful collection of spring wonders from your side of the world and for joining the 4M party. Have a boogietastic week, my dear!
The only word I want to say about your post is magical!
It’s unbelievable how beautiful plants do you have in your balcony and
so many other beauties. And the sky is amazing!
Thank you Natasha for your post. I put it in the table.
Love, light and joy, dear friend!
Happy WW and a fantastic week!❤️
Suzana recently posted…Miercurea fara cuvinte (351) – Flori in parc – Flowers in the park
Oh so many flowers, I can feel the smell of them
The flowers are beautiful. The cheese platter looks delicious.
Jackie’s Photo Blog recently posted…Wordless Wednesday – Snowdonia, Wales.
That bee is massive!! I love the firey sunset too. #KeithsRamblings
Spring is looking mighty beautiful at your place, Happy Spring!
So beautiful. All your photography is most beautiful.
I love the Valentine’s Day cheese shot. That’s so artistic.
It’s cold, windy and raining here. No spring in sight.
Have a fabulous day and week, sweet Natasha. Love and hugs. ♥
Sandee recently posted…Happy Tuesday
Delightful pictures from start to finish Natasha. Spring is a bit slow getting started here but at least my balcony is a blaze of yellow thanks to all my daffodils! Bougainvillaea is very rare here, I wish it weren’t, wherever I go in my travels I seem to see it! By the way, back in the 70s I had an apartment just along the road from the crossing opposite Abbey Road studios which is featured on the Beatles LP cover!
Keith’s Ramblings recently posted…Make it snappy!
Wow, having an apartment facing Abbey road must have been all kinds of glorious, Keith. 🙂
I can imagine the blaze of yellow with your daffodils- cant wait to see pictures please. 🙂
What beautiful seasonal photos roll on Spring our clocks go forward in UK this weekend hoorayyy 🙂
Have an equinoxtastic week
stevebethere recently posted…WW On A Tuesday – Job Loss
Looks like a great start to spring there! All of those fresh salad fixings look delicious – always taste better fresh picked. 🙂
Wow, Natasha! L O V E L Y !! Love all the photographs.
Beautiful picture’s Natasha! Happy spring to you.