To Live with Gratitude: #WOW #BlogAdda #MondayMusings
Yet again!!!!
A prompt that gives me thirty minutes to write what’s top of my mind, well that’s no complex feat, I suppose.
I’ve been seeing innumerable gratitude prompts and posts off late. And my inner child has been prodding me to put together one such post. After all, I haven’t written one in a while. And don’t we all know that when we express gratitude, immeasurable benefits come multiplying in to our lives. Also what better way to say thank you, than on a Thanksgiving month!
Today I would like to extend my deep gratitude to the month of October 2017 gone by, and the year that is on the brink of drawing its curtains to a close.
October spelled a lazy, relaxed vacation by the azure seas of Andamans. It was a mindful break sans phone connectivity, surrounded by dense flora, warm, white sands of the Radhanagar beach, the wild, boisterous waves of the Bay of Bengal that seduced us each day to play catch-me-if-you-can. Rendezvous with the marine life while scuba diving and snorkelling with the marine life, were the icing on the cake. You can read a bit about those experiences here. More to come in my future posts.
Despite various extremely challenging health issues, my family members including my daughter, my mother and father-in-law, rose like the Phoenix from the ashes. That undoubtedly was a blessing in our life. I whole-heartedly chanted for their well-being and the Ghonzon answered my prayers. You can also read about my connection with the Buddha here.
Our holiday came as a stress-buster and just the right time, allowing all four of us- the DH the girls and me to unwind after battling out the health deterrents within the family.
I was also successfully able to complete another writing challenge in October, albeit these challenges and a vacation minus internet connectivity. I have managed a total of four writing challenges this year, most of which were a breeze, except the A-Z wherein I toiled very hard, and was rewarded in return with my first book Travel Epiphanies, my twenty-six tales of travel, adventure and awakenings.
October was also a month when I seriously got back to my fitness regime. Strength training and walking to begin with. November should see me back to cycling and running too.
On 31st October, I also signed up to lose some of my excess weight. Owing to a back injury last year, I had to stop a few of my cardio workouts including running. That resulted in unnecessary weight gain. And I guess when you hit your forty-fives, it gets harder than before to lose weight, since your metabolism goes down. Nah, not ashamed to reveal my age. It’s just a figure, you see. Anyways, I’m on a well-balanced diet now. Not that I haven’t been a healthy eater. Always have, except for my uncontrollable weakness and deviations towards all things sweet. The diet strictly puts me off sugar for now. I’m hoping to knock off those extra kilos and return back to a healthy weight. Oh yes, and before I forget, I also learned to put together a wonderful North African egg meal called Shakshuka. It is lip-smackingly sumptuous and you must give it a go. Spotted it first on Rachna Parmar’s blog. Here’s her recipe.

Overall this year has been very blessed. My writing has grown in leaps and bounds. I won the WOW badge each time I wrote. Actually scoring a hat trick and then the next time too.
I made so many friends in the blogosphere who have added value to my writings and motivated me to keep forging ahead.
Life will keep throwing curve balls our way, but it’s important we open our eyes to all the blessings we have alongside. I have so many blessings, and few words of gratitude won’t just suffice. Also we must remember various curve balls in life lead us to unlimited lessons that help us grow exponentially.
Today I bow down to life and extend my immense gratitude for bestowing me with more than I could have ever asked for.
When life throws us curve balls, unlimited lessons that help us grow, are on their way. Share on XDo you express gratitude each day? In case you do, have you seen seen your blessings multiply two-folds? In case you haven’t started giving gratitude yet, let’s start a gratitude journal, a gratitude pie or simply close our eyes in prayer and gratitude at the beginning or end of the day. Shall we?
Gracias! Danke! Gratzie! Shukriya! Dhanyawad!
‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’
Linking up with the our Iron Lady, Corinne
15 thoughts on “To Live with Gratitude: #WOW #BlogAdda #MondayMusings”
A lovely post. I am glad your family is better in health and wonderful in spirit. Upasna’s gratitude pies have had me looking at my day with a grateful perspective 🙂 & I am so happy to find that you recommend this habit too 🙂
Thanks dear Ish. Yes Upasana, Amrita-Tina and Corinne propagate the practise so wonderfully with their prompts and ideas.
Lovely! It was indeed a wonderful month for you- your spirit never ceases to amaze me. Keep spreading cheer around
Thank you so much Aks. :))))
A super positive post, Natasha. Thanks for the encouragement it gives us all. Congrats on a productive month in October too! Something Beautiful.
Thank you so very much Shirley. :)))) I’m glad it was motivating enough for you as well. Thank you for leaving your imprints. xo
I have been publishing my Gratitude Lists for over 2 years now. Yes, I said publishing because that is a deliberate attempt to tell the universe what I am grateful for each month. It works, Natasha.
I also have a sweet tooth and that’s my biggest challenge. I have also started working out more than before and I am liking the change in my routine. Weight loss, is hard for my body type I guess so I have stopped bothering. But yes to health food an everyday workouts. I have read the recipe for Shakshuka on Rachna’s blog and I am just too lazy to try. But I will 🙂
Hope you have a November full of ‘good health’ for all your loved ones.
Thank you dear Parul for reiterating those sentiments. Sometimes I’m tad iffy t put this out to the world, just like Sunita and I were discussing in the comments below. But I guess it also helps to put it out to the universe to show ones gratitude.
Yes, please try the Shakshuka. You wont regret it, I promise. :))
Thank you for your warm, loving wishes. I wish you much happiness, love and good health always too. xox
I express gratitude every day. Thats the first thing that I do, once I am up and about to get out of the bed. For me, every day is gift and a reason to be thankful that I got the gift of being alive!
Enjoyed walking through your thoughts of gratitude, Natasha!
Anagha recently posted Sifting Sands Of Time and Thoughts
Sounds like you’ve been super busy. I’m glad you’ve had a chance to relax as well. I hear you about the weight gain post 45. I’m 46 and fatter than ever! Oops. That recipe looks interesting. Will have to check it out!
Always busy Ness. :))) Thankfully for the relaxation bit.
Yes, Shakshuka is must try.
Thank you so much for visiting. And I’m bookmarking your blog Ness.
Such a positive post, Natasha. Loved to read about your October. I am so happy that you had a wonderful time in the Andamans. Sorry to hear about the health niggles. And glad to hear that you are better and back to your healthy ways. I am totally with you that as we age, we have to work harder to maintain an optimal weight. I have been noticing the same as well. Thanks for the mention and am so happy that you enjoyed the recipe which is now a regular in my home.
Wish you a happy November.
Thank you dear Rachna. 🙂
Shakshuka will be our weekend fix again.
I too am grateful for many things in my life but I am scared of voicing my gratitude on this platform for fear of attracting the evil eye. Good things don’t last forever just as the bad so I prefer to acknowledge my gratitude and thanks to the Universe in the privacy of my space. I find this practice wholesome and healing and something I do almost the first thing in the morning.
I too find that taking part in blog challenges was challenging and also rewarding. Somehow I used to be a regular with Blogadda’s WOW but now find it hard to write over the weekend with extreme baby sitting duty on Saturday. Sunday is home time so I have to give this prompt a miss. I used to enjoy the Blogadda challenges too.
Sunita I do hear you. Yes we do tend to attract unnecessary hex by putting out our blessings on a platform like this sometimes. I did feel the same when I wrote one such post last time.
But I chose not to let it bother me and go with my gut.
It gets extremely challenging for me also to write for Blogadda’s Wow prompt as my weekends are choc-a-block, but then I try to push myself out of the comfort zone. Not easy believe you me, especially because weekends are the only time when I used to take a writing break and reserve it just for the family.
Maybe I’ll give Tangy Tuesday’s a go now
Thank you for reading all my posts regularly ❤️