Let it be: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

Let it be: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

“Let it be…

Just be.”



Lake with a sunset view
Go with the flow…


tree and lake with sunset view
Let it be. You may pollute or man handle me, yet I will strive harder and give back to you unconditionally. But beware! Not for too long.


Abandoned house with flowers and creeper
Go with the flow while blooming where you are planted.


The pandemic and the world crisis at large has been tough on all of us, yet like I’ve said before nature continues to flourish and it’s for us to flow with the tide or get swept away.

On days you find yourself struggling to stay afloat this little story on the Beatles song, “Let it be” may impart hope. 


The story behind Paul McCartney’s LET IT BE! In his own words. ❤

I was going through a really difficult time around the autumn of 1968. It was late in the Beatles’ career and we had begun making a new album, a follow-up to the “White Album.” As a group we were starting to have problems. I think I was sensing the Beatles were breaking up, so I was staying up late at night, drinking, doing drugs, clubbing, the way a lot of people were at the time. I was really living and playing hard.

The other guys were all living out in the country with their partners, but I was still a bachelor in London with my own house in St. John’s Wood. And that was kind of at the back of my mind also, that maybe it was about time I found someone, because it was before I got together with Linda.

So, I was exhausted! Some nights I’d go to bed and my head would just flop on the pillow; and when I’d wake up I’d have difficulty pulling it off, thinking, “Good job I woke up just then or I might have suffocated.”

Then one night, somewhere between deep sleep and insomnia, I had the most comforting dream about my mother, who died when I was only 14. She had been a nurse, my mum, and very hardworking, because she wanted the best for us. We weren’t a well-off family- we didn’t have a car, we just about had a television – so both of my parents went out to work, and Mum contributed a good half to the family income. At night when she came home, she would cook, so we didn’t have a lot of time with each other. But she was just a very comforting presence in my life. And when she died, one of the difficulties I had, as the years went by, was that I couldn’t recall her face so easily. That’s how it is for everyone, I think. As each day goes by, you just can’t bring their face into your mind, you have to use photographs and reminders like that.

So in this dream twelve years later, my mother appeared, and there was her face, completely clear, particularly her eyes, and she said to me very gently, very reassuringly: “Let it be.”

It was lovely. I woke up with a great feeling. It was really like she had visited me at this very difficult point in my life and gave me this message: Be gentle, don’t fight things, just try and go with the flow and it will all work out.

So, being a musician, I went right over to the piano and started writing a song: “When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me”… Mary was my mother’s name… “Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.” There will be an answer, let it be.” It didn’t take long. I wrote the main body of it in one go, and then the subsequent verses developed from there: “When all the broken-hearted people living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be.”

I thought it was special, so I played it to the guys and ’round a lot of people, and later it also became the title of the album, because it had so much value to me, and because it just seemed definitive, those three little syllables. Plus, when something happens like that, as if by magic, I think it has a resonance that other people notice too.

Not very long after the dream, I got together with Linda, which was the saving of me. And it was as if my mum had sent her, you could say.

The song is also one of the first things Linda and I ever did together musically. We went over to Abbey Road Studios one day, where the recording sessions were in place. I lived nearby and often used to just drop in when I knew an engineer would be there and do little bits on my own. And I just thought, “Oh it would be good to try harmony in mind, and although Linda wasn’t a professional singer, I’d heard her sing around the house, and knew she could hold a note and sing that high.

So she tried it, and it worked and it stayed on the record. You can hear it to this day.

These days, the song has become almost like a hymn. We sang it at Linda’s memorial service. And after September 11 the radio played it a lot, which made it the obvious choice for me to sing when I did the benefit concert in New York City. Even before September 11th, people used to lean out of cars and trucks and say, “Yo, Paul, let it be.”

So those words are really very special to me, because not only did my mum come to me in a dream and reassure me with them at a very difficult time in my life – and sure enough, things did get better after that – but also, in putting them into a song, and recording it with the Beatles, it became a comforting, healing statement for other people too.

– Paul McCartney



Grateful to DH for sharing this with me. <3

I stay forever grateful to all of you for reposing faith on #WordlessWednesday and linking up from across the world with posts that impart hope, a smile or tickle the funny bone, or tell a story that echoes back. This small endeavour would not be possible without your wonderful presence. 


Let it be. Just be. Or Just bee. 🙂 Share on X





Care to join in ? Here’s how you can join:

  1. Post a picture on your blog. It could be from life’s wondrous or wicked moments, your wanderlust days, or simple random shots that caught your fancy, or not. 
  2. And make your post as wordless or wordy as you wish to. Well, we are guessing  now you know why we sometimes call ourselves “not-so-wordless Wednesday” too! 
  3. Add our badge to your post and a backlink to our posts.
  4. We’d love you to read, comment and share the posts linked here and connect with some fascinating bloggers. 

The linky is live till Monday, therefore you have ample time to create a post and hop in. 

Get ready to be deliciously framed!

Have a gratifying #WW! 





#WordlessWednesday is a blog hop started by Esha and yours truly. on March 2018.



Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from blogosphere who host #WordlessWednesday

Betty, Steve, Sandee, Sue NC, Zina ,Xmas Dolly, Keith, and Cathy

Trent’s Weekly Smile and Tree Lady Parul’s #ThursdayTreeLove





51 thoughts on “Let it be: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom

  1. This is one of my favourite songs of the Beatles – so haunting. Lovely to read the story behind it, Natasha. The lyrics are so appropriate for these times and your calming photographs make reading this post such a peaceful experience.

  2. Beautiful post! I loved reading this treasure of a story behind one of my favorite songs by my favorite Beatle. (I’d heard part of this story, but not nearly with this rich detail. In the 70s, I had a poster on my bedroom wall with a nature scene and the words, “Let it Be,” at the bottom.

  3. Natasha thank you so much for dropping by my little blog 😉
    I absolutely love your photos .. especially that beautifully lit one against the stone wall .. I have a thing for either rising and setting sun values .. they are magical !
    The story about Paul was so interesting, I have never heard that one .. our dream states can bring us such comfort at times .. it does make you wonder if there is truly life after we leave these “shells” .
    I am just up this Sunday morning and had to respond before I go out into my haven and work with my plants .. I can find such peace and satisfaction there .. I love that Autumn is quietly singing her approaching song !

  4. The wildflowers are so pretty, somebody decided to just let them be! Great post, I didn’t know any of that about the song!

    It’s great to see you at ‘My Corner of the World’ this week!! Thanks for being here.

    1. Yes, that’s the thing I liked. I’m the unbridled wilderness all the species are allowed to just be.
      And that’s the beauty of letting it be.

      In our gardens we like to de-weed, but sometimes I just let a few unknown plants to grow in the pots hoping they may be of some value. And more often than not they are.
      What we consider weeds are sometimes edible plants with health benefits.

      We have the three leaves clover growing in many pots and it makes for good veggie combo. As does the wild portulaca that does not flower.

  5. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. I had always thought that the Mother Mary in the song was Mary, the mother of Jesus.

    It’s one of my fave songs but I kinda prefer Himesh Patel’s version of it. Did you see the movie (Yesterday)?


    1. So did I, Vero.
      I will definitely check out Himesh Patel’s version. Never heard of it.

      Haven’t seen Yesterday. Tell me about it.

      Hugs xoxo

      1. It’s about this dude (Himesh Patel) who has an accident and wakes up in a parallel universe where the Beatles never existed! Ed Sheeran is in the movie too!
        Trust me, you will love it — lots of Beatles songs in it.

  6. Very beautiful images you chose for this presentation .. The lake is a very representative one and it seems to attract you to feel his breeze a little .. Happy WW, Natasha. !!!

  7. What a wonderful dream and what a wonderful message from your mom. Made me smile.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Natasha. Big hug. ♥

  8. Thanks for sharing Paul’s story – it is a great song and the back story is very interesting and touching.

    1. Ditto! Going to sleep listening to it tonight ! And okay Hey Jude on a blast tomorrow morning

      Thanks Steve. You too be well and keep tickling our funny bone.

  9. Oh my gosh, “LET IT BE” my friend, just let it be!!! I missed you all week… how are you and are you staying healthy I hope. What a neat place that you found. Me? I love to find places like this so I can make up stories about it that the walls would tell! Ahhhhh yes, if only the walls could talk. Anyway, I have to get up early tomorrow I’m having a “Bone Density” test and maybe I shall come back tomorrow. Big hugs & smooch goodnight! “Let it be” my friend… Just “Let it Be”! HUGS

    1. Dearest Marie,
      Take care and be well.
      Wishing you good health always and a “let it be” frame of heart.
      Lots of love and hugs dearest.
      Your messages are always brimming with so much love. Thank you ♥️

      Yeah, it’s fun conjuring stories around photos and places we have visited.

  10. Beautiful piece, darling!

    Time like these, you just need to let it be. These past few months have taught me so much and changed me as a person for the better.

    Beatles can never go wrong too! <3

    Much love!

    1. I feel the same sweetheart.
      And I’m growing each passing day.
      The pandemic is here surely for a good reason.

      Yes, Beatles never fails to touch those cords.

      Big hugs ♥️

  11. Lovely post Natasha! loved reading the ‘Let it be’ anecdote 🙂
    Let it be and Go with the flow are the mantras i’ve come to live by. And, it has proven especially useful during this year.

    Wish you the best for #WW going forward.
    Have a lovely #WW and a wonderful week ahead.

    1. Yes for me too, Priya as hard as it may seem sometimes.

      It’s good to know you have imbibed them too.

      Thank you so very much for the wishes and yes you have a safe and blessed week ahead too.

    1. Dear Kenneth,

      These images were taken on a weekend walk by the forests nearby. The views were so comforting and I have to tell you this – We spotted a flock of Golden Orioles, copper smith barbets, a white throated kingfisher and the Grey Indian Hornbill and some water birds which I am yet to identify.

      My phone camera just does justice to shots like these.

      It is absolutely wonderful to see you at #NatashaMusing

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