Owl You Need is Love

Owl You Need is Love

Nothing you can make that can’t be made (love)
No one you can save that can’t be saved (love)
Nothing you can do, but you can learn how to be you in time (love)
It’s easy

All you need is love
All you need is love
All you need is love, love
Love is all you need
– Beatles (All You Need is Love)

Here’s a glimpse of bountiful nature that I was blessed to stumble upon in the last five months of 2024. Unbelievable, how the year is whizzing by.

Give Peace a Chance – Owl You Need is Love

While I take time to appreciate the bounty of nature, and experience the beauty of life; there are countless families in Gaza holding on to precious life, not knowing when they, or their children would be living their last day, lost to the horrifying carnage that is taking place day in and day out. My heart goes out for the people of Gaza, who have no choice but to flee their homes. To the women and men who have been violated time and again, those who don’t have a meal to eat, a roof above their heads, and to the innocent children whose lives have been abruptly snuffed away to this mindless mayhem.

I am constantly praying for a miracle to unfold, and for peace to prevail in this land, which seems to be on the verge of being decimated. If this calls out to you in any way, pease take a moment to send healing prayers too. Thank you.

January Glimmer

The last few walks in my neck of woods, has been promising with good sightings of one of my favourite bird, the owl.

On a cold, foggy January morning, on a nature walk, we chanced upon a thick as thieves, family of spotted owlets, all curled and cuddled up together. They slept on a wide open branch, oblivious of the paparazzi that took their sleepy shots.

Owls-family-Spotted owlet
The Spotted Owlet family made for such a cosy, endearing winter sighting. All I wanted to do thereafter was rush home and cuddle up in a blanket with mi familia.

owlet-family-3 spotted owlets
Snuggles, cuddles and cosy huggles.

Summer Trails

Once the 15 year-old returned from boarding school, we went for a fun nature walk on the same trail in April. We were gifted with quite a few visual treats, that included all that I share below. All image credits to her, unless I mention otherwise.

Green -Bee Eater
An Asian Green Bee Eater sits upright, possibly gazing at it’s next meal.

Grey Frncolin-Bird on pathway
A shy, grey francolin scuttled along a distant pathway. We managed a video too. I’m thinking I should start posting those too.
Kingfisher-White Throated Kingfisher
A white-throated kingfisher blends in with the backdrop, while standing out at the same time. I love the slightly open beak. #DidYouKnow: Birds open their beaks to hydrate, when it gets too hot.

Bee eater-flowers-Green bee eater
The green bee eater seems to be adept at striking a pose. The glorious bougainvillaea in the background, as you can see make for a pretty picture and view.

Dogs-clearing-brown dogs
These four were having quite an playful morning; chasing each other and curiously checking out other things.

More Glimmers

We then drove to the other part of this trail, set amidst a lake and ruins; of what used to be a dignitary’s sprawling home with fruit orchards. The encounters here proved to be no less enchanting.

Squirrel -Tree-Indian palm squirrel
An Indian palm squirrel was busy collecting nesting material, possibly.

Parakeet-Palash flowers
An Alexandrine parakeet delves into the beautiful recesses of the Palash flowers for nectar.

photographers-2-tree-bird watching
My two pals, including my 15 year-old who actually captured all the bird images. She turns 16 in less than 4 days now!!!

Parakeet-palash flowers-orange flowers
The Palash or Flame of the Forest (Butea monosperma) literally sets our landscapes ablaze in March-April with its flaming ochre blooms. An otherwise non-brazen tree throughout the year, if I could say so.

Owl We Need is Love

As we walked towards a clearing, we spotted a pair of spotted owlets catching their day nap. Yet, alert to all the birders who were busy photographing them.

spotted owlet-tree-owl
This one was resting high up on a big branch. Trying to keep a straight face, as the paparazzi of our birding world hounded them.

Spotted Owlet-tree-owl
The other one from the pair. Not very pleased with all the attention and noise.

Let it Be

As we walked around, we were told by a few other birders that an Indian Eagle owl had been spotted, in the last few days. That was another trek uphill. When we reached the location, there was no sight of the owl. Eventually one of the bird watchers very kindly escorted us to the coveted spot.

The Indian Eagle Owl sat regally, high up on a cliff. We were seeing one for the first time, and it was an entrancing moment for us; yet dampened by the number of people waiting for hours to photograph it, and for it take flight. It was appalling to say the least! Why would we expect an owl to fly during the day?

