The Hidden Life of Trees: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom
“A tree’s most important means of staying connected to other trees is a “wood wide web” of soil fungi that connects vegetation in an intimate network that allows the sharing of an enormous amount of information and goods.”
― The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate – Discoveries from a Secret World

The Hidden Life of Trees
When you know that trees experience pain and have memories and that tree parents live together with their children, then you can no longer just chop them down and disrupt their lives with larger machines.” ― Peter Wohlleben, The Hidden Life of… Share on X
The Hidden Life of Trees is a book that you must get your hands on. I was gifted this unique book by my friend Suhana last year, and I in turn gifted it to my 22 year-old on her birthday, and recently a dear blogger friend. This marvellous book explores how scientific research reveals the extraordinary world of forests and how trees communicate with and care for each other.
The book illustrates how trees are like human families: tree parents live together with their children, communicate with them, support them as they grow, share nutrients with those sick or struggling, and even warn each other of any impending danger.
(this is a tiny excerpt shared from the book)
I am yet to read the Hidden Life of Trees, I must admit. I will, I know in good time, as I am as fascinated by trees as as much as I am with other flora and fauna. And sometimes I feel I am a tree; one who wishes to scatter the goodness far and wide.
The Coming Months
Have a wonderful, safe rest of the week dear friends in blogosphere.
I wish you good times ahead as the festive season approaches.
As we approach the last quarter of this year, I intend to make #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom an alternate week linky party. I’m sure all of you will have plans for the upcoming festive season. Plans to make it special. We all have had a rough year and we so deserve some happier times ahead.
I have some plans too, apart from the festivities and hope to see it through during this time while #WW becomes an alternate week link up.
But who knows if I miss the weekly blog hop too much I may just return in November. But for now Que sera sera! <3
Love, light, laughter and goodness.
Sometimes I feel I am a tree; one who wishes to scatter the goodness far and wide. Share on X
#WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom
Here’s how you can join:
- Post a picture or pictures on your blog. It could be from life’s wondrous or wicked moments. Plug in the lessons (#WednesdayWisdom) and humour too. Share your wanderlust moments, or simple random shots from your day that caught your fancy, or not.
- Make your post as wordless or wordy as you wish to. Well, we are guessing now you know why we are called “not-so-wordless Wednesday” too!
- Do add the new badge to your post and a backlink to my post.
- Have a good time reading, commenting and sharing the posts linked here. Connect with a fascinating bunch of bloggers from across the globe.
Get ready to be deliciously framed!

#WordlessWednesday is a blog hop started by Esha and yours truly. on March 2018.
I am now taking the baton forward from August 2020.
Linking up with a bunch of fantastic peeps from the blogosphere who host Wordless Wednesday :
Betty, Steve, Sue NC, Zina, Xmas Dolly and Cathy.
Also linking with optimistic Trent’s Weekly Smiles and lovely Tree Lady, Parul’s #ThursdayTreeLove
39 thoughts on “The Hidden Life of Trees: #WordlessWednesday #WednesdayWisdom”
फोटो काफी खूबसूरत है.. काफी अच्छी रचना लिखी है आपने.. पढ़के अच्छा लगा.. धन्यवाद..
anicow recently posted…11 Best 3D Printing Companies – यहाँ होता है 3D printing का काम
Aap aye aur apney vichaar humarey saath baatey, humey yeh accha laga.
Bahut bahut shukriya aapko.
I love those patterns and how unique they look. So good you spotted and captured these, Natasha! Thanks for linking up. This one brought a smile.
I COMPLETELY forgot that #WW is now an every-other-week thing. I’ll just share today’s post next Wednesday.
Where are you, dear Natasha? I hope everything is fine.
I hug you. All the best!
Dearest Diana,
Very much around. Was on a break, but now back. #WW will be an alternate week link up now onwards for sometime.
Thanks for your lovely warm hug. I experienced it through ether.
Back at you <3 #WW will be back tomorrow evening IST.
Love <3
Thank you, dear Natasha!

I’m very glad to know you’re very ok, not ok.
I hug you dearly!
(I’ll be there at WW without a list)
Diana recently posted…Nu-ți vând o vânătă
The trees are so interesting. I often think they get overlooked when people hike through the woods. People are so often looking for birds, or animals, but the trees can be amazing as well. And that flower! WOW!
I would love to read that book about trees. I enjoy nature and I love to know about scientific research on trees. Thanks for the good book suggestion.
Trees are truly amazing things to see and watch. I looked online and I think your tree is Chorisia speciosa.
I am glad you joined us at ‘My Corner of the World’ this week!!
betty – NZ recently posted…My Corner of the World
I’ve never seen anything like the “bearded man” tree. Beautiful and unusual!
Love the photos it’s amazing how different trees look close up
Have a trunktastic safe week Natasha
stevebethere recently posted…WW On A Tuesday – Watching My Diet
Beautiful captures, Natasha. And, a lovely post as always!
I’m not much into identifying plants by the trunk/bark but this one with the thorns seems like Ceiba pentandra/Kapok/Silk Cotton tree.
I’ve always believed and known to some extent that plants are as much ‘alive’ as the animals. The book sounds interesting … something i’m sure i’ll pick up. Thanks for sharing, Natasha.
Have a fabulous #WW and a wonderful festive season. Cheers
Those pics are amazing! I love every single one. Awesome post.
Chandra Lynn recently posted…There Is Joy…
Hi Natasha
I’d like to invite you to try our question memes. Our newest is Monday Madness (http://mmwithjudd.blogspot.com) We also host Saturday 9 (http://samanthasaturday9.blogspot.com)
& Sunday Stealing (http://sundaystealing.blogspot.com). Great job here today!
Love the tree captures, Natasha! How amazing!
I’m thinking of the movie Avatar, of how the forest is alive and all nurtured by the Mother Tree
Sending you love and happy vibes!
Veronica Lee recently posted…How to order Kopi 101
Some very interesting trees. Some of my favorite trees can be seen in today’s photo: birches. They are famous for their energy and healing properties. But first of all they are beautiful.
Have a fine day!
Zina recently posted…JURNAL (7/2020) Efectele caniculei, Netflix și un film bun
Amazing trees! You have captured their ‘hidden’ beauty so well! Hidden because one usually tends to admire the flowers forgetting that the trunk, bark, leaves, roots are equally stunning. I have the book by Peter Wohlleben and its a must have for every tree lover .. Great post as always and hope to catch up with you on alternate weeks!
Archana recently posted…Circles and Lines ( Wordless Wednesday)
Nature is so amazing. So precious too. Pink is my favorite color of all.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Natasha. ♥
I read something about how forests “work”. It’s amazing!
Happy autumn!
Some people have no compassion for trees, but neither for humans compassion.
The tree with those green lines is very interesting. I also like the one with the “beard”.
Happy WW, dear Natasha!
Always love your posts, Natasha. Everything in nature is alive and it hurts to see them suffer from what some people do to them sometimes. That is a very special tree you found, it’s very well shaped, don’t you agree
It seems that the green veins running through the tree trunk to show us it’s alive and protecting itself by its thorns. The other tree looks funny and spooky in a way
Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday and Week ahead ♥
Little Binky and Granny recently posted…A Relaxed Wordless Wednesday
Ah! Naturally the frangipani flower caught my eye. What a delightful colour.
The Hidden Life of Trees sounds like a fascinating book. And that’s such a beautiful quote you’ve shared. We should all be like the trees!
I’d have loved to join in but you must have noticed my absence in the blogosphere. I have allowed my domain and bloghosting service to lapse hence my Mumbaionahigh URL ow points to a PORN SITE,
Needless to say, I am horrified beyond belief and kept to myself for a while.
I am now re-launching my blog on another URL, perhaps even under another name.
I love trees and do feel that they do have lots to tell …. enjoy your holiday break.
Indeed yes, missed reading your posts! All the best with the blog relaunch!
Archana recently posted…Circles and Lines ( Wordless Wednesday)
Beautiful clicks, Natasha. We are blessed to live in a world surrounded by so many trees and plants, aren’t we? <3
Vinitha recently posted…Fiction Monday – 12
Extraordinary images with the trees. The idea of their networking is so special and real.
Their energy is amazing. Thank you for these ideas and images, dear Natasha.
Happy WW and fine days! Love and light! <3
Pictures and words in perfect harmony. I’ve always felt there’s more to trees than just what you see.
Lovely post, Natasha! And the tree pictures were amazing! I loved the captions you gave to each one of them.
Trees symbolize the life force and wisdom to me! I’ve always felt connected to them for no apparent reason and I now realise how much I feel drawn to them, no matter how different the geographical denizens be.
That book is a must-read, Natasha. I loved it and learned so much from it. Thanks for sharing it here.
Good luck with the new blog hop, dear Natasha!
Much love and tons of happy vibes,
Esha recently posted…Time | #FictionMonday
Wow, such a beautiful saying and beautiful pics. All so very lovely and timely. Very nice. Thanks for hosting and thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful week.
Patrick Weseman recently posted…Music Monday: Songs I haven’t heard in a minute