Spring Blossoms: #WordlessWednesday

Spring Blossoms: #WordlessWednesday


“Oh! Spring, spring,
What shall you bring?

Little daisies simply smiling
Yet another new beginning”

Blooming gerberas at our home. Floored by their natural beauty, are we?


Our little Lime tree. Can you see the blossoms and the limes. Waiting with bated breath to harvest them. And the pots below are parsley and oregano


Gerbera shots: 11 year old Aarshia


 Ode To Spring many moons back


~~My Will ‘O Wisp Spring~~

Oh! Spring, spring,
What shall you bring?

Wispy clouds with silver linings
Balmy breeze that seem to be dancing

A cuckoo bird flapping its wings
Melancholic hearts that sing

Riot of colours suddenly bursting
Frolicking souls giving in

A star spangled night whispering
Many a hearts entwining

Little daisies simply smiling
Yet another new beginning

22:40 hours
16 February 2005


~That’s My Spring~

Spring, spring
Why do you want to hide
That’s how the flowers cried

The cold winter made us sad
The summer will make us happy

Why don’t you make us flower
Why are you so far
Come to us with your power

Surround us with your love & care
So we shall say a prayer
Spring we want you everywhere

– Arusha (my then 7 year old angel brat)
22:40 hours
16 February 2005




 #WordlessWednesday hosted by Esha and yours truly is a weekly blog hop.


Care to join in ? Here’s how you can:

  1. Post a picture on your blog. It could be from life’s wondrous or wicked moments, your wanderlust days, or simple random shots that caught your fancy, or not. 
  2. And make your post as wordless or wordy as you wish to. Well, we are guessing  now you know why we sometimes call ourselves “not-so-wordless Wednesday” too! 
  3. Add our badge to your post and a backlink to our posts. Give our new badge some blog love, will you? Esha worked painstakingly to put it together. 
  4. We’d love you to read, comment and share the posts linked here and connect with some fascinating bloggers. 

Get ready to be deliciously framed!😊

Have a gratifying #WW! 






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52 thoughts on “Spring Blossoms: #WordlessWednesday

  1. Beautiful Gerberas and even more beautiful poems by the talented mom and daughter! Did I tell you I love that shade of pink too? Your post added the much-needed cheer to my day, that I’d been looking for, Natasha! So, thank you very much fro this lovely post.

    I’m late in responding to all the #ww posts this week as life took precedence. Hopefully, this week will be better.

    Have a wonderful week ahead, my friend!
    Much love

    1. Don’t worry about being late. It’s the thought that counts, and it’s #WW that keeps us alive and kicking. :))

      You have a very precious week ahead, looking at the sun smile back at you. <3

  2. The flowers and the lime both are fresh, cute and beautiful.
    And poems written by you as well as Arusha are equally beautiful
    The lines spring bring your power and bloom a flower are so apt.

      1. No new cases so far (touchwood!) 18 out of the 22 infected patients have recovered and discharged.

        But I have to travel overseas in 10 days’ time for a trip I booked in December! There is no refund for cancellation so the hubs, my son and I will have to keep calm and carry on.

        Please pray for us, Natasha!

          1. Hugs back at ya, Veronica. How are things? Have you suspended your travel plans. Looking at the outbreak of the pandemic it seems the most viable option at this point of time.

            My younger daughter was to go to Oz for a student exchange program in May, but they have cancelled the trip. Heart-breaking yes, as there was so much excitement around it. But I guess better to be safe than sorry at this point of time.

            Hope things are well at your end. You are in my thoughts. 🙂

    1. Thank you dear Mary. Such a pleasure to see you here, always. <3
      Will tell Arusha.
      We now have four of those Gerberas and the lovely thing is they bloom for days on end. 🙂

  3. Thank you a lot for including my link here, in your beautiful place!
    And I add that I love a lot Gerbera flowers, but I do not know how to keep them for more days, so usually I do not buy them. I just admire them where ever there are.! 🙂
    Thank you again! I wish you beautiful days!

    1. Awwww dear Suzana, the pleasure is all mine, indeed. 🙂

      Small tip for keeping them for more days: Add a pinch of salt to your vase and change the water every day if you can. Word like magic. 🙂

      Wish you a gorgeous week ahead too. xoxo

  4. What gorgeous flowers – I’m not fond of pink, in general, but that’s a shade I like very much. Your springtime poems have put me in the mood for warmer weather, just as a cold front moves in today!

    1. Neither here, Alana. I got this plant last year and it survived the treacherous summers and see what it gave us back. 🙂 Feeling so blessed.

      Lime is my favourite too.

  5. Spring’s zing! We all love spring …… Nature is at its colorful best and there are new lives beginning everywhere.

    Such soothing colors of the flowers Natasha! Both mother & daughter have captured & penned the essence of spring so well. Enjoyed reading it.

    Send happy vibes for spring! Happy Wednesday!

    1. Thank you dear Monika. I was floored by the essence of spring you captured. Would love to explore the tulips in Delhi one of these weekends.

      Have a wonderful week ahead.

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