It’s sad that these days for the purpose of social media likes and popularity, people are going any lengths to photograph and disturb different species. We spent about 10-12 minutes gazing at this wise, handsome bird and took a few pictures. They are here for you to see.

Owl-Indian Eagle owl
The Indian eagle owl

Owl-Cliff-Indian eagle owl

Owl-Indian Eagle owl
I took this picture, before we returned; to let it rest for the day. We didn’t want to add to the crowd anymore.

A kaleidoscope of Pioneer butterflies flinted around, as we walked back to our car. I could not help but photographed this lone beauty.

Wrapping up with the first music preview and the final version of Owl (All) You Need is Love. And one more personal favourite from the Lenon and Yoko.

Give peace a chance, after all; all we need is love.

Love, light, laughter, peace and ease.

Natasha <3

One of my favourites, as I also want the war to be over – war against brutality and rage, massacre and mayhem of the innocent children and people. Just realised it’s a playlist too. And has Give Peace a Chance. Enjoy. <3

21 thoughts on “Owl You Need is Love

  1. In principle, I like all birds. But I have a special relationship with owls. This is probably due to the fact that my grandmother lovingly called us ‘her little owls’. She was referring to my sister and me…

    Another round of MosaicMonday in June… and I’m looking forward to your contribution again. This week there are many pictures that tell of your surroundings, of nature, of your everyday life. Pictures that also tell a bit of history.

    Thank you for your participation. Have fun, best wishes from Heidrun
    ::: Heidrun recently posted…MosaicMonday No. 86My Profile

  2. Beautiful photos of nature…. There is something called ethics when photographing wildlife, but I know that people violate that all the time sadly.. people also kidnap young wildlife and try to keep it almost always ends up in death…. There is much beauty and a lot of tragedy in the world…… Michelle from rambling Woods

  3. Those are great pictures! I really enjoyed seeing them and reading what you wrote. Favorite pictures are the ones where they are owls. I love owls!
    I wish you days full of delight, dear Natasha! Light and love!
    Big hugs!

  4. The Hamas/Israeli war seems to many to be abstract rather than real, obscured by politics and religious beliefs and many think that all Palestinians are Hamas. Terrible to be trapped with nowhere to go and not have access to food, water, and medical care and nobody seems to care.

  5. Excellent photos! I, especially love the sleeping spotted owl family. That would’ve been so sweet to see. It’s summer, well almost sure feels like it, my friend!
    CAAC recently posted…Wedding SongsMy Profile

  6. Hello,
    I pray for peace, Owl we need is love. So true
    Your post is beautiful, I love the sweet owlets adorable sighting.
    The Bee-eater and Kingfisher are beautiful too.
    Great Owl sightings, I love all the owls.
    Wonderful photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.
    Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  7. Your words and images beautifully capture the essence of love, peace, and the beauty of nature.
    The cuddling owlets and majestic Indian Eagle Owl remind us of life’s preciousness.
    Thank you for sharing these inspiring moments.

    Sending love and light your way, Natasha.

  8. “Owl We Need is Love” – what a beautiful idea!
    Natasha, we need to persevere in our prayers, because what is happening now on the planet is horrible.
    Be well my friend and always inspired in doing good things and sharing the beauty from your soul.
    Love and light, dear Natasha!

  9. A beautiful post as always, Sweet Natasha.

    The world needs more love.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, my friend. Love and hugs. ♥
    Comedy Plus recently posted…Wordless WednesdayMy Profile

  10. I loved the lead image! That’s your balcony isn’t it? And that owl parivar! Mata-pita aur owlad 😉 Overall, again a super show with your blog. Loved the look, feel and vibe. Felt like I was in the jungles 🙂

  11. Your pictures are beautiful, I love the owls, they have such funny faces and then they can turn their head all around. They have round eyes and look like my cat !

  12. Natasha, those bird photos were just beautiful. You certainly have a gift for capturing nature in your pictures – thanks so much for sharing them with the rest of us. 🙂

  13. Say the word I’m thinking of, have you heard, the word is love – The Beatles are (were) great, as was the message of peace and love.
    Anyway, I am loving the owl photos, eight days a week… The owls cuddles are so cute, and the Indian Eagle Owl is so majestic.

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