Celebrating Thay – Thich Nhat Hanh: #WhatDoYouSee
What Did He See? – Celebrating Thay (Written as part of Sadje’s What Do You See? picture prompt.)
What Did He See? – Celebrating Thay (Written as part of Sadje’s What Do You See? picture prompt.)
“Be still like a mountain and flow like a great river.” – Lao Tzu Balance (noun) – “Stability found at the centre of acceptance.”
“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.” – Andrew Sullivan
“When a woman decides to cut off all her hair, she discovers something underneath that is liberating. It can be therapeutic because you let go of the idea that you need these superficial extras to feel beautiful.” – Emon Fowler It wasn’t a passing whim or a fleeting fancy I caught on to, when I chose to shave off my head on 11 October, this month.
Sabr (Arabic: صَبْرٌ, Perseverance or Persistence) These Bitter gourds (called karela in Hindi) were harvested on Monday morning. The planet continues to reels from the aftermath of the ongoing pandemic. While natures shows us how to constantly endure and bear the fruits of patience. The 12 year-old called these bitter gourds, Mango Karelas as they are actually shaped like raw mangoes. Ha! Ha! This little creeper endured a few storms, and now providing us its fruits of sabr/perseverance. Bitter,…
Taking a break from blogosphere. But #WordlessWednesday will continue to go live 2nd and 4th Wednesday.
A spring morning spent reviving memories and making memories by a Bottle Brush tree.
“Now this is the Law of the Jungle — as old and as true as the sky; And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the Wolf that shall break it must die. ― Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book
“I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality.” Frida Kahlo Women’s Day Every Day, yes